Experiencing Peace This Christmas

In August 2020 I made a surprise visit to go see my sister. Little did I know that visit would be the last time we would have a meaningful and engaged conversation, before she drastically declined from brain cancer. During my visit we talked about death, heaven, cancer, treatment options, and her family. Our conversation was more focused on other people than herself because she was always selfless.  Nicole always radiated Joy everywhere she went.  People always gravitated toward her—she smiled, laughed, and carried herself with grace. No matter how she suffered physically or mentally, she did not complain. She used her situation as God telling her to draw close to Him.  In fact, during the hardest moments she carried this superior peace amid her uncertainty on earth.

John 14: 27 says, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.”

We don’t have to look far in our world to find discord and conflict. It is everywhere filled with chaos, fear, and anxiety.  It is hard to imagine a world possible full of peace, that Jesus promises. The disciples had a hard time believing this peace Jesus was providing, when he said he was returning to His Father. They thought he came to provide peace from their enemies and set a kingdom He would rule, and perhaps they would have some authority. But Jesus was never referring to the peace, the disciples understood. Jesus was specifying to an internal peace, living inside us for all those that choose to follow Him daily.

God provides a peace that is unconditional and everlasting through those who believe in Him. Our Lord provides a wonderful Counselor, Comforter, and Advocate —The Holy Sprit that can guide us through our storms, no matter what we encounter. This peace Christ provides is offered daily as we experience the Holy Spirit working in us.  It doesn’t mean we won’t experience challenges, but we can have peace because God is not only with us but within us! The good news is God provides the reality that peace will be restored with His creation, one day. Isn’t this what we long for? How can you discover peace this Christmas? Can you find time away from the worldly busyness and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit?

Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  

My prayer for you friend, is that no matter what obstacles you face this Christmas you can obtain peace in the ONE who desires you to discover His presence in you.

Update on Nicole’s Kids:

Garrett: Talking to Garrett is always a treat. He very knowledgeable about God, worldview, and just a kind young man. My kids just love seeing him! He is living in an apartment now and currently working at his church.

Abbey: This lovely lady is planning her wedding and will be walking down the aisle next month to Spencer! We are so excited to see them say their vows and continue in the direction God has for them. They are such a cute couple and I am excited to see what God has in store for them in the future. Spencer has been working with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is currently going into schools, loving his job, and doing awesome at it! Abbey had a great year in soccer. The team went to the NCAA Tournament! She has one more year left! Yikes!

Ashton: This sweet girl did a great job in soccer this year! However, early in the season she tore her ACL. She is recovering doing rehab and looking forward to a great season next year! She is currently dating a lovely young man, Eli. (I’m waiting to meet him and have them visit us!!!)

Nathan: This little guy is not no little anymore! My buddy turned 14 this year! Where did the time go? He was our ring bear in our wedding, walking down the aisle with no shoes! (He did not want to wear shoes) HA! Now this kid is excelling in piano and in theatre. I can’t wait to see him perform soon!

Nicole would be so proud of these kids. May they continue to Love the Lord in all they do and glorify Him. They are great examples for the next generation!

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