Thanksgiving and Praise

It’s been a while since I was able to write. I apologize for this. I am very crazy in my head and never seem to have a moment to collect my thoughts together! I have been blessed by so many of you who continue to pray for me and are so diligent to ask me about doctor appointments and everything else, thank you! I was blessed to get this bracelet from a sweet family, who’s son plays football at our school. Thank you Ginger for the bracelet. I love it!

It’s been a crazy couple of months with so many things going on for us. The fall has always been busy with Razorback games and high schools seem to be busier in the fall as they get going!

We were blessed to serve with our church for a mission day. One of the things I needed this year here at the high school, was our fieldhouse to be cleaned up. I was very thankful to have so many people who came up and cleaned up many areas of the high school and dedicate lots of lifting in the girl’s fieldhouse area. Appreciated the time we got to spend together and the service to the Lord through the church.

One of my favorite things this fall, has been Garrett being SO Sweet to us, (maybe mostly to me) by driving home and surprising me on some weekends. He doesn’t always say he’s coming and goodness, it’s been such a treat. One of my favorite memories was him surprising Nathan at his birthday party and him surprising us, coming home so we could celebrate his bday with him. He came a different weekend and we got to eat pizza together and spend a little time together on his short little break. He’s still focused on majoring in Film and Creative Writing.

One of the big things for the girls is …….EVERYTHING! They love doing a bunch and sharing and making memories with friends. Whether they are from Bryant or live in a different town, they like to see people and socialize. One thing I will ALWAYS be blessed by, is their desire and willingness to share life with their family. They aren’t afraid to tell us what they think or how they are struggling. I am very thankful for that. This fall they have started really looking at schools and will hopefully have a better idea on what they want to do and where they want to go to school soon.

Ashton is to the right 4th person down behind the group of girls ha! Love these kids!
The Girls have loved all the football games, watching their friends, and hanging out with their friends. Boys have done well and will go for the State Title again!

They enjoyed homecoming this year. I laughed because both the girls were asked by “Ethan’s.” The guys came together to our house to ask them. I missed it, but enjoyed hearing the story on how the boys asked. The girls spent homecoming with all of their friends and made a bunch of memories they won’t forget. I enjoyed taking photos, ha!

It’s been a fun fall for Abbey and Ashton just around school too. We’ve been able to make memories together more mother/daughter, and I am thankful for that. They enjoy all of their friends, as you see above, but, I love their many hugs and our talks and spending time together. The Lord has really given them hearts for kindness and love. Thankful.

Ok THIS was so cute and I had to share this in case you didn’t see this from when the girls were little and then today. Choosing the same colors for their costumes many years later! HA. The girls had a party to go to and went out and bought these little body suites. Then Abbey and Ashton were nice to dress up with me to surprise Scott with some costumes. We hid around the corner in the hallway and jumped out at him. We kind of look like catwomen, right? The girls like to take pics with their friends and I loved this one of them on the road!

The girls and I were able to take a trip to St. Louis for a soccer tourney. I was a little apprehensive and so was Scott because of my ONLY seizure. But, I haven’t been told not to drive, so I did and I do. The girls enjoyed the games and playing with their team. We were able to see a few of my college roommates which was a bunch of fun. Thankful they made the drive to meet me for some after game dinner. It’s always fun sharing memories and just laughing! Thanks ladies!

Another fun little surprise, was the little visits by some of my former players. It is always great to see individuals you knew years ago or months ago, and see how they have grown and changed. I love seeing my former players and just laughing and hearing about what they are up to and how life has changed. Very thankful that these three decided to continue on athletics in college. It’s a short time! The Team loved having them there and them joining us for a small bit of fun!

I was very thankful that our church did a fall carnival at church. Nathan and I went there and played games, decorated cookies and hung out together. He is growing up so much. I love to have the time to share with him and to get to know him more and more. He continues to love piano, like you saw above! One of his favorite things is to see Garrett when he comes home. He was super excited and thankful to see Garrett walk in for his birthday party. Made his party a 10!

Scott and I were blessed to attend a fundraiser banquet to raise money for children who are living without parents or family and living where this ministry provides. Scott was the host and we were able to meet so many great people who work hard to help bring these kids to loving families and to serve the state. Scott always does such a great job in front of large crowds and he is blessed to serve others.

We still have our big little puppy – Samson. He is a mess! Very good puppy – just doesn’t know how big he is! He likes to sit in the widow and watches us live – whenever we are home. That window needs to be cleaned twice a day, he breathes on the window – this is how bad it gets! We’ve been able to bring him to a dog park and he’s a good dog with other dogs. He makes us smile and laugh a lot.

We are still so blessed to be able to see Scott’s Parents almost every week. We are so busy in the fall that it makes it hard for us to get caught up or be caught up. With Razorback football done, Scott will be home more. We are thankful for that. Great memories for us!

I would like to really thank you all so much for all of the prayers that you have given for me. The Lord has been so good to me and I am blessed. I went for my MRI and it felt pretty short – thankful! I was able to pray for many of you and I am thankful for that. The Lord has given me the opportunity to meet new people every time and it’s always amazing how we can connect our lives together by something!

Everything looked the same in my scans so that’s good. I would ask you all to pray for my memory. I know that my tumor is on it, so the short term stuff doesn’t always come through and stay. I also know that as WE age, our memory isn’t as good! I depend on the Lord, and I would like to really build relationships with others and REMEMBER more than I remember now. My classes have been pretty good, but I do have a few students that need lots of prayer and help while in there. My focus is off and it’s harder for me to multitask….I used to love that and do well with it! But – I just ask the Lord and choose to not let that bring me down.

I was very fortunate the other day to go and speak at a private school here in Little Rock. They gave me a chance to speak in their monthly morning Christian Youth time. I was blessed to be there. When I was praying about what to share with these students, I was more focused on some different Bible passages, but the Lord said, “Tell them your story.” I have to say, I hadn’t done that recently, in front of a bunch of people. Standing up and sharing my whole life in front of a bunch of people I don’t know and who don’t know me. I love standing up and teaching the Word, but just telling my story is different than using parts of it to illustrate a passage. I always pray that no matter what I say, the Lord is at the center of it.

It’s been harder to remember things, I would love for the Lord to give me my memory so I could speak and remember what is coming next better…. but I know I must Trust Him completely, to respond and to use me. I was blessed to be able to share my story with them and to allow the Lord to use my life story to hopefully impact a life. Thank you LG and PA!

Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouragement. God has been so good to me! I will go back for my next MRI in February. Continue to pray for my memory and lots of ENERGY! I am about to start coaching for high school everyday. My desire is to help these players the best I can!

The Hand of God

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. with Him at MY right hand, I will not be shaken…. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at YOUR right hand.” Psalm 16:8, 11

Driving home after a soccer practice looking over the river, the sun had set yet, God pushed the rays together to create a ball of light that looked like a hand. with fingers. This picture doesn’t do it justice. It was amazing..

Hard to believe school has started and we are seriously almost over the first 9 weeks. How fast time goes. I didn’t feel super prepared this year as my brain was in wacko mode and unable to really focus well this summer. BUT….God. I am so thankful.

So, how did we end the summer and start the school year?

One of our biggest highlights and biggest blessings for me this summer, was seeing my extended family for my parents 50th wedding anniversary. It was so nice to just talk to them and share time with their kids.

Hopefully you can click on these photos and look at these amazing people. My parents were blessed to have people fly in from all over the country to celebrate their year’s together. We enjoyed time with each other in Branson, MO. I wish I was able to see them more then I get to. My dad’s 4 brothers had 14 children and those 14 have had 33 so far. So it’s so much fun to get together! I was very blessed to have been anointed with oil from Israel (please tell me I’m remembering this right!) by my cousin Paul. Well, technically he’s my dad’s cousin, but that’s how my dad’s family functions. We are just ONE BIG group. It’s great!

Being prayed over at the pool by all my family.

Spent the rest of the summer getting ready for school. Did I mention that Scott and I celebrated our 20th anniversary? When you type that and say it sounds like a long time! But, it’s gone really fast and I have been blessed to be loved by him.

Bryant High School honored us for winning state at the beginning of the year. They had us come to the school board meeting to get certificates and the girl’s got their State Championship Rings. It was very special and the girls soaked it up. Wished we could’ve had more of the seniors from last year, but they’ve all left for college.

Along with my new ring, I got a sweet bracelet from the Pass on Joy ladies. They are such a blessing to so many as they send encouragement out and desire to share the Love of Christ with people all over the country who are battling cancer. Misti Coker is an amazing woman who has ministered to so many in and through this organization. Check it out on line or facebook.

One of the hardest and craziest things we had to do was drop Garrett off for college, gulp. Scott was gone at Razorback game so Scott’s mom, Ann, was gracious enough to drive up there with me and Nathan to get him moved in. He’s getting involved in some different ministries and checking out churches up in Conway. I am glad he’s focused on school, but I am surprised when he seems to be in his room by 7:00pm almost everyday. He’s working on keeping high grades., so can’t complain. I love to facetime him and just see him smile and see his (I’m taking a break from working at Chick-fil-a) beard! Love that kid, and I miss him.

Nathan cried and cried when we left. He misses his brother.

The girls started a new club team this fall. Not going to lie, it’s a little different now. I drop kids off and then sit there and think that I should be coaching the club team! Ha ha! But, it’s good for the girls to see what being coached by other people is like and gives me more time right now in the offseason. I do miss these girls. They are working with new players and learning new positions, but they are enjoying their team. And that’s what’s important. They’ve won a couple tourneys and enjoy driving to training sometimes.

My friend Nikki Funk and I explore sometimes and finally got to see the windmill that was in the movie Gone With the Wind when we dropped girls off to train one day. Coaching sure takes up some time!

We got to celebrate Nathan’s 10th bday! Wowser. That makes me sad. My little guy isn’t so little anymore. In two years he will start to look like a young man, not a boy and that makes me think, wow. Kid’s grow fast and it’s crazy. He’s loving tennis and piano still. Very glad about that. He loves music and loves to sing with me or wants me to play piano with him. One thing that I am thankful for, my memory and mind haven’t been very focused and there has been so many things I’ve struggled with but, I am finally being able to speak better spanish and read music to play piano. Very thankful to have these moments and reminded that we don’t recognize or understand the gifts we’ve been given, we just like to complain about what we don’t have that we would want. There are so many great little things that if you didn’t have it, would be hard.

So I’m back at the high school teaching and coaching. I’ve had the opportunity to share with my students about my life, my battle and God’s hand in my life. I am thankful to be able to know that He isn’t wasting a moment He desires for His people to share and live His Truth. That is my prayer everyday. That I may be used by Him to love these students and that they may see His light and share in His fellowship as He lives in and through me. The Lord has given me too much and I am so thankful to finally understand a small part of it.

I want to thank you all for the continued prayers. I know that your intercession has been an amazing weapon and gift. Today I went in for my MRI and I am blessed. Nothing has changed – well I’ve decided the MRI machine needs a new back support and place for my head, ha! There’s nothing new happening in my brain with the tumors. I do try and be creative and think sometimes 🙂 I am thankful but, I know that God has me and this. The doctors and I may not know what we “need” to know, BUT HE DOES. I was asked to remember three items today and she said she would ask me later what she said….drumroll….. I remembered.

Listen, I forget a lot of stuff so, I am blessed to even remember that she asked me this today, and I know the Lord is removing the clouds and pushing the sun right through. NO DARKNESS can EVER hide the light of Christ. When I look back and remember that picture of the sun that was set and the bright rays billowing up and out on top of the river and into the sky, I think about my life and I know that NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE for the Hand of God. His hand was there reminding me to rest in Him and I have my right hand reached out to hold His.

Continue to pray for energy, healing, God’s hand in my life to meet the needs of those around me, for Him to continue to use this road to bring more people to Him. He is my strength and shield and holds my right hand.

This is Nanny, Scott’s Grandma. This woman is 97 and loves Jesus so much. She fell and was able to drag herself to the phone in the middle of the night to call an ambulance. Bless her, she broke her arm and hip. Please pray for her. She’s in therapy right now.

AR State Champions-Lady Hornets

Winning the State Championship is every players first goal no matter the age or where you live. The girls worked hard this year and are now able to say, “I am a State Champion.”

Last year as the season came to an end I was very proud of the girls and how hard they worked individually and as a group to become a team. So often “teams” will depend on ONE player to do everything and THE TEAM is centered around one player. If they play well, there’s a chance for the group to experience a win, if they are off, well many players are deflated. That’s never been how I would like to play nor how I would like to coach in the future. Yes teams usually have their one player who gets the attacking award, like Alyssa Fason did in the tourney, she was our attacker. But, a good player knows that she needs someone to feed her balls and a defense to stop the other team from continually advancing. It’s a TEAM effort.

As I said in earlier blogs, May has been crazy. Part of the reason for that has been because of the end of the soccer season. My seniors are preparing for graduation, they don’t have to go to as many classes and finish earlier. They were excited about that. But, I can imagine that it’s hard to continue to train hard and prepare for the tourney when you aren’t studying or in classes anymore.

I was very thankful for these ladies. They didn’t dwindle away or come late to train, they were ready and focused to win a title. These seven ladies above, usually worked hard in training, asked questions and desired to understand what I was trying to do. They were troopers to listen and then encourage the other players to follow through. I will miss these ladies. They have to be one of the most talented classes to graduate here in Arkansas ever.

The way the State tourney is played here, there isn’t a sectional tourney first. So many teams will go on to the State tourney depending on their record after their games are played. We had done well, but had lost twice to Conway during the season, so we were seated second in the tourney for our conference. Here in Arkansas, the teams in North West Arkansas are usually able to have some pretty good talent in all their sports. In soccer they are closer to Oklahoma and Missouri, so. some players choose to play club in these states. The talent pool in these states can be more consistent sometimes. They always have some good players and coaches that are experienced in coaching soccer. Makes it harder for the rest of the state but, they are beatable.

The last two weeks of training are more focused on getting girls to loosen up and BELIEVE that they can do what we have been working on. We were fortunate to be able to do some training on some grass since we have been playing on turf all year.

It was great to be able to see the difference of speed of ball and size of a college field. They are usually wider and that width makes a huge difference in fitness and what you want to do as a coach.

I remember this picture of MC(one of our captains/seniors) as we headed back from our last practice before heading to state tourney game. It had been a lot to work for the past 14 years or so and after state tourney games, that would be all most of our seniors would play….at this level, ever. It’s a lot to ponder about and realize these moments occur many times in life.

One of the things the girls enjoy most about soccer tourney is the staying in hotels and Nikki Funk does a great job getting parents and companies to help with girls for the girls. We have been super blessed. As we left town the school and elementary schools were so great to say good luck ladies and cheer us on as we pulled out of parking lot. It was a great memory.

I haven’t mentioned that our boys soccer team also made the State Finals in the tourney. Their presence and winning made our memories so much greater and the experience so much fun! I have known the boys for a long time, as Garrett played with a lot of them. So thankful they were able to experience such a memory before some of them graduated.

While we were at the tourney it was Abbey and Ashton’s 16th bday. They love soccer but, it’s still a rushed bday and not the way you would probably write how you want to celebrate. We let the pasta place serve them some dessert and the girls are so sweet to just help others feel special. We were thankful to get these cookies and pass them out to the girls after dinner.

As we went out on the field for the games, I told the girls that they needed to play hard and believe they could win. The girls worked hard and beat Fayetteville 1-0 and then beat Bentonville 2-0. I have been proud of our defensive line. They did a great job in the back all year and their experience and work effort made a difference in the games.

In the Final Game we were moved from Conway, AR to Fayetteville, AR where we were given the opportunity to play on the Razorback field again, like we did last year. The first week of the tourney the temp was cooler and it’s always a little hotter for the championship! How badly do you want to win?

Before the game started I told them they needed to own and score the first 5 minutes. Now, we’ve said this before and the girls have allowed their fear or doubt to be their focus. Not what I’ve told them to focus on and know. We had experience in the Razorback field and playing on that field is different because of size and noise level. Last year it was harder to get comfortable because of those two things. The girls started quick and really dominated possession for the first 5 minutes like we said. The girls were able to score a goal before the 5 min mark. It was pretty exciting.

Conway came back and scored on a direct kick and sent ball far post in the goal and we were able to score again off of a PK and Alyssa Fason took the shot and it went in. I was. very proud of these girls. They ran over to celebrate with the crowd and honestly, it wasn’t my time to do that.

I was blessed to be a player and to win in college and HS. Games are not for coaches to win, they are for players to win. Players have to choose to work physically and mentally until they are spent. Coaches can want them to do what they say, but players have to decided to do it. So in the end – it is the players win. I am thankful for these ladies and all they have taught me as a coach and how I desire to live as a follower of Christ.

The Championship will be a forever memory for these ladies and I know that they made many memories from the beginning of the season to the end. Hopefully the season made them depend on the Lord more and hopefully the win helps them to know, they should never give up. Believe, focus, believe, train, believe and then DO.

We were fortunate pretty soon after the finals and graduation, we did our soccer banquet. So much to try to fit in! Was fun to see the awards the seniors gave and to give each player an award. All the girls improved this year and I am excited to see where they are able to go.

This year my senior captains asked me if they could give their captain bands to the captains for next year.  We had never done that before. The team always voted, but last year there really wasn’t a unanimous opinion and we struggled to figure out how to pick captains.  When the girls who were voted on for this past season asked me this, I told them I would have to think about it and I would get back with them on it. After a couple days of praying through and looking at positives and negatives, I told them they could pick IF the selection was unanimous between the three.  There were two names that were unanimous so at the banquet the captains handed their arm band to two girls: Addison Funk and Ashton Inman. They couldn’t select a third and we agreed that we would wait to see if someone stepped up to the plate in the coming months. Thankful that the captains were able to approach me with their idea.

Pretty excited to see our championship rings in a few weeks. The girls have enjoyed their new stickers on their windows and seeing the new State Champion painted on the athletic building at school. I’ve collected a few things that will look great in my office this next year.

When school finished and everything was done….it wasn’t! We had a banquet that is focused on highlighting athletes of all sports on what they have accomplished for the year. We had two athletes put on the list: Alyssa Fason and Ashton Inman. Abbey and I went and were able to cheer on all the athletes for all they have done. I was also given the opportunity to coach the All Star game for the seniors. Had a great time hanging out with Rachel and Ashlyn for a couple days and watch them play one last time. It’s such a blessing to look at the final scores for each game we played up on the locker room wall.

Hard to believe my second season is over. As I think back to all that happened and all the Lord did, it’s time to start looking ahead. Will miss these seniors, but look forward to pouring into and investing in the rest. I know they are going to be cheering the rest of the girls on this coming year! I have a new hat read for next year and we will always remember the season we were able to share together. Proud of these ladies! Go Lady Hornets!!!

Coaching is a blessing for me. When I would coach this year it would make me feel “normal” and it’s something I am passionate about. I love seeing the girls improve and succeed. Praying this year the ladies work hard, love one another, focus on improvement and desire to play together.

Continue to pray for the ladies as they train and prepare to prevent injury and be team focused.

I have finished my chemo pills for the year. I am thankful to be done. I’ve been more tired this summer. I have been trying to start working out a bit and I can tell my body is tired. Please pray for continued energy growth.

I will continue to get MRI’s every other month and see a new doctor. Pray that eyes are opened for them and that I do what I need to be doing. God is in control and I trust Him in all of days going forward.

School starts sooner than I can think and I am trying to finish a few things. There’s so much to catch up on and not enough time it seems! Thank you for your continued prayers. God is so good to me!


Hard to believe that Garrett graduated from high school. Honestly it hasn’t completely hit me yet. As I sit here and think over the past couple months….no the past year…. it’s been crazy busy. Almost, so busy remembering the different things we are supposed to do for this occasion, that it came and went so quickly. Had no idea that the last week of his junior year he would be taking senior pictures at the school for the yearbook – already and getting flyers on what’s going on very soon and what to expect. It made the year just crazy. I pray that planning a wedding someday is easier?! We are excited that he is ready and he really enjoyed the time he had here at the high school.

Garrett’s pictures in the yearbook for his senior page. Great memories – hard to pick pictures and make plans for this…. too many great memories!!

By the beginning of May Garrett was pretty much done taking classes. Seniors don’t have to go as long and he had the chance to start summer earlier. All the seniors love this. We did a senior weekend at the church too. It was fun to go up and decorate his table with memories and look at the other students too. We got to talk to other parents and really just think about how these guys grew up here and now they would move on. Very thankful for the seniors, especially those who chose to lead the younger students the past few years. They learned a lot and grew up and learned to really trust the Lord. Scott’s parents came and ate with us. It was also a blessings to have Chris Shepherd sit with us. Students were given a chance to ask an adult to sit with them and allow this adult to pour into them one more time. Chris has been a great role model for Garrett and I am thankful that Garrett recognizes that in him. He also was blessed by having Paige and Casey in his walk. Paige has been around Garrett for along time. She has such a love for Jesus and challenges these students well. Thankful to have Casey at the church and for Garrett to have an opportunity to be taught by him this past year.

Course Ashton, Abbey and Nathan enjoyed all of it too and Garrett leaving probably really hasn’t completely hit them all yet. I hope and pray that they are able to see and model some of what Garrett does and that we will learn and lead the last three more humbled and focused on Christ daily.

After we got to celebrate the seniors at church we had the opportunity to go up to the elementary school where all of our kids have gone. We love it there and the teachers are so loving and instructive to the students there. The younger kids (Nathan was one of them), got to give high fives to the seniors that went to elementary school there and the students were able to thank teachers for all they did for them. Garrett enjoyed hugging his teachers and Nathan enjoyed having us at school that day.

Once they finished walking through the school for the day, we finished preparing for his graduation party. Oh and we played a soccer game….more on that later. We were very fortunate to have great help from both sets of grandparents. Garrett was able to see many of you who made the drive over to see him and congratulate him. He was thankful. It was a fun party and many memories were made. That bottom picture is my sister, Alissa (blue hair -ha!) and her six kiddos that made the drive to congratulate him. Thanks Johns family!

This is the first grandchild to graduate on both sides.

Graduation Night was busy! Thankfully Scott’s parents got to the arena earlier and they were able to get us some seats. Garrett got to wear the gold (Distinguished High Honor) because he kept his grades up. The night was full of many great moments. Our only problem was hearing things well, ha! Very thankful that my Aunt Carol, from Minnesota flew down to watch him graduate and then left the next morning. He is blessed by so many who love him.

We said goodbye to my parents and a few weeks later Garrett and Scott took off for his senior trip starting at Yellowstone and finishing through parts of Utah. Both of them enjoyed seeing new places and spending time together. It had been a busy year and heading West was exactly how Garrett wanted to spend some time this summer. I know Scott enjoyed the time too and all the hiking and God’s creation to see, was pretty amazing.

So here we sit in the middle of summer and realize that Garrett will be off at college soon. He will attend the University of Central Arkansas, in Conway and he hopes to major in Digital Film. We are thankful for his great scholarship he worked for and we shall see where the Lord plans to take him and how He will use him in the future. I am thankful that Garrett loves Christ and chooses time with the Lord as important and needed, time at the church worshiping and serving- a calling for all believers, and giving his mom lots of hugs a day- a way to make her smile – a necessary part of his day. I am blessed.

“Whoever pursues righteousness and love

finds life, prosperity and honor.”

Proverbs 21:21

I put this verse at the beginning of this blog, because this is what we all strive for and often wonder why we don’t get there and then we aren’t happy. It doesn’t say on here “whoever walks around….” , it uses the word “PURSUE.”

As a coach, something that drives me crazy, is when a player loses the ball or chooses to jog after the opponent who took the ball and is dribbling to attack your goal. A player in this position should be looking to follow and chase at a fast and hard pace and not stop until possession has been made and instead of defending, we are now turned around and on the attack away from danger. As believers we are called to dig in, to really spend time with God….. not just mumble prayers, but to really spend time with Him. When is the last time you cried in prayer as you talked to your Father? When is the last time that you saw Him move, even in a small way and it brought you to tears? If we chooses to jog behind and not pursue the Lord we will miss out on what He has for us. We are asked to PURSUE righteousness and love. Righteousness is being accepted and living on the side of God. We get to choose everyday how we will choose to live – we can live with God and love Him and others or we can live unwisely and suffer from our choices. God promises us Life, Prosperity and Honor when we choose to PURSUE Him with ALL we have to offer.

I pray that as Garrett heads off to school that this will always be his desire and drive. That he won’t PURSUE money or success, but that his heart will always be focused on his pursuit for and in Christ and that in that, he experiences God’s LIFE, PROSPERITY and HONOR. There’s no other life to live!

Thank you for continued prayers for me. I am in the final few days of my LAST chemo session. I am soooo thankful that I have physically felt pretty good. I won’t complain about the aches and pain, when I know so many others who physically struggle so much more. I am thankful for those of you who tell me that you pray for me daily and send me little messages as a reminder. These are the things that bring me to tears. As I ask the Lord all the time, “who am I?” Continue to pray that I am focused on what I need to finish before school starts so I am starting off ready to go and feeling great about starting, not feeling behind. Continue to pray for Garrett as he gets ready for school and that we get everything he needs to have done – DONE!

……Next blog will be on State Championship….

Beautiful Craziness….

“For the Lord is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.” Psalm 84:11-12

There has been so much stuff going on here at the Inman home for the past couple of months, that I have had a hard time trying to really sit down and be able to share what we are doing here. I am thankful for a bit of a slowdown after a very busy spring. Seems like it was a sprint once spring break was over! I cannot tell you how many sunsets I watch from my deck, on a walk or from the pool. God is so Good to bring such beauty to remind us – no matter what we’ve gone through during the day, HE is WITH us and HE is in CONTROL!

Because there have been so many things that have happened, I am going to focus today on what has happened in my family the past little bit. Hard to believe how much these kids change and grow up! It’s hard to believe I’ve had a cancer diagnosis for a year. It’s amazing to have seen God do so much in and through all of this in the past year. For that I am thankful.

Many of you are wondering what is going on with my family and how the kids are and what they have going on. So let me catch you up a bit! Been on a roller coaster for a while!

Nathan has had a great year. Goodness he loved his teacher this year and all they were working on in school. Mrs. Catlett was a jewell and had previously taught the other three. He loved all he was learning and said he spent a lot of his time talking to teachers about thins, ha!

During his after school time he was busy with his own little things. He’s never had a desire for soccer or other “team” type sports. He played baseball some and actually catches and throws pretty well in the backyard still. But, he loves tennis. He and Scott will go and hit balls together and he has enjoyed the lessons we’ve gotten him and how much he has enjoyed his time out there. I am no help in tennis! So, I get to be a complete parent with it. What I’ve noticed about tennis, everyone loves that he is left handed on the court. I am really proud of him for doing something the older three didn’t.

He also started piano after Christmas. He has always enjoyed music – singing mostly. But, playing the piano has been a huge gift for him. He likes to sit and practice himself and will add his own twist to the songs after he’s learned the melody. I was fortunate to play piano through college and so I help him out as he asks. But, I can tell the Lord has given him an ear like David and he will be given the opportunity to use music to bless others and glorify the Lord. His first piano recital he got to play Chim-Chimney-Chim-Chim-Cheroo – don’t know exact title from Mary Poppins. He was given the opportunity to dress up too. This summer he’s working on learning the National Anthem for his summer program he’s doing. Love that he loves music so much. He is still talking about the Easter presentation we did at church and how much he enjoyed the music and the message.

He was blessed with a couple times I was able to come to his school with the seniors (Garrett) and when we got to come for soccer. He really enjoyed Vacation Bible School and got to wear his hair crazy and enjoy while the girls volunteered.

Abbey and Ashton and Nathan share in one love – the dog, Samson. Pretty proud of that guy. He loves being around us and is pretty good to listen. He chases Nathan around and the girls like to get him to do new little things all the time.

Abbey and Ashton have had a very busy May!  If they’ve had a busy May, I have too. With the end of the school year going on there were the things that we have done before going on.  It’s hard to get your projects, tests and AP exams done when you are in the middle of your busy time for your team. The girls worked hard with their team and had the opportunity to play again on Razorback Field.  It wasn’t quite as crazy as last year, but it’s still a challenge. Their team worked hard and won the State Title. I’ll write more on all of this later…

Besides soccer, the girls turned 16!  We were blessed to find one night on our calendar where we could have a party and surprise the girls.  Their friends were great – getting people there and letting them know about it. The girls were genuinely surprised and didn’t think they were going to have a party.  Well, with lots of help – mom wasn’t going to let that happen. So with lots of help we did the party. The girls were excited and I could tell they were blessed by the friends and both sets of grandparents that got to be there.  We did it up at our neighborhood pool so the girls were able to swim a bit and play volleyball with everyone. So glad we got that in 1 week after State Championship! The girls got their license and after literally being my driver for a whole year – they were on their own!

Since school has been out, the girls continue to keep up with working out and are starting to get more serious about colleges.  They’ve struggled with all of it because there are so many soccer camps, so many schools and it’s hard to know which direction to go.  I am thankful that they are starting to figure out what they are looking for in a school and are focused on finding those things where they end up going.  It’s hard to believe that it’s getting to be time for us to think about all of that!

With trying to figure out where they may want to play soccer, they are having to look at which camps they can go to when they are so busy with camps at church.  The first camp they went to this year was Collide. Garrett went with them and it’s a camp that allows the students to compete with their classmates, worship together and study God’s word together.  They always love it. This year it was very sweet for them, because they always pray over the seniors. This year Garrett was one of the seniors and they went up to pray over him, they said, and they were fine until they got there and then they started to cry.  They love him and it was hard for them to think about him leaving after summer. They said he hugged them and said, “I love you.” Ok, make my heart melt and love just poor out! I’m very thankful they all get a long so well and can talk to each other about everything in LIFE.

Scott and the girls went up to St. Louis for a couple Cardinal games. They love to join him when he makes the trip – which hasn’t been very often lately. But, they had a good time together.

I CANNOT believe it was Garrett’s senior year.  I will be blogging all about his last month because there was so much!  But, I am so humbled by the person the Lord has helped him become. I love that he isn’t focused on what people think or might say.  He isn’t focused on being popular or having a girlfriend. He’s focused on the Lord first. How do I know without a doubt that the Lord is working in his life?  Because I see the Lord in how he responds to things and how he chooses to live. I know it’s not from us, it’s from Christ.

He’s still busy working at Chik-fil-ee and HE LOVES IT!  Very thankful for that. I asked him the other day if he still liked working there and he said he loved it.  He always has some story to tell where he’s laughing at the end or smiling through the story. I am thankful for that.  Most teens hate their jobs and I am thankful that he loves where he is. He was blessed by his business with a $2500 scholarship for college.  Didn’t know this was an option or that it existed until I saw his pic on Facebook with the scholarship. Thanks Guy Parker (he owns the business) for helping Garrett learn how to work well and to give him a chance to excel using his personality to serve others!

Scott and Garrett are busy on their senior trip together.  Garrett is taking all kinds of trips this summer through church, but he wanted to go north toward Old Faithful and check out the area up there.  They are still up there, but I can tell he’s enjoying his time. Glad he and Scott get to spend 10 days together and hopefully as they make memories, will get opportunities to grow together.  I think I’m going to need about 8 hours when they get home to get the full story and picture of everything that went on while they were gone!

So what’s going on with me?  Well things are remaining steady – so that’s good.  I learned a couple weeks ago that Dr. Ong, my brain oncologist is going to be leaving for Ohio to work.  I was sad to know I won’t be going to see her anymore and sad to know that sometimes people aren’t appreciated for the way they choose to do things.  Dr. Ong has always been a wonderful doctor and I can tell that she cares for me and her other patients. She isn’t looking to do the basics, she really desires to serve her patients well.  I admire that about her. She takes my jokes and laughs with me and desires to KNOW me as a person. I am going to miss her and I pray that as she heads up there, the Lord will continue to help her see what she’s been trained to do to help others and for her to experience joy in and through Him.  

I will be without an oncologist until they hire someone.  There aren’t any others in the state. I am trusting the Lord to provide for what I need and for Him to use my last chemo to do what needs to be done.  Please pray that we are clear on what to do.

My last treatment will be the beginning of July.  I am hoping that my energy with start to resurface, all though I am prepared to be a bit more sluggish than normal as that is what “people” tell me.  I also know my God who is capable and able to do what I need in order to do what He’s called me to do. I will be returning to teach/coach again this year.  I am trusting the Lord to help me with my mission and direction each and every day. And for Him to really open my mind more to be able to plan better and be more focused than I was able to be last year with all of the treatment.  I have been told by Dr. Ong that the part of my brain where the tumor has been, is near my short term memory. It explains a lot for me and reminds me why I lose my train of thought sometimes and why I can’t remember things like I used to.  That’s helped me to know and required me to really look at my faith and answer, “Do I believe that God can do what isn’t expected to happen?” YES I do. So I lean into Him and allow Him to work and to write my story so He may be glorified.

When I saw this moth I was mesmerized and just blessed. Something so beautiful was created I was able to witness the detail of each wing and it’s antennas that looked like tiny leaves. To think that God looks at each of us and has made us with each hair on our head and each toe, nail and smile – He made us just the way He desired – beautiful.


  • Pray that I will be able to get good sleep and energy that will help me to enjoy the time with the kids and to do what I need to do.
  • Pray also for my focus and ability to study to be beneficial. I love spending time with the Lord and I’ve struggled with keeping focused with my thinking being so short. sometimes.
  • I’m having other physical issues that I don’t know if it’s part of my treatment or what – but, it’s effecting me. Pray for wisdom and for God to heal me from it all!
  • Pray that as summer continues to go – I’ll get to make good memories with the kids and Scott and that I’ll be able to get stuff done but not to be overwhelmed by it.
  • Pray for God to continue to prepare my body for my next and did I say LAST chemo treatment next month.

Finish Well…

Very blessed to have gotten this in the mail from Betty Phillips. I am thankful for the reminder and for all of you who have been praying for me, texting me and reaching out. You have lifted me up and kept me strong, focused and relying on the Word of God and His army of angels. I have been so blessed.

“Then David said to his son Solomon, ‘Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear not be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished.'” 1 Chronicles 28:20

Here I am getting down to the final few months of chemo treatment and I am thankful and excited to be done. I had my MRI yesterday and they told me that everything was stable…no changes from last time. Brain tumors are crazy little guys and literally need the hand of God to work in there and I am blessed to have the Lord beside me. And I am thankful to see and experience His presence each day as He holds me up and heals as I need. As I lay down on that MRI table and got shoved into the machine, yesterday it was a 2 hour experience. CRAZY! I was pretty tired after that! The first machine wouldn’t work and so I was moved to a different machine, ha! It was quite a morning with everything going on, but thankful that I got done fast enough to get to soccer at school. Only 4 more chemo months and then I’m done. Just praying for the Lord to hold me up and help me FINISH everything He’s given and to follow the example of Christ and to FINISH WELL! May He be glorified!

Trying to get back into the routine of life after spring break hasn’t been easy. It’s hard because we get into the soccer season for high school and then it’s time to take a week off and then get back and start again. It’s a hard time for the seniors too, because they basically are ready to be done when spring break ends. It makes it crazy at home, school and on the field.

One of the things we had to get done, was getting Garrett’s Senior pictures taken. I am very thankful that we were able to get them in and we headed down to Benton to get some “Urban” looking photos with Krystina Bullard. Very thankful for her taking them and I look forward to seeing the pics! (You can find her on Facebook at K.Bullard Photography)

I was very blessed to celebrate my bday at spring break, but I had to share these breathtaking flowers from my Aunt Carol. Aren’t they beautiful?! What amazes me, I’ve had them for two weeks and they still look GREAT!

One of the crazy things we did two weeks ago…. get a sweet little puppy. OK I know we are nuts, and honestly, most people that know me know I would normally say no. There’s something that happens when you realize that life is short. There’s no guarantee on decades to live, so I knew the kids really wanted another dog. Scott has wanted one two 😉 so, he did some research and we ended up with a golden retriever. It took us DAYS to name him. Hard to get 6 people to vote for the same name. Honestly, Nathan still struggles…but, we went with Samson. I really wanted a name that meant something. Samson is going to have long hair, be strong, look to protect us and be good looking, ha! As we thought about Samson in the Bible, our little puppy could be name Samson and it would be perfect. We call him Sam/Sammy too. He is sweet and he loves being outside. Hardest part is the crate training sleep zone. Mom’s know that when you have a baby you are just waiting for them to make noise, so you don’t sleep well. What were we thinking????? Nathan loves his baby “brother.”

Abbey, Ashton and Garrett are refs at church for Upward Soccer. They are loving the opportunity to watch kids play – with little pressure! It’s fun for them to see their friends and to be able to enjoy kids and families on Saturday mornings. We headed up with Samson last week and he was a hit! Tried to get the boys back there to join the pic, including Garrett, but not as photo happy! Nathan was busy working on his water science experiment when we got back from Spring Break. We were thankful we got it done.

I have been very blessed by my girls this year. It’s been a harder year, just fun to see these ladies develop and to get to know some new ones. With my brain thought slower this year, there’s been a lot of stuff that I’ve forgotten or haven’t done how I would’ve wanted. But, God has been good to give me help and great captains and a gracious team to keep me laughing and focused on helping them improve. The girls were sweet to pick pink as their game day shirt color (my girl color). Please continue to pray that the ladies stay feeling good and we have no injuries.

One of the blessings for me is knowing a lot of the girls that play at other schools (club soccer ties) and some of the coaches. I have been blessed to be given gifts and encouragement from other schools. Some of my favorite things about this year will for sure be all these memories and prayers from so many. Some of the coaches got together and got these socks made for the girls and Cabot’s coach has been such a great prayer warrior and coach friend to me. I am thankful the Lord put Kerry here at this time…He knows what I need. The socks will be great socks for the girls for the future. I hope they will remind them that there is always HOPE if we are FOCUSED on Fighting with and behind the Lord – He is my Warrior and has allowed me to become a Warrior He can use to lead and draw others to himself. How can I not be just so blessed?!

One of the things we have done as a team, is hopefully encourage younger students with what they desire to do. We were able to go to a couple elementary schools and I wanted to share a couple pics from one of the schools. It’s good for the girls to be able to speak in front of people and invest in lives growing up.

I don’t share much about my teaching day. I teach film to 10th-12th grade students. Now I know you are wondering if I’ve made a movie or why I’m teaching this. Well, my broadcasting degree and two years of television anchoring gives me the opportunity to teach “television” classes. I wish with all that’s gone on, I had been able to do more this summer and get some more stuff organized…but, the Lord has given me great students and we love to learn and spend time together. Who knows how many of these students will choose to be in this profession, but hopefully they will learn some professional things and personal things while they hangout with me. I am also blessed with my fresh fruit juice from the Humphrey family, she teaches here at the high school. And my students get to see LOVE in action. The juice is GREAT!

There are so many students in my life that have grown up and continue to get older and they make me feel older….. how does that happen? I have been blessed to hangout with teens since I was first married and I must like it so much I’m still here! But these ladies are on fire for the Lord and I love to see how the Lord is choosing to use them on their college campuses…and how he will in a future marriage!

I am so looking forward to Easter and celebrating all that the Lord has done for us by saving His people and offering eternal life with Him through what Christ did for us on the cross. He didn’t have to… but His love is so great for us, that He was willing to die in order for us to experience His heart and spend time with Him. I pray that your Easter experience is wonderful and you are able to really experience HIM. Nothing else compares.

He has held me and brought so much into my life through these experiences and I am blessed and thankful!


I start my chemo Tonight. Please pray for continued healing, for the Lord to continue to keep my body feeling good and for good rest and focus. There’s a lot going on in the next 6 weeks and I need to be ready to go.

Pray that I’m able to organize all the kids summer trips for the summer, graduation events, soccer season and banquet….Abbey and Ashton’s 16th Golden Bday. It’s a lot to organize and I’m going to need get stuff done!

Steady In the Wind

Before we left for spring break, I was blessed with my Warrior coffee mug from Nikki Funk for my bday. I am so thankful for it and for where I am in the Bible as I read through it and see David as a warrior as he battles and believes.

The past couple years have been different for me since I had a hard time finding much time to get ready to pack for spring break since I’m teaching and coaching and BUSY ALL day long! After having my radiation and chemo, my memory you know has been struggling a bit, so I try not to spend too much time looking too far a head, because I’ll forget ANYWAY! When we were a couple days away from leaving I started to panic a bit. Trying to make sure we had all we needed for our trip and getting everything finished at school, and taking a look at what to expect when I get back. UGH! But, I was so thankful. The Lord gave me all the energy I needed and direction that I only had to really buy one thing I forgot when we got there – not bad!

We had most all of our stuff packed up and ready to go on Saturday morning driving all the way to Tallahassee. I had my Chemo pills with us so I could take them at night on the way and the first few days we were there. I thank the Lord as I take the pills and I am thankful that He has sustained and enabled me in so many ways even when I’m taking those 5 days a month. The Lord has been so faithful and good to me. I am blessed.

Once we got to Marco Island, we got out of the car and excited that it felt pretty good outside. Have to laugh because, it got cooler and was definitely too cool for me to be swimming. The clouds were busy covering up the sun a bunch while we were there and so it make it very cold by the ocean. Those of us who don’t live close to this water beauty the Lord made, we are amazed to just sit and look at it. I have to admit, with everything the Lord has done for me, I get tears in my eyes all the time. “Lord who am I that I get to see this? Who am I that you have called me to be your child? Who am I that I am able to be with you? Who am I that you desire to use my life to bring others to you? Lord, humbled. Lord you are big, great and for people to miss you…. they are missing out on so much…. no they are missing EVERYTHING!”

One of the highlights for me while there, was getting to see my Aunt Helene and Uncle Dick. They came down to see us and eat lunch with us one day. They are such giving people and are so good to encourage us and make us laugh. Dick is a great fisherman but, we weren’t able to fish with him this time. But, being able to see family we don’t get to see much, is such a gift. (Again – tears). We were able to see them again when we drove closer to where they are for a few months in the winter. So glad!

When we first walked down to the beach…I saw something. First thing I saw. Yes this pink shell. I had a lady ask me if I have breast cancer and I explained to her what I had been diagnosed with. Course I give her the quick version and what I understand! I don’t know every thing! Why pink? Well a long time ago when I started coaching, I wanted to show my girl players that we could go out on the field and play hard and aggressive, but then we could come off the field and be ladies. That was ok and I chose to demonstrate that starting with my pink color. So now you know why I do pink everywhere and why my pink shell was so awesome!

We spent time at the ocean walking and enjoying the sand. It’s amazing how the wind can affect the temperature and how much colder it gets when there aren’t any trees or buildings around to cut the wind down. Scott enjoyed running by the water, Nathan enjoyed building in the sand with everyone and the girls enjoyed taking pics! Garrett just walked around and explored a bit. It’s fun to see the kids hanging out and conversing with one another. Nathan’s biggest negative – his sunburn! You would think I would know better – I do, yet because it was cloudy the first couple of days, I didn’t think too much about sunblock. Nathan didn’t care about the coolness, and he was burned for a few days 🙁

While we were there I was able to celebrate my 28th bday! I’m feeling a bit older and I am blaming the chemo….ha! But, Scott and the kids blessed me with great meals and a sweet Key Lime Pie cupcake thing. I have to admit, I ate key lime pie 3 times this week!!!!! Geez.

I also loved seeing all the dolphins there. The first team Abbey and Ashton were on were called the dolphins. I ended up doing a bunch of research on their personalities and characteristics and I loved the idea of what a dolphin is and what a great mascot for a team. So everywhere we went I was reminded and thankful for all the girls I have been blessed to coach and how much that has meant to me in my life. Love you girls!

One of the fun things we were able to do was to see the dolphin Winter from Dolphin Tale. Really neat to just be reminded that so many people and animals undergo difficulties, taken down in the waves….and how we deal with them has such impact – good or bad. Looking at Winter without her tail and knowing that her people friends provided what she needed, here she is now living her life and impacting others. A dolphin is doing this… so what are we doing to effect the lives of others and to build them up? The new dolphin there is named Hope….and her signs were in pink… I had to take pics!

When I think back to memories of my childhood, getting away and experiencing something, is one of the easiest and most cherished memories I have. I love seeing the kids interact, I love watching Scott enjoy time away and seeing us laugh while we do things we don’t normally get to do. Vacations away are a gift full of memories.

Where we stayed we were able to watch the sunrise from our room and set outside our front door. I’ve never had the opportunity to see both so well. I admit I was in awe of the Lord as both pieces of art were seen everyday. To think the Lord gives us a daily wake-up to see Him and know Him… and yet so many of us miss Him in it. I know in my own life there have been plenty of times where I have not been focused on Him and been “too busy” doing things. Sometimes it’s not being too busy, it’s being to comfortable and relaxed that I allow the devil to speak lies into my life and I miss what the Lord desires for me to hear and do.

As I said, I have been reading through the lives of Saul and David in the Old Testament. I am reminded so much of what living for yourself looks like and where it gets you or what humbling yourself before God looks like and desiring Him for each and every step you take – amazing difference. King David didn’t live a perfect life, but he desired to follow the Lord in everything he did – the Lord called him His own and blessed him, and us with Jesus who came from David’s line.

I have not been a crier like I am now. But, one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given me through this battle is a warrior’s heart, dependent on the Lord and filled with His Hope each and everyday. I get emotional just thinking about what He has done for me and through me. He reminds me so often to believe what He has said and live this Truth steady in the wind as I hold on and believe in Him! As I read my Facebook history for today from 9 years ago…. the Lord reminded me that He has been walking with me and preparing me for years…. for the battle I am in. He has been SO good to me.

Boldness from the Lord….

I loved reading this verse this morning as I was getting ready. I have really been surrounded by the angels of the Lord through each step on this journey. The Lord has been so good to hold my hand and remind me that He has given me His angels to walk with me and deliver me. I just love that He reminded me again this morning what He has already done and continues to do. I am blessed to be free of fear and free of worry. He has called us to use our lives to be bold witnesses for Him and He has given us His boldness through His Spirit. Thank you Lord!

As I shared last time about the healing the Lord has done already and the surprise by the doctors, I just love knowing He is doing something because I physically can feel Him healing my head. I have never had this happen before, but as the Lord continues to remind me, “daughter I am here. You are surrounded by my angels and I am walking with you. Trust me and know that there’s a purpose in all of this!” So, I have to praise Him and say I wasn’t surprised nor do I spend time thinking about what’s going on with me. The Lord sends His healing hand to me and I smile and thank Him. I thank Him for the healing, but also for the reminder that He is here and that He is working in my life and in the lives of others. I am blessed to see Him do amazing things! He Has and Will do great things for us!

Our Valentine’s card from Nathan. So Sweet!

Goodness little Nathan. He has really started writing so much deeper and I love listening to him as he passionately plays the piano and wants to play tennis. It’s been so great to wake up in the morning and hearing him play the piano before he goes to school. He really loves music and singing. I’m excited to see how the Lord will choose to use him in the coming years.

Garrett has been busy working and finalizing maybe what he wants to do next year. University of Central Arkansas is his top choice and he has started finalizing what he needs to do to go there. He also got HIS BRACES OFF! He looks super cute and I can tell he took good care of his teeth the last couple years wearing those things. He has really enjoyed his time helping on Sunday morning at church and I think he enjoyed the opportunity to direct some of the filming on Sunday. It’s hard to see in this pic, but he’s third in there.

Scott has been busy doing some Razorback games and will do the basketball State Finals coming up. It gives him a chance to do some of what he used to, but not occupying his time with it all. We are really hoping that the basketball team goes to the state finals so he can call Bryant in the football championship and basketball this year. The other picture I put above this was a learning experience. We went out to dinner one night and were given the opportunity to visit for a VERY long time while we waited to get hungrier and more ready for our food. Bless the other people in there and just the staff. By the time a couple hours finished and Scott still didn’t have food, we were laughing and just trying to get out! Memory maker!

We are very busy starting soccer games and getting our team together. It’s been a joy but challenging as well. When I think about the fact that two years ago I had no thought about doing this and was good just thinking about watching Abbey and Ashton play high school and I would watch. But, the Lord had a different plan and I have enjoyed just the time I’ve had with the group and hopefully helping them improve on and off the field.

At the beginning of the year, one of the most fun things the parents get to do is to decorate the lockers in the locker room before the first game. The girls all love it and love to see what their families did. I’m not going to lie, it takes a LONG time to get these together and do it. But – it’s a blessing! We loved putting up a few notes from family too! Ashton said her favorite picture was one of Garrett hugging her when she was probably 11ish and we scrimmaged the boys team. She said it brought tears to her eyes. So sweet!

I have been so blessed …. and no that shin isn’t mine! It’s Abbey’s leg and as I always tell the girls I coach….. this is from her WEARING shinguards…so without them who knows what could’ve happened in practices!

There is a group from Stuttgart who are such a blessing to send sweet things to cancer patients. I’ve enjoyed my bath ball smells by my bathtub! Such a special little treat. One of the students in my class was sweet to make me tennis shoes with a “Film” theme. She drew film and old cameras on it. Thanks Katie!

As I look at these girls I see at least three hours a day, I’m reminded of my memories and experiences from when I was a student. The Falcon paper was from my college days. There I am number 4, playing in the Final Four Tourney. Having the memories, but so much more that I learned and the experiences developed me into the person that I have become. So many details I don’t remember about playing soccer, but the friendships and memories around the game that still run through my thoughts a bunch – are so fun!

As I am reading through the Bible, I am in Deuteronomy right now. Spending time reading about the law and the repercussions for choosing to do what you want without listening and following the Lord’s law is deep and hard to read sometimes. Yet, it makes me smile and say, “Thank you Jesus. Thank you for coming and seeing my guilt and taking my ugly sin and deciding that you would die for me, so that I could receive YOU!” I am just so often thankful for what the Lord has done. When you see students hurting, struggling, going their own way – my heart hurts and brings tears to my heart. It opens my mouth to let them know they are loved and to share my life with them. The Lord doesn’t desire for them to live hurt – he LOVES them. But, they don’t know. We encourage them to LIVE however they want, while they continue to be brought down by the devil and his lies. They will never experience peace or joy and they won’t know love, without Christ. Thank you Lord for providing everything we need so we are never left without you when we seek you! He is SO GOOD!

I have my blood work appointment Wednesday. Last time I was in there they were very happy with where my numbers were…. I am constantly reminded how the Lord watches and takes care of the small details for me. He has blessed me so much! I love this from Tozer below. If we were never challenged or life stayed the same, we would never take or find opportunities to grow and know the Lord more. What a blessing to have been called by Him and for Him to continue to call me and walk with me.

Live Like You Believe

“Do NOT FEAR…I will uphold you.” Isaiah 41:10

This won’t be long and really all I would need to say is….God is good and He knows. Today I had my MRI and bloodwork and then visit with my doctor.

They blessed me with what felt like a shorter MRI…wasn’t feeling cramped and tight like I usually do in such a small space. I sang in my mind and prayed. The Lord is so good to pass the time while I’m in there. Getting my blood work done I got to talk to a woman who was there for her first day back at work since having a baby. Was precious to hear about the joy and her experience.

When we finished there it was time to go up and see my doctor. Dr. Ong is a wonderful lady and even before she came in Lynn our nurse was such a blessing to us. Long and short of it is that God wants to remind these doctors that He’s got me and got this. Back when we started treatment the hope was to contain in the brain…not to see God heal. Well God is a healing God and He has the ability and desire to bring healing. My HOPE is in Him!

I love that my doctor was impressed and even the radiologist called my doctor and my doctor was worried it could be bad news she missed. That’s the only reason he calls she said. But, he was amazed at how good my scans looked. I’ve put a picture here below. The far right shows the one tumor in October and then December and now. Far left was today.

Some may be surprised or wonder how…. But GOD! He’s got this thing.

My other tumor is steady and not doing anything so they are happy with it. Course if the Lord desires to remove it….He can! Right now it is highlighting my radiation I had – so that’s the color- and so the tumor that I have, is different than before.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and for their continued desire to encourage me and to praise the Lord with me. The Lord has His story to tell through this and through my life. He desires to amaze others and who am I…..who am I, that I get to be a part of it. Wow!

‘”If you can?’ said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23

The Lord…He Is Mine

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

John 15:12

Let me just say how unworthy I am for the Lord to love me like He does. He has been so so good to me. He lifts me up and I just have tears in my eyes so much. Whether it’s singing, hearing His voice or reading His word. He is my rock, comforter, the One who holds me up and the One who never leaves me. He is … my everything.

Valentine’s Day is this week. So often we spend so much time focused on this one day and we live “better” that day, YET choose to live and love less the other days. What if we lived each day dedicated and desiring to LOVE others around us….EVERY moment of EVERY day, living like Jesus did? No matter what the other person has done to us, said about us or how they decide to be to us? How would that change us and maybe even them? Your faith would be strengthened, your joy would be complete and God’s love would be lived out through your life.

It’s been a busy busy month for me. Coming back from Christmas break…it’s soccer in full gear going 100 miles an hour. But, I love it. I think about the time and energy that coaches in my past gave me in order to develop the player I became and to motivate me to keep going and making sure I improved. I am so thankful for them. They make me want to be a better coach and make me want to continue to develop the girls. I have a very strong senior class that has been such a help to me. They are always there to hold me up and to make sure I have everything I need. I am blessed by them. With all of the treatments, I confess, eeeekkkkk….. my memory isn’t as good as it used to be – but, I’m thankful because it’s getting better, I can tell. The seniors have helped me and continue to want to improve, which makes me push forward to focus on their goals. I am so thankful they want to work and come every practice working hard. I need that… and the rest of the team does too.

Our team got to watch one of our players sign a letter of intent to Ouachita Baptist University to play soccer. We are excited to see Maddie play there and it was fun to celebrate her opportunities. My assistant coach, Jessica Brown has been very helpful to me as I try to set up things everyday, and I’m thankful I’m not alone.

I have been so blessed by so many people at school. My sweet sophomore neighbor Austin, grabbed me mozzarella sticks for part of my lunch the other day. Since I can’t drive and I’m so busy heading from class to the fieldhouse, I never get to go get anything. He was so sweet and I am thankful that he asked me and even bought them. Good parents teaching him!

Went great with my soup!

The Lord has blessed me by other ministries who continue to pray for me and mail me sweet things. So many places to get involved in to make someones day and to encourage them as they battle. If you’ve ever wondered if you should get involved and if you could do anything, YES you can! You doing things brings joy to others and if will encourage you too. My friend Robyn sent me this Warrior necklace I wear everyday now. Her words were so encouraging and reminded me of the work the Lord is doing. He has been SOOOO good to me!

Every day I see a bunch of students in the hallway and some of them don’t have me, but the Lord knows who I need to see and when I need to see them. He has given me opportunities to grow with students, to teach them Truth and to share and show love to them. I have always thought I loved others…. but going through what I have gone through has grown my heart and opened my eyes to finally see others with a full heart of Christ and it has been an amazing time.

Yes I coach soccer, but the other athletes at school have allowed me the opportunity to give them game pump ups or to encourage them in the hallway, class or field house. I’m their adopted coach and sometimes adopted mom. And I love it. They bless me with smiles, hugs and they listen to what I say and usually laugh or give me a fist bump. I love interacting with students… they keep me going and keep me focused.

Today was a super exciting day! My assistant coach in club, Louis texted me and my friend this morning as we were sitting in church, to tell us he was getting baptized at church! I was super excited. The girls, Nathan and I ran over there with Addi and Nikki and got to celebrate with him and his family! Wow what a blessing. Also got to see Alonso, we coached against each other when the girls were little, he was back in town from Costa Rica. His family told me they pray for me every night. Humbled. Humbled. Lord 🙂 He has given me prayer warriors around the world.

My family has done so much to encourage and continue to move forward one day at a time. I love the times we’ve been able to have the opportunities to just love one another. The Lord has blessed us with cool nights for fires, rainy days to relax and sunshine to be outside. I am thankful for that. Nathan is busy as he has started piano and still loves playing tennis. He loves to come and hangout with the soccer girls while he waits for me. We only have 11 more practices until the soccer season begins. WOW! Time has flown by. Garrett is going to decide his college by the end of this month and I know he’s ready to get started on all he needs to do. YES my hair is growing back!

The Lord has given me His Word everyday and He speaks to me deeper and more than I have experienced before. He lifts me up and by His power and presence the devil stays away from me. The Lord gives me the energy I need, the ability to do what I’ve been called to do and the mind I need to depend on Him but, to complete what He’s called me to do. Wednesday of this week I go in for an MRI to check out how my brain is clearing up. I trust in my Savior and I know there’s nothing on earth that He doesn’t have complete control over. He has given me His peace and continues to move me forward. Everyday I have tears of joy as the Lord continues to grow me and tell me to stand and share what He is doing.

We all go through difficult times and we are called to take the road the Father has promised with His blessings. I loved reading and studying about the early church. To be reminded today that we are called to BE DEVOTED to God’s Word, studying and worshipping with others, celebrating and taking communion to remind us of who loves us and what He has done and to be faithful in prayer – to have a relationship with our Father. Everyday we wake up and before we walk out the door, let’s pray to be devoted to these things. It’s not something we do once a week, it’s a daily, hourly and sometimes more! But, it’s not a task…it’s something Acts tells us God’s people enjoyed. The deeper we devote ourselves, the more we get to enjoy and experience Him like never before. And nothing else…NOTHING else can compare.

Ashton made this for me a while back. I put it above my bathtub. The only way we are told we CAN love, is because God showed His love first. Thank you Jesus for choosing to sacrifice yourself for us, so that we might experience you like never before. To be able to talk to you and be with you. Thank you for taking me by the hand and reminding me that you will never leave me and your love IS here in me through your Holy Spirit so that I might share and show you to those around me. Use me…use me to bring you praise and glory!
