Live Like You Believe

“Do NOT FEAR…I will uphold you.” Isaiah 41:10

This won’t be long and really all I would need to say is….God is good and He knows. Today I had my MRI and bloodwork and then visit with my doctor.

They blessed me with what felt like a shorter MRI…wasn’t feeling cramped and tight like I usually do in such a small space. I sang in my mind and prayed. The Lord is so good to pass the time while I’m in there. Getting my blood work done I got to talk to a woman who was there for her first day back at work since having a baby. Was precious to hear about the joy and her experience.

When we finished there it was time to go up and see my doctor. Dr. Ong is a wonderful lady and even before she came in Lynn our nurse was such a blessing to us. Long and short of it is that God wants to remind these doctors that He’s got me and got this. Back when we started treatment the hope was to contain in the brain…not to see God heal. Well God is a healing God and He has the ability and desire to bring healing. My HOPE is in Him!

I love that my doctor was impressed and even the radiologist called my doctor and my doctor was worried it could be bad news she missed. That’s the only reason he calls she said. But, he was amazed at how good my scans looked. I’ve put a picture here below. The far right shows the one tumor in October and then December and now. Far left was today.

Some may be surprised or wonder how…. But GOD! He’s got this thing.

My other tumor is steady and not doing anything so they are happy with it. Course if the Lord desires to remove it….He can! Right now it is highlighting my radiation I had – so that’s the color- and so the tumor that I have, is different than before.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and for their continued desire to encourage me and to praise the Lord with me. The Lord has His story to tell through this and through my life. He desires to amaze others and who am I…..who am I, that I get to be a part of it. Wow!

‘”If you can?’ said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23

8 thoughts on “Live Like You Believe”

  1. What great news! God is so amazing! I continue to pray for you and your family! I am praying the next MRI shows NO evidence of disease as God continued to heal!

  2. Such wonderful news! Blessings for you and your family….grandmother of the Schroeder, Orender, and Daves kiddos

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