Let the Lord Delight in You

“No,  the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Psalms 147:11

Blessed memory and thank you Billy Canon I love this metal print.

Goodness it’s been a great day.  It’s like Christmas… only better.  I love to hear from people and share life with them and just be with them.  I am beyond humbled and thankful for every person who who has called, emailed, responded to these blogs, texted, come to visit, sent cards, unexpected gifts…. Listen – HOW DO I KNOW THE LORD HAS ME?  Because I am surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses cheering me on and encouraging me to battle hard.  Blessed….blessed….blessed. And I smile 🙂

Day 8 on my treatment.  Finished a whole week!  Yeah.  I have been blessed with a great team that cares for me and loves me and takes care of my for my 18 1/2 minute adventure everyday.  By the end of this, it will feel like visiting family…honestly already does.  They blessed me today to tell me that another patient listened to my CD during her treatment.  Love that.  Pray that they have the exact wisdom to zap these tumors away!


I need to brag a little bit.  I know I have mentioned a lot of people on here… mostly new people.  But, my hubby has been the best through all of this.  He has been my physical rock and has allowed me to just soak in the Word and Be.  He has taken care of every detail for me, prayed with me and over me and has been everything I have needed.  When we talk about, “for better or worse – sickness and in health…” we’ve lived a pretty easy life up to this point.  Nothing to really talk about or be surprised by.  Then this.  He was the one who had to call 9-1-1, really it was 9-1-0 and he couldn’t figure out what was going on… but made sure that I was ok until the ambulance got me.  He hasn’t slept great, he’s been on the phone with doctors around the country and has researched beyond what I know.  He only shares what he thinks I need to know and has just been ALL I ever needed from my husband.  Scott I am beyond thankful for you and I am thankful that you trust in Jesus as much as I do.  You know He has a plan and you have allowed Him to teach you and strengthen you through this.  Our kids are watching you and seeing Jesus.  I love you more and more each day of this journey.  Feel so blessed. Continue to pray that he has everything he needs and is strengthened each and every day.


After treatment today, I came home and was blessed by a couple of young ladies.  I have never met these girls but, goodness if they don’t blow me away.  I opened up a couple of cards from them.  Hayley Holtz and Elizabeth Palmer.  Elizabeth was a Bryant graduate I have never met but they are spending their summer at KALEO camp in Orlando Florida.  They sent me cards saying they were praying for me and they ministered to my heart today through their words.  Hayley was a soccer player…so bam instant connection there and they love Jesus – so even a better!  Girls if you are reading this…thank you.  Keep praying and keep ministering at that camp!  Would give you a hug if I could.  I cheated and looked up Elizabeth’s pic. 🙂 . Her mom has been so sweet to me as well making sure I get veggies to juice which has been so awesome and a super blessing as well.  God’s people are amazing! Pray that God uses them just how he has designed this summer and that their faith grows with each moment!  Praying great things for them.

Elizabeth Palmer
New Sister in Christ I didn’t know I had!

I had a special text this morning from a special girl and her mom.  Caroline Campbell and her mom Heidi came by to bless me with a special visit.  They were sort of the ones to rope me into thinking about helping at Bryant High School and then obviously the next step was me getting the coaching job and all that’s come with it.  Caroline plays at the University of Arkansas and is a super smart funny future chemical engineer.  Love them so much.  I wasn’t thinking when they left so I made them take a selfie as they headed back up to Fayetteville, ha!  I would ask you to pray for Caroline’s dad who has battled headaches….not just normal ones… severe debilitating…  I am asking for relief for him now…it’s been too long a battle and they need relief.  Thank you


“Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.” 1 John 2:6

As I was studying today, I was really blown away and focused to the fact that we are people who have a hard time getting rid of what hinders us, sin and moving forward free.  I’ve thought about that a lot lately and mentioned it a bit yesterday and some of the writings….but was really hit by it today.  Am I truly walking with Jesus, in Jesus…. all in with Him or am I holding on to things that will pull me away and eventually bring me down?

In 2 Kings 15:3-4 it says, “He did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight, just as his father, Amaziah, had done.  BUT he did not destroy the pagan shrines, and the people still offered sacrifices and burned incense there.”  So this is talking about King Uzziah who rules over Judah.  He was only 16 years when he became king.  His heart was focused on pleasing the Lord and wanted to follow after Him, BUT.  There’s that word, BUT.  He was in, BUT not ALL in.  As king he would’ve had every right to tear down those shrines and tell the people, nope not going to use those things.  BUT instead he allowed sin to creep at the door and wait to pounce.  And here’s what happens next.

His son, Jotham became king.  2 Kings 15:34-35 “Jotham did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight.  He did everything his father, Uzziah, had done.  BUT he did not destroy the pagan shrines, and the people still offered sacrifices and burned incense there.  He rebuilt the upper gate of the temple of the Lord.”  So here we are second generation still not ALL in.

After this his son Ahaz begins to rule and after two generations of allowing sin to a part of life we see a dramatic change in the heart of the new king.  “He did not do what was pleasing in the sight of the Lord his God, as his ancestor David had done.  INSTEAD, he followed the example of the kings of Israel, even sacrificing his own son in the fire.  In this way, he followed the detestable practices of the pagan nations the Lord had driven from the land ahead of the Israelites.”  2 Kings 16:2-3

So why did this hit me today?  How often do I claim to love the Lord…my life evens shows it…but I am allowing sin to stick around because “it’s not that bad??” It could be worse.  What’s the big deal?  I go to church on Sunday, listen to Jesus music and I’m a nice person.  And yet I allow gossip, selfishness, love of things and other things going on in our lives… that we shrug off as not a big deal.  That’s what these kings were doing.  They knew these shrines existed…they knew sin was in the camp and they just allowed it because – I love God and what’s the big deal if I have these little things around.  Obviously, three generations later it cost the great grandson his life.  When we choose to step forward and follow Christ we really have to be ALL in and ready to get rid of anything that may hinder us or cause us to stumble.  It’s serious.

As I continued reading in Acts, I thought wow, completely different thing going on here:

Acts 19:18-20  (NIV)

18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. 19 A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas.[a] 20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. 

When you look at other versions it says we are talking about 3 million dollars was the value of the scrolls.  Theses people were so committed and confessed their sins that they were willing to give up A LOT.  Their actions caused the Word of the Lord to spread and it spread with power.  These believers could’ve done what the Kings had done.  I believe sure I do, but going to just put these scrolls over here..or better yet I could sell them and make some money!  No they were so committed to the Lord they chose to burn them.  The line in the sand meant something to them.  They stepped across and left everything else behind.

I have to admit, I’ve been those Kings.  I have allowed things to exist in my life because it didn’t seem TOO bad.  Yet those ugly things always reared their head later and burned me and brought me away from the Lord.

The Lord has brought me on this journey in my life.  He has challenged me, prepared me and is now asking me are you willing to give up everything for me?  Will you tear down everything and burn anything that would pull you away from me?  I thought I said yes before…but I am so thankful that the Lord is showing me that I haven’t been honest with Him and through this journey he’s given me, I’m ready.  I want the Lord to completely DELIGHT in me as the verse at the beginning said.  What an honor to give the Lord this gift.  Can you imagine the Lord giddy and just smiling because we are all in?

“No,  the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Psalms 147:11

If you are struggling to lay down everything…ask Him to reveal what is holding you back and commit to lay it down and walk away.  Be set free and watch the Lord’s DELIGHT blow you away!

So many blessings to all of you!  Somethings to pray about:

  • A great and blessed weekend with my sister and family
  • Pray that I get good rest – I’m feeling good but want to stay a head of things lol
  • Continue to pray that the chemo medicine and everything flushes out of my body
  • Good family time with the kids and Scott this weekend as well

Asking to Live the Unexplainable


So 7 treatments down today.  Yeah!  I have been dealing with the chalky taste in my mouth and have been sucking on lemon drops – which are just so good – Thanks Wendy Cavaneau!  Yesterday I decided I was going to suck and chew on one really quickly before going into treatment and so I’m quickly biting it so I can lay on the table and get under the mask.  Well apparently I left a tiny part in my mouth… didn’t know it and so I was having to swallow more during the treatment than I probably wanted to.  So today I wised up and just said “chalky taste you got your 40 seconds with me today…not going to battle with a lemon drop.”

Treatment went well the last two days.  I have taken the last spot before lunch so I do my best to get in lay down and get out so everyone gets their full lunch break – ha!  Seriously great people in there.  They turn my music up as loud as I want and do what they do with the lazers. Also got blood drawn afterwards.

There is a sweet soul that usually in there right before me or after depending on when he gets there.  His name is Gene and he is such a sweet joy to see every day.  His wife Gloria is such a sweet light as well.  He is nearing the end of his radiation treatment so we won’t be passing each other in the halls everyday like we do now in a couple weeks.  I am thankful for their sweet smiles and their love for Jesus.  Pray that the clean scans they are seeing for him remain that way going forward – Praise the Lord and pray his nauseausness doesn’t bother him.  There are so many wonderful people you get to meet and hear their stories and then pray for.  Sorry the one is sideways…. 🙂

Yesterday was super busy for us.  It was my Mother In Law’s birthday.  Ann has lived at our house almost everyday since my surgery.  She has been such a blessing to us, driving us around and helping aroud the house.  And as life goes… she spent her 70th bday with us being….busy.   We were able to watch the HOGS baseball team and eat cake.  We are very thankful for her willingness to be here for us during this journey.

Happy 70th Bday Ann!

Kids had plans and had the opportuntity to get together with their mission team and the other two teams Wednesday and share about their experiences at the different locations.  The kids had such a great time on their trip and I am thankful for every memory and moment that they will cherish forever.  Thankful to the adults who invested in them.

Denver Trip
Abbey with her group as she meets and ministers to Denver residents.


I got a special visit yesterday from a special friend of mine Sarah and her daughter Mollie.  Love sharing time with her and just sharing our experiences, hope and joy in the Lord.  Don’t get to see her too often anymore since she moved but, that is the beautiful thing about friendships that have their foundation in the Lord.  It’s like you never left each other and you just dig deeper together.

Sweet Henry Family

“But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God.”

Psalm 146:5

So, so thankful that the God of the universe sees me and knows what I need each and everyday.  He sends me his peace, comfort and messages that remind me “I see you, I love you, I’ve got this and I’m using it.  Trust me completely.”  The Lord really spoke to me this morning as I was coloring my little picture to hang-up by my mirror.  I apologize if you already saw it … but as I was reading through 2 Kings and Acts the Truth in this very familiar passage just really hit me:


How much do I really trust the Lord in my situations and circumstances.  If I don’t go ALL in then I’m really telling the Lord that I don’t think He can or will do what needs to be done.  So how do we really learn to trust like that?  We DECIDE to depend and then we bring our honest hearts to the Lord and ask Him to build this kind of faith in our lives.  Then when we have moments to act – which will come – we get honest with the Lord and say, “I’m stepping forward and I’m trusting you.  I know that you got this and me.”  And I’ve seen Him do it too many times in my life…And now I’ve seen him ramp it up to a level that I am just like Elisha and Paul watching the unbelievable.

I shared a bit about Elisha’s life and today I was a bit sad… he died.  But, before his death he minisered to King Jehoash of Israel and challenged him to get some bows and arrows and put his hands on the King’s hands and assisted and challenged him to shoot an arrow through the window.  He said in 2 Kings 13:17 “This is the Lord’s arrow, an arrow of victory over Aram, for you will completely conquer the Arameans at Aphek.” Elisha was sick…. he probably knew his life was coming to a close, yet he took the time to minister to and encourage a king, because he knew a nation was at stake.  He had complete trust in the Lord no matter what it meant for him.  Wow…. to live for others ready to pour yourself out completely.  Now that’s faith lived out in complete trust.

So really quickly here.  I read something i don’t ever remember reading before in reading 2 Kings 13:21.  There was a group of Israelites who were burying a man and they spied some raiders and instead of burying the man they through his body into the grave to chase after these guys.

2 Kings 13:21 ” But as soon as the body touched Elisha’s bones, the dead man revided and jumped to his feet.”  Ok people that’s pretty cool… I love this picture. Elisha was so full of God while living that the Lord allowed his body to miraculously revive a dead person.  Can’t explain it … but it is this kind of stuff that we should be expecting and asking God to see!

As I read Acts 19:11-12 today again, just blown away again in the same day…

“God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracles.  When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were place on sick people, they were healed of their diseases and evil spirits were expelled.”

God allowed and used Paul to perform miracles we can’t even imagine.

God did big things through Elisha and Paul… but, do we even expect Him to use us at all? Do we wander through life just hoping to feel good every once in a while and we miss the wonder and power that God has given us that we are not trusting him and asking him to use in us?  Most of us have chosen a happy faith and we don’t even consider the fact that we are called to be warriors and we have been given the arrows to be victorious in every situation.  I am bolder in my prayers these days.  Bolder in my expectations.  Bolder in my praise. Bolder in my ALL IN TRUST.   And I wouldn’t trade a moment of this battle and journey, because I have seen “bones come to life and handkerchiefs and aprons heal…”  Join me and BE BOLD and watch your Life be transformed.

I was blessed to get some sweet flowers from my sweet sister in the Lord Jennifer Offutt. She has been so encouraging to me and just lovely.  As I took pictures of the flowers she sent from one day to the next… I watched those tulips open up.  And I thought what a great picture of what I want my life to be.  The sun encourages these petals to open and to show their beauty and show who they were made to be.  It is the Son that opens us to the opportunity to display our beauty and purpose to others and they experience great joy because of what He does in our lives – lean in and TRUST.


I forgot to include in my last blog how you can continue to pray…and I need the prayers:

  • Continue to pray that the 11:30 treatments are right where they need to be and the 7 shots are effective 
  • Pray that my energy stays good… I feel blessed to feel pretty good.  
  • The chalky taste and I have just decided to exist together unless the Lord has plans to take it away.  So just pray that I will continue to use that time to thank the Lord
  • I want to really make sure my body is flushing out all of these toxins so just pray that the Lord does this 
  • My sister and her family will be here this weekend, so praying that we have a blessed time no issues (she’s pregnant with twin girls -eek!)
  • Prayers as we finalize the tshirts I designed and bracelets – so excited!  Continue to pray that if I can encourage anyone at anytime that my eyes are open and I lean in and trust.

Blessings, prayers and HOPE to my WARRIOR Friends!

Praises from the Deepest Dungeons


“Then I pray to you, O Lord.  I say, “You are my place of refuge.  You are all I really want in life.”  Psalms 142:5

This sweet vase of flowers and note come from one of my biggest warriors.  Lauren Grace Perry has battled with me and for me on and off the field, and I just love her.  Her dad is a great flower gardener…didn’t know this.  But, her mom and LG brought me this sweet vase with dinner last night.  Blessed.  Blessed.

Ya’ll…. I cannot believe all that has gone on the last couple of days!  Every day I am blown away!  So I have completed 5 days of treatment… and I thankful because I am relaxed and just spending my time under that mask in prayer.  Listen, I am blessed and thankful to pray over every request that I have written down while the Lord does what he does for me.  It has been such a peaceful time for me…. well it was peaceful for about 16 minutes today.  Had a bit of a stressful moment, I thought.


So, I have been blessed with so many Biblical Truths and reminders on these bracelets that I wear all the time.  So obviously they have told me to make sure I take every metal piece off before treatment.  So it’s become just a habit as I get called back and have 5 minutes before I begin to take everything off.  I get to the back and I am about to lay on the stretcher/table thing and the lady tells me that I have my dolphin earring still in.  I’ve decided to wear my old dolphin earring as a reminder to me of all the girls I coach and what the “Dolphin” name, legacy, motto ect is about and to just really keep these girls at the center of my prayers and push through forward.  Oh good…here take the earring I forgot about that, I told the tech.

I get strapped in and begin to pray and listen to my worship music, just good.  A couple of minutes later I realized that my right hand was touching something on my left hand…my wedding band!  Now obviously that’s metal and I’m strapped under this thing – can’t say much and I know they are getting close to start zapping.  So I use my index finger and start doing a circle movement.  Course my friend told me that probably looks like, “go ahead and get this thing going, I”m ready.”  Well, no one responded to this and next thing I know the zapping starts.  I have to admit my heart probably started to race a bit and my prayers were a bit selfish at that moment.  I was thinking, “Lord is my finger going to start to burn…could it fall off?  Is my head going to get zapped wrong….”  (if you are laughing it’s ok…) . It was a little unnerving for 40 seconds.  I have learned that they come in and move me around after every zap so I was trying to pull my ring off of my of course swollen finger.  With the mask on, my articulation is about zero, but I got the tech’s attention and handed her my ring.  Praise the Lord, she told me that it was ok as long as it wasn’t around my head/neck.  Geez….. memories and learning experiences…

When we finished Nikki and I left and decided we would go to a sale and grab just a quick little something for lunch.  In and Out and that’s it.  Well an hour later we were introduced to a whole new place and enjoying aloe shot samples, smoothie samples and tea samples.  Seriously laughed so hard while we were in there and we kept asking about the ingredients and everything.  I had to ask Nikki if she was ok to drive after all of our “Aloe shots”.  Great memories and here I am 4 hours later….I’m not hungry and I feel great!  May have found a new place to grab a quick bite.  Very fun, we will be going back.

“Bring me out of prison so I can thank you.  The godly will crowd around me, for you are good to me.”

Psalm 142:7

In my time with the Lord yesterday…. yep He blew me away again.  We are naturally resistant to hard times.  We don’t like to struggle and honestly we just like to “live” life.  That’s me.  I have to admit I have been praying for some specific things lately and I have asked God to do whatever he needs to do in these situations for certain people to know him in a greater way.  Yesterday as I brushed my teeth, the thought came to me that perhaps this was my answer to prayer.  Can God use even what seems terrible, unbearable, unbelievable to draw others to himself?  I have seen Him do it and I believe He can.

I was reading about Paul and Silas in Acts 16.  Paul had done something wonderful for a young girl, he called out a demon from a girl and the town was in an uproar because they were hoping that this girl would bring them great wealth.  Paul and Silas were thrown into prison after they were stripped and beaten.  The jailer was told that they needed to ensure that they didn’t escape, so they were locked deep in the jail.

I have to admit, it would be easy at this moment, as Paul and Silas to be filled with despair and to feel hopeless.  Here they are doing something good – helping a girl – and then they are beaten and thrown in prison.  Seems unfair… But that’s not how God works!  He never wastes difficulties or struggles, HE USES them to bring glory to himself and to strengthen His people.

Acts 16:25-28

25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. 27 The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped. 28 But Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!”

What was the response by Paul and Silas?  Were they complaining, worrying or wondering what was next?  No they were focused on the Lord and completely committed to worship.  How different would my life be…would your life be, if in the middle of hardship and difficulty we were completely focused on worshipping?  Paul and Silas had the opportunity to draw others into their worship and witness during a difficult time.  And then Paul in the middle of the unexplained earthquake, is worried about and ministers to the jailer – the one who was in charge of his hardship.  Oh, if we could take our eyes off of ourselves to see others around us as they suffer or mistreat us and minister to them.  How different would our world look?  

He goes on to write…

29 The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas.30 He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house. 33 At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized. 34 The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole household.

 I love this!  The jailer knew that his life had been spared and he knew that there was something going on in this place.  He was bold enough to ask the tough question and then listen to a beaten up prisoner.  Paul spoke with complete Truth and confidence and told the man what was missing in his life.  And then this jailer’s life changed.  I underlined how we know.  My favorite part is that HE WAS FILLED WITH JOY!  Listen when JESUS is real in your life and you recognize your need and dependence on Him, He fills you with complete JOY that cannot be explained.  Paul, Silas, the Jailer and his family were filled with Joy in dark and hard circumstances.  

My answer to people to how I am doing right now… I feel, filled with JOY and HOPE.  I am 100% confident that the Lord has brought me to this and will bring me through this… SO THAT others can see His Hands working and realize that He is who He says He is.  I may be in prison right now….but I am singing and praying and just in awe of what I have seen God already do.

I am happy to pray for you…. to talk to you… to minister to you if you will allow me the opportunity.  You are a BIG part of this journey for me and I am blessed… blessed to BE a HOPE WARRIOR each and every day!

This was from my quiet time this morning and I just to meditate on the attributes of God – How can we not stop and just praise him – even in our deep dungeons?!


Opened Eyes – BAM



“After you have suffered for a little while,

the God of all grace,

who called you to His eternal glory in Christ,

will Himself perfect, confirm,

strengthen and establish you.”

1 Peter 5:10

It’s been a very quiet and restful last few days.  I did my third treatment on Friday and had a little audience in the treatment room watching me get zapped.  I have learned to walk in there and know I have angels walking with me and Jesus and they are making sure that the tech is putting the radiation right where it needs to go and insuring that the tumors are getting knocked down with each pass.  Scott said the treatment was 17-18 minutes so not bad.  Definitely thankful it’s not longer.  Realize I can open my eyes and shut them again so at least I know that now.  It’s been a blessing to sit and meet new people each time who are coming in or going out for treatment and it’s all different.  Cancer doesn’t have a favorite spot to invade, a favorite type of person and it doesn’t look to try and work into a non busy life.  Every person in there is struggling and it’s amazing to me how different the treatment is for every person.  I imagine the years and years of study and research that goes into trying to determine how to best treat each case.

One of my favorite people…Coach Lowery, he has helped with the Bryant High School Soccer girl’s team for many years and when I took over the job last year, he graciously agreed to stick around and be my voice of wisdom and “I’ve been here before but, I’m 100% into whatever you want to do….” guy.  Love him and his dear family.  But, I’ve been thinking about how important what he does for his job is for someone like me.  He’s technically a Vet – but he works at the med center here and does research on animals for medical purposes.  I’m not smart enough to understand it all and honestly never asked too many questions (although coach now I have a ton…), I’ve thought about everything that people have done to this point to be able to know my best treatment options.  We live in amazing times.  I am thankful for people who have made it their life mission to do the research and try to figure out the difficult.  If that’s you…..THANK YOU!  Please also pray for Coach Lowery’s daughter Allison who is also undergoing cancer treatment right now.  Pray for success and complete healing for her.  She’s on my prayer list….

Friday night the Funk family came over to watch the Hog game with us.  If you don’t know the Funks…. you are missing out.  I’ve shown some pics of Nikki and talked about her a ton…but she is my life manager.  Goodness she’s a blessing.  Anyway, they came over to watch the Hog baseball game and she had a great idea to have Nathan make rings to form a chain as a countdown for my treatment.  I gave Nathan a book on the characteristics of God and just some Bible passages I’ve been focused in on and he used those to write something on each of the chains.  So now I have 28 chains hanging above my fireplace that I get to cut off for each of my radiation treatments.  I’m excited to get to focus on the verse or attribute of God for that treatment.  Thanks Nathan and Nikki!


Garrett, Abbey and Ashton got back from their mission trip to Denver last night.  It was so good to get to hug them and just hear all the Lord taught them this week.  They grew in their confidence and I could really sense a growth in depth and understanding of their own faith journey, which as parents we want.  We want our kids to choose to follow Christ, because it’s what they desire and to be all in no matter what comes their way.  I am thankful for Geyer Springs for leading and discipling my kids to battle each day and become loving warriors to the world around them.  Would not want anything else.  


So what about my Blog Title today………

I have one of those read through the Bible in a year – Bibles, and the last couple days I have been blown away in 2 Kings.   I’ve read the stories of Elisha before, but I have just been blown away by miracle after miracle that Elisha experienced over and over again.  They have all been different but provided so much for me in this journey and walk that I am going through right now.  God can do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.  Elisha followed after a pretty famous prophet….Elijah.  I have been blown away reading each miracle and how God provided every need for every situation, whether battle, healing, death, food, armies or whatever!   God isn’t a one miracle kind of God… He is an EVERY miracle kind of God.  Wow!

So, one of my favorite miracles I read about happened when the king of Aram was angry with Elisha and Israel because Israel knew what the king of Aram was planning to do in battle before he did it.  His officers knew that Elisha was the one giving Israel information because the Lord was speaking to him.  The king of Aram decided he would seize Elisha so he could have success battling Israel and obviously Elisha was the one helping Israel stay a step a head.  So the king of Aram sent his troops and this happened to Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings chapter 6…

15 When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. “Oh, sir, what will we do now?” the young man cried to Elisha.

16 Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!” 17 Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.

From there the other army was blinded and led out of town and the Aramean army left the land of Israel after the experience.  Israel had the victory.

Have you ever been gripped by complete fear?  Have you ever been sure that the army/battle  you see in front of you is too big and great and there’s no way that victory is possible?  I have seen God do some amazing things in my life that I can’t explain.  But, I have to admit, I am now asking God to open my eyes and I want to see his chariots of fire that are battling for me.  Goodness when the Lord reveals his angels who are standing beside me and battling for me I am going to be in such awe I may pass out!  Trust that the Lord is surrounding you with an army to battle everything you are facing and he will provide for you no matter how things may look right now.

A sweet family came over and prayed with me in the first couple of weeks of my diagnosis.  Their sweet son was in my film class and the husband himself has battled cancer and was victorious this year as well.  Crissy McEntire was so sweet to bring me an envelope full of 200 plus Bible Verses that I could hang around my house.  So every day I’ve decided to pull one out and hang it up.  This is what God does people….. I read this passage in 2 Kings and journaled about what I saw with the chariots and the amazing things of God this morning and then I got dressed and went to pull out my “random” verse from Crissy.  Here is the card I pulled out:


Hello…..does God see me and know what I need when I need it?  I praise God for his faithfulness to me as we battle forward.  I’m pressing forward and lifting my eyes to see the chariots battling for me and for each of you!

Here are some ways you can be praying for me:

  • I want my eyes to be opened to everything/person/place/situation that the Lord lays before me.  I don’t want to miss a moment of what he wants me to see.
  • For my heart/mind/body to be patient with this chalky taste.  I’m just trusting the Lord to either take it away or allow me to push through it.
  • Pray that I have a warrior attitude all week with treatment and that when we meet with the doctors we are focused on the right questions to ask.  
  • Pray that I continue to have good energy and continue to feel good

Thanks everyone for your continued prayers, notes and hugs.  I am thankful for each of you.  Please continue to send me your prayer requests.  Battling in prayer for you is a blessing for me.


His Blessing Promised on My Head


My sweet neighbor got me these precious Bible Truth cards and this one I pulled out this morning had me crying.  Who Am I that The God of the universe wants to remind me that HE IS IN CONTROL AND I NEED NOT FEAR.  He made my flesh and holds it together…is anything too hard for Him?   I hope if you are struggling… you will read this and remember that NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR HIM!  I need this Truth everyday as I head into the radiation treatment table….

Thank you so much for all of the prayers, text messages and calls just letting me know that you are all praying for me as walk into the mask.  Finished day two and called those angels in with me and was blessed to have the opportunity to listen to some of my favorite worship music songs from one of my sweet soccer players who made me a CD to listen to while getting treatment.

When I got on the table and told them I had a CD to listen to the tech asked if it was top 40, and course he doesn’t know me yet.  But, I told them, no it was worship music made by one of my players.  They asked me how loud I wanted it to be and I said turn it way up.  They told me they may not hear me if I need something so I would have to move my hands to signal them.  What they may or may not realize, I cannot move my mouth or make any noise if I wanted to anyway – but it was good to know they would look for hand gestures lol.  So there I was laying on the table with my warrior t-shirt and my hot pink blanket, from another one of my players hoping the two song maximum was going to be all they would zap me for.  Well, four songs later – 7 zaps we were done.  Each zap lasts about 30-40 seconds.  I try to count sometimes and then I think it almost makes me breathe harder so it’s best for me to just sing the songs in my head and forget the laser show going on above me.

I will have 29 more treatments.  Please pray that with each treatment my heart remains calm and my breathing is steady.  The last thing I want to do is panic because you can’t get out of that thing fast….Pray also that I have the opportunity to encourage the other patients around me and the tech people working.  So many hurting people around me and I want to be the light I have been called to be.

As I was reading in Psalms 139 this morning of course the Lord spoke right to my heart and I wanted to share what he showed me:

1 O Lord, you have examined my heart
    and know everything about me.

(To know that you are known by the God of the Universe….with all the millions of people he sees me and knows me.)

You know when I sit down or stand up.
    You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel
    and when I rest at home.
    You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
    even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
    You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too great for me to understand!

(He knows where I am and where I am going…he knows my doubts, struggles, my deepest desires – nothing is hidden from him. Nothing I do surprises him.  No struggle I go through or where I am right now with cancer surprises him – David says it’s too wonderful for our wee little minds to comprehend)


I can never escape from your Spirit!
    I can never get away from your presence!
If I go up to heaven, you are there;
    if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there.
If I ride the wings of the morning,
    if I dwell by the farthest oceans,

10 even there your hand will guide me,
    and your strength will support me.

(No matter where we try and go and hide or how desperate or hurting we may be, we CANNOT escape the presence of the Lord.  He is there waiting and ready for us to reach out our hand and to desire for him to lead us and guide us in our hardest moments.  He promises his hand to guide us and strength to support us…. we simply need to just ASK.)

These promises in Psalms meant a lot to me this morning especially after reading the card I shared up top……and as I read vs 5 this morning I wept.  I wept because the Lord has promised HIS HAND OF BLESSING ON MY HEAD.  To know that this morning the God of the universe knew that I needed to be reminded that he has my head in his hands and that he has promised to bless me was such a sweet moment of HOPE in the middle of my battle was just what I needed to battle day 2 of treatment.

I have been so blessed by so many people the last few days… my sweet friend Nikki is dropping me off, picking me up…she’s like an Uber/taxi for me.  My sweet friend Elizabeth and her daughters came and found me yesterday getting a Bible engraved a the bookstore so they could bless me and hug me after my first treatment. Please lift up her mom who is also undergoing treatment.  Their family has meant the world to me for along time and I love them all!  I got 5 cards from a family in Tulsa I don’t know – just praying scripture over me.  I’m telling you what…God desires for me to know that He hasn’t left me or abandoned me and he is using his people to just be His hands and feet to me.  Just so blessed.

Please continue to pray:

  • For Complete peace and God’s grace in the treatment
  • That the radiation and chemo is being effective to treat the cancer
  • For my strength and energy to remain high – I have lots i want to get to!
  • I’m having a different sensation in my throat/upper neck – doesn’t hurt, doesn’t last long I really can’t even explain it..but I just want to rest in it when it happens….blood pressure/heart rate is good 
  • Our older three leave tomorrow from their mission trip in Denver  -safe travels home and a God honoring last day there.  They’ve had a blessed time and seen God do some amazing things…so I am thankful
Today's Blessing
Cards from Tulsa Family
Elizabeth Dillard, Me and Nikki Funk

Treatment Decision – Moving Forward

Florida Sunset

“Be Strong and Take Heart, all you who Hope in the Lord.”  Psalms 31:24

Look at this cool picture from my friend Billy Cannon.  If God can hold this little bubble in turbulent waters and allow such a beautiful moment to come out of it, how much more can he do that for you and me?

When I think back over all that has happened in the last week…I think wow, has it only been a week?  It’s hard to believe that it’s been a few weeks since my seizure and diagnosis and pretty much time has gone, sometimes fast, sometimes slow…but it goes on.

In my last couple blogs I explained a bit on some options for treatment for me.  I’ve struggled really finding peace in a way to go.  I’m not great at making decisions by myself, I have always been a firm believer of surrounding myself with people who have the same heart and direction and asking them to council me.  Whether it’s soccer decisions, parenting decisions, decorating, whatever… I’ve always trusted those around me to help me.  This decision has been no different for me.

We have been very blessed with connections to so many doctors, facilities and just wise people to give us their opinions.  The doctors have been gracious to talk to Scott anytime, calling us from their vacation or where they are speaking to help us out.  We have heard from Duke, MD Anderson, AR Baptist and UAMS.  Pretty sure we could be on the phone with people from other places or these places all the time.  But, we knew we needed to make a decision and get going on fighting this battle.

We had pretty much been told by several doctors that I needed to get going on Radiation and Chemo at least 4 weeks after my seizure.  We had considered surgery to remove the tumors and again you have many brilliant minds with differing thoughts on the process.  In the end Scott and I felt like the risk of surgery wasn’t worth it at this point.  So we have decided to begin the chemo/radiation treatment….today.  Geez….TODAY!

I know I posted back about the Mask I have to wear and I am still less than thrilled at the idea of wearing it.  Today I will go and they will do the 30 minute run through (basically to make sure they have everything set with the machine before they zap me with radiation.)   When I am done with that they want to do my first treatment.  So I will be laying there longer than normal.  Please pray for peace for me during this process.  Ask the Lord to give me clarity on the verses he wants me to repeat and to remember them while I’m laying there.  Pray that I can be a light to the technicians and other patients and that this step will begin the process of killing the tumors and little arms trying to infiltrate my brain.

Today I am holding on to the promises and Truths of this passage in Romans.  It is one of my favorites.  Paul was writing reminding us that if we are in Christ than NOTHING  we encounter will be able to defeat us because of what Jesus already accomplished for us on the cross.

Romans 8:31-39

More Than Conquerors

31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

God is greater than any battle we will face.  IF God is for us….which he has promised that he is and has shown up big time by sending Jesus in our place….then no one/nothing CAN be against us and stand.  God desires to bless us and give us ALL THINGS.  I’m not saying God desires to give me millions of dollars, but desires to give me the BEST of ALL THINGS that I need.  He knows what I need more than I could ever know.

33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Jesus himself is praying for me.  I think about Jesus being in the garden with sweats of blood coming down because he knew the cross was just around the corner.  He knew where to go for strength and he spent time alone with his Father throughout his time on earth communing through prayer.  Jesus is praying for me….he is praying for you…he desires for our hearts to be drawn to him in complete dependence and to pour out our hearts to our Father.

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For your sake we face death all day long;
    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[j]

Can Cancer separate us from the LOVE of Christ?  Here’s the deal.  We all face hardship and through those times we allow the devil to speak lies to us.  “God doesn’t love you…. I told you there isn’t a God…who would let this happen…. you won’t beat this…. you aren’t worth anything….” And it goes on.  We need to see, claim and understand that Satan desires to destroy us and the message of the hope of the gospel however he can.  He will use our difficulties to try and refocus us off of what is True.  Don’t let him.


37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k]neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We are promised to conqueror every situation we face because he loves us.  It’s nothing we can do.  We cannot earn the right to be a better conqueror because of what we have done.  His promise in ALL THESE things is based off of who HE is and the love he showed us through Jesus death for us.  There is nothing – in my case, not even cancer -that can separate me from God’s love.  He has promised to fight this battle for me, to sustain me and in the end I will conqueror it because of who he is.  I could throw a party after I read this passage!  

So as I move forward through this 6 first week journey of Chemo/radiation please pray these things for me:

  • Peace as I lay on the machine and complete focus on the Lord
  • Peace as my M-F days will be going to get the radiation and remembering to take medicine 
  • Good health and energy during my treatment
  • For God to continue to give me opportunities to encourage my family, soccer players and anyone else the Lord brings into my path – may I never listen to the lies of the devil and may I continue to claim his Truth to matter what.


Seriously so thankful and humbled by all of you.  Please feel free to send me your prayer requests.  I have so many journals going right now for different things, but I want to be faithful to pray for you as you struggle or battle.  I like to spend as little time thinking about myself and praying for others has been such a blessing to me already.

family picture
Continue to pray for the kids and Scott as we battle forward

His Faithful Love Endures Forever

I know it’s been a couple of days since I wrote anything and honestly not ignoring this opportunity, I have just been loved on by so many, so well that face to face relationships have taken priority to me sitting down to write.  I also have been in a holding pattern it seems on what to do next.  Let me tell you first about the blessings that have occurred in my life the last couple of days which has just brought distraction and just joy to me.

I have to admit the days sort of run together and without a “set” schedule the days run together and I am going from one thing to the next.  I look forward to the daily visits from different people who have been able to pour into me encouragement, prayer, laughs and just normalcy.

Saturday morning we said goodbye to our older three who headed to Colorado on a mission trip.  They were excited about the opportunity to go and never once vocalized whether they should go or not.  For that I am thankful.  They trust in the One that I trust in and they are living that out by continuing to press on and forward in what they have been called to go and do.  Please pray for them while they are gone.  Pray that they grow and learn to trust the Lord in a whole new way.  Pray for me while they are gone.  I’ve never cried when my kids have left for trips…. but I did this time.  I don’t even know why.  I am thankful for the phones….they send me all kinds of pics so I can see them doing what they are doing and that makes me smile.  So our house will be a bit quieter this week.  

Saturday I had the awesome privilege to represent my school, players and other coaches at the state sports banquet.  Goodness was it fun to watch players who have put in so much time and energy into their passion and watch how they have already succeeded and how they desire to continue on in their sport of passion going forward.  It was fun for me as well because I had two of my high school players were recognized and there were four girls I have coached in club who were also recognized for their accomplishments which was fun.  For the four hours I was there I felt normal and cancer wasn’t a part of the night.

I was very humbled to be named girls soccer coach of the year for Arkansas and stand with the other great coaches being recognized for their own commitments and successes.  It was just a great evening of celebration.  I have learned through this never to take these moments for granted.  To soak it all in and enjoy the experience you are living without looking for the next thing or how you wish things were different than they turn out to be.  I had the opportunity to meet the volleyball coach of the year as well and just as the Lord likes to do, she had just heard about my diagnosis the day before and been praying for me without even knowing we would be at the same banquet. God has surrounded me with such awesome prayer warriors and I am very thankful.  Please pray for me to just soak in every moment I’ve been given no matter how small it may seem.  I don’t want to miss anything!

I’ve struggled to finish this the past day and a half because I have really been pressing into the Lord to say, “what do you want to show me?”  I am spending so much time in the Word and reading great devotionals, books and stories that so many of you have sent me that have been so encouraging for me.  Honestly I’ve felt like a “normal” person the last couple of days.  An undeserved, blessed, normal person lol.

But, I woke up today and the Lord gave me a direct message through His Word and I want to share it with you:

I read in 1 Kings 19:11-13 about Elijah’s time with the Lord.  Leading up to this moment he had battled the prophets of Baal and had defeated them by calling down fire from heaven, while they struggled – cutting themselves and begging Baal to show up…and he never did.  Elijah trusted in the Lord and the Lord provided the fire and consumed everything around it proving once and for all that he is the only TRUE God.  (1Kings 18:1-46)

Even after this success Elijah was in a battle and being chased by queen Jezebel and he ran away to escape.  He was tired and warn out and ready to die.  He begged God to allow him to die.  But, the Lord ministered to him and brought him food and water and encouragement in a different form…..

1 Kings 19:11-13

11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind.

After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.

And after the fire came a gentle whisper.13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

So often we battle or life gets hard and we just want God to take it away or show up big or do something….anything at that moment.  And honestly we miss him working in our lives because of what we expect should happen or how it should go.

As I sit and think about my own struggles right now I feel Elijah.  “God this battle, this enemy, these decisions, THIS…is too much.  I just want to serve you like I’ve been doing, ministering to my family and others…not dealing with THIS.”  But, he’s reminding me that THIS has been given to me for MY BETTER and that HE is Faithful Forever.

The desires for me to not be blown away by the loudness, the hard news, the storms, the wind, the fire…ect, He desires for me to sit and hear his whisper and to come near to him as he ministers to my heart.   I love the question he asks Elijah, “What are you doing here?”  When I come to the Lord with my questions, doubt, fear, uncertainty – he’s asking me, “what are you doing here?”  He wants to know the deepest desire of my heart and is my heart focused on him and what he can and promises to do in and through me or am I struggling in the storm waiting to sink not trusting that God CAN and he WILL do what is best and necessary to draw me closer to himself moment by moment.

I can say pretty honestly, I wouldn’t have chosen cancer.  However, I can also say that through this experience I get to hear the whisper of God in my heart and mind like I never have before and he is really asking me if I trust him.   I wake up everyday and must choose to trust and not be blown away by the storms around me.  I trust in the one who holds my life and I trust that he will minister to me every moment, in every way that I need it.  He will hold me and whisper to me, “My faithful love endures forever.”

I’ve included a picture of Psalm 136:1-9 today which was such a blessing to me this morning.  Please pray these things for me:

  1.  That I will always be thankful and give thanks to the Lord
  2. That I will always focus on that he is faithful and his love endures forever
  3. He who made and maintains the heavens – is caring for me through each whisper, call, doctor and experience – I don’t want to miss his voice!
  4. And just pray that as we have to make final decisions the next couple of days that I will have complete peace and TRUST that the Lord is leading us and has this

Thank you everyone for your faithfulness to pray and walk with us.  If I am the only one changed through this experience, it’s not worth it to me.  I am fervently praying for God to move each of us to love him greater and to live that out ever day.  He has a story to tell through this and goodness we are going to be blown away!   #hopewarriorunnamed-2

Keeping Focused

I know I wrote a couple days ago and many of you have asked me questions about the appointment and what we have decided to do.  I would love to report that we are 100% sure on what we are going to do, but we aren’t there.  We had a great visit with a Dr. at UAMS and enjoyed his knowledge and all that he feels like he can do when he sees my scans.  He is very confident that he can go in and remove most if not all of the tumors and would do part of the surgery on me awake.  Little bit for me to wrap my head around.  It’s gotten a little easier to think about the process of all of this because I have been surrounded with great encouragement from so many people and have been given the opportunity to speak with others who have gone through similar situations.

I spent almost an hour on the phone last night with a woman who lives hear Hot Springs.  Her husband has battled brain cancer for the past 5 years and she was so gracious to share with me their journey and struggles – but also praises.  He underwent the same type of procedures that we are talking about for me.  I love being able to share life with new people and be able to praise God together and pray together as we are both in a very real battle, but trust in the One we know can deliver and will no matter what.  Please pray for them: Her name is Kim and her Husband is Mike.  Pray for God to work in a mighty way in his brain and for them to continue to feel peace in the process.

While I was on the phone with Kim, Scott was on the phone with someone else who had connections to a couple doctors at Duke.  He shared with this woman a little about what was going and then today we sent my pics to the doctors there so they could look at them.  We should hear from them this weekend.

I have seen God show up in some amazing -amazing ways.  I cannot keep up writing about it because I am in tears most of the time as I really think about how he is just keeping me close to his heart and working so many details out for me that he knows that I need.  I wake up every day, spend time in the word and every moment after that I am choosing to trust.  I don’t know what my future holds.  I choose not to think about it too much.  Honestly, all I want to think about is relaxing by the pool, getting my house redone and getting my soccer stuff organized.  But, the Lord has a different plan for me this summer.  He has decided to take me deep and to ask me to draw others closer to himself.  I could refuse and live in misery and worry.  But, I have seem him bless too may circumstances in my life for me to choose that road.  I am confident that he who began a good work in me will carry it out to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6) . He isn’t going to waste a moment of this journey for me and those who allow him in.

With all of this going on in my life…. other things in life continue on.  I need to order letters and awards for my high school girls…I’m a little behind on this.  Should’ve already ordered these things.  I am trying to put together and get my club team organized – do people want to play for a coach with a brain tumor…lol.  But, goodness have I been so touched by these ladies and their families.  Literally my time coaching means so much to me.  I love the opportunity to challenge the ladies on the field and in life and to just love on them.  I know the struggles they face and I know it’s hard for them to find someone to open to and my greatest desire is for them to know that they can count on me.  I’ve struggled with that a bit through this, because there are no guarantees in any of this.  But, the reality is there never is or was a guarantee before my diagnosis either.  I am focused, committed and steadfast to be here for them for however long our journey is and to show them how you struggle and overcome – to be a warrior through life’s rocky journey.

I am working through designing a t-shirt right now, to help my girls (teams) and keep them focused on this battle and who holds the victory.  This shirt will keep me focused on the One who holds me and where I need to spend my energy no matter what I may see going forward.  I can’t wait to show you all the finished design!

I have been working through this passage today:

“May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Please pray this verse for me…

  • I want the JOY of Christ to always be evident in my life.  This isn’t a “happy” tone or way to be, it’s a deep uncontrollable overflow that only the Lord can give.  No matter my situation or circumstances, I want the JOY of Christ to bubble over in my life.
  • That I will have peace going forward.  We are about to make a decision regarding my treatment.  What I have basically been told is that you start a treatment and go with it.  And choosing one thing over the other is your decision.  I want to be wise and I want God’s peace in the process.  He has brought so many awesome people to us that has been such a blessing to us to help us navigate through these decisions – so thankful.
  • That we may overflow with HOPE.  I want to be a Hope Warrior.  In the Old Testament Hope was linked with “putting confidence in or taking refuge in.”  The New Testament goes on to say that the christian has hope that is the “assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.(Hebrews 11:1) It cannot be moved by circumstances.  I want to step forward in complete confidence and know no matter what I am told, I can trust in the one who holds me.   He is my refuge and I can take refuge in him going forward.

Thank you for praying and ministering to me and my family already.  I keep asking God why he chose me to share this message… but I am already so blessed and thankful for what I have seen him do.


The Battle

Today is Tuesday and honestly Sunday and Monday were sort of a blur for me.  I had been blessed to be prayed over Sunday at church and through Scott’s cousin who drove down from Kansas to lay hands on me.  I believe that the Lord may have used his power, spoken through his people to heal me, but I don’t know that at this moment so I have been living in a very real battle.

I have really been at peace with this whole situation and I cannot explain how that’s possible, except that God has given that peace to me.  A clear path had been given to me to follow for treatment and I was focused on that walking forward.  However, the Lord decided to give me something new and now it’s a battle in my mind and what to do going forward.

We have been blessed with a wonderful neighbor who works at UAMS in the brain tumor area – sorry I know there’s correct titles and specific jobs, but I don’t remember!  Anyway, Scott and I have been given the opportunity to go today to visit with a doctor who specializes in removing tumors prior to treatment.  He feels like my tumors could be removed and then with a clean brain cavity we attack the remaining cells through radiation and chemo.  The whole idea of this has really tripped me up and now I’m really praying through which direction the Lord desires for us to follow.  I have to admit it’s a lot to allow someone access close to my brain and work in there when something could get cut or something could happen while they are in there.  There’s the second part of this which is that the second surgery they would have me awake while they remove things.  I’ve never been a doctor person or surgery person so it’s all new to me.  So I am battling the fear, the unknown and the correct path to follow.

I am really asking for serious prayer for me today.  Here is where I need you to focus:

  • No FEAR – that I may completely trust the Lord in the decision that is best for us
  • Clear DIRECTION – Scott and I are praying that we will have peace to know which direction we follow – it’s an either or
  • Confident DECISION – I’m not a confident decision maker and I love to get other people’s input.  I know in the end the final decision on what we choose will rest on my shoulders and that is hard for me to accept.
  • Total HEALING – praying that God uses whichever direction to completely heal me.  I haven’t focused on this much, but I know that God desires for us to ask what is on our hearts so I am asking for this


The devil desires to pick me off and to not allow the story of Christ to penetrate the hearts of those the Lord is drawing close.  But we have been given a battle plan.  I was reading through 1 Peter 5:8-11 and these Truths were necessary for me today and I pray they speak to your heart as well:

8 – Be ALERT and of SOBER MIND.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

  • We must understand that we are in a battle.  When we sit back and relax we allow ourselves to be an easy target and our faith and growth will be affected.  We must call out these attacks and stand behind Jesus so we come forth victorious.

9- RESIST him, standing FIRM in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

  • Hard times are rarely things we rejoice over.  However, in my life I have seen the Lord grow me and use the hardest times to make my faith stronger and who he is more real then the easy times.
  • We are never walking this journey alone.  I have been so blessed by so many of you as you share your stories of your own lives and it has encouraged me to press forward and continue to keep my eyes fixed forward on the Lord.  The Lord never wastes are suffering.  Thank you for encouraging me and lifting me up as you share your own battles.

10- And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will HIMSELF RESTORE YOU and make you STRONG, FIRM AND STEADFAST.

  • I am clinging to this promise and truth.  God HIMSELF will restore me and he will use this to make me strong, my faith firm and steadfast.  He promises to never waste our difficulties.  I don’t know what my restoration will look like – but I do know in the end I will be restored completely in his glory to worship him forever.

11-TO HIM BE THE POWER  for every and ever. Amen.

  • God has all the power to heal me….today….next week or when he chooses.  I am asking him to do that.  I don’t know if his desire is to use this new opportunity that has been given to me or that he desires to use what we had planned before.  But I believe that he has the power to do it.

Please pray through these verses with me the next couple of days. We will have many decisions to make and I want to be faithful to follow the Lord’s path for us.  I don’t want to get pulled into the battle and I don’t want to allow the devil to have one moment of my life to distract me or pull me away from what the Lord desires to do through me.

Thank you friends for holding up my arms in this battle, like Joshua and Hur did for Moses in Exodus 17-I cannot walk and succeed in this battle alone – I need arm holders to defeat this! 13-2-15-israel_s-first-enemy

“I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him.  I have put my hope in his word.”  Psalm 130:5

The Open Door

As I sit to write this, let me just say I have been blessed.  I am blessed by so many visits, messages and scriptures that you all have been sending me.  You are keeping me focused on what is True and what is important so that I can battle and stand securely where the Lord has placed me.

Today is Sunday.  I had been asked by our pastor if I would be willing to come and be prayed over at church.  I am a firm believer in prayer and I knew that if the opportunity was presented I would never hesitate.  I believe God can move and I also believe that our faith grows as we choose to ask God to do the miraculous.  It was an opportunity to share with our church family where we are and for each of us to be able to say, “Lord we trust you to move because your Word clearly tells us you will when we come to you.”  I have to admit I have been just at peace with this whole situation that I wasn’t expecting to cry or to be broken… but I was wrong.

Today at church we were finishing the book of Colossians.  We read Colossians 4:2-5 and the Lord spoke to me clearly and rocked me out of where I was when I walked into church this morning.  He desired me to really know his heart for me and to step forward obediently and I didn’t see it coming until I was knee deep in his word.

So here’s what he spoke over me today:

Colossians 4:2-5

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. ”

  • Devote – be steadfast, don’t give up in prayer – be persistent when you talk to the Lord.  When we pray we will are in a battle.  A very real battle.  When we pray in thanksgiving we are reminded what God has already done in our lives and that we can indeed trust him

“And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.  Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.”

  • When I read these verses I wept.  I know that God has given me an open door to proclaim who he is.  Here Paul is in chains and on the road to death, and his only concern was for others to hear the gospel and to be saved.  He wasn’t concerned with his own self or what the end result may be.  That’s real living faith.  Pray that I see this picture of the door the Lord has given me and to walk through it in all confidence knowing he will use it to demonstrate who he is.

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.  Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

  • The Lord has given me this opportunity and I want to be faithful to how he desires for me to use every moment.  I want to be full of grace (giving people what they don’t deserve), seasoned with salt (living out the Truth of the gospel so they may desire it for themselves) and with wisdom to know how to love those around me who are hurting and need a touch from Jesus.

For God’s perfect wisdom he has decided to use this platform, this door, to proclaim his truth.  I don’t know why chose to use me.  This wasn’t my plan.  I cried in church just wondering what the Lord saw in me that would accomplish his will in this way.  He didn’t tell me, but he’s asking me to trust him and walk forward through the door he has opened.

I don’t know what the Lord is going to do specifically in and through this, but I am focused on his heart and I’ve seen him show up too much in my life that I know he won’t waste this. I pray for you too.  We all are given a door and so often we shut the door, discount it’s importance or we walk away.  Today, ask Him to show you your door and then that he will fill you with the courage to walk through it.

I am praying through some of these truths right now….

He will allow me to COMFORT OTHERS
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

He will restore me and get ALL THE GLORY
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Thank you for the continued prayers.  I had planned to finish this yesterday and the Lord desired for me to rest a bit instead so I’m just finishing this up now.  Thank you all.

brown wooden door near concrete stairs with light
Photo by Mariano Ruffa on Pexels.com