AR State Champions-Lady Hornets

Winning the State Championship is every players first goal no matter the age or where you live. The girls worked hard this year and are now able to say, “I am a State Champion.”

Last year as the season came to an end I was very proud of the girls and how hard they worked individually and as a group to become a team. So often “teams” will depend on ONE player to do everything and THE TEAM is centered around one player. If they play well, there’s a chance for the group to experience a win, if they are off, well many players are deflated. That’s never been how I would like to play nor how I would like to coach in the future. Yes teams usually have their one player who gets the attacking award, like Alyssa Fason did in the tourney, she was our attacker. But, a good player knows that she needs someone to feed her balls and a defense to stop the other team from continually advancing. It’s a TEAM effort.

As I said in earlier blogs, May has been crazy. Part of the reason for that has been because of the end of the soccer season. My seniors are preparing for graduation, they don’t have to go to as many classes and finish earlier. They were excited about that. But, I can imagine that it’s hard to continue to train hard and prepare for the tourney when you aren’t studying or in classes anymore.

I was very thankful for these ladies. They didn’t dwindle away or come late to train, they were ready and focused to win a title. These seven ladies above, usually worked hard in training, asked questions and desired to understand what I was trying to do. They were troopers to listen and then encourage the other players to follow through. I will miss these ladies. They have to be one of the most talented classes to graduate here in Arkansas ever.

The way the State tourney is played here, there isn’t a sectional tourney first. So many teams will go on to the State tourney depending on their record after their games are played. We had done well, but had lost twice to Conway during the season, so we were seated second in the tourney for our conference. Here in Arkansas, the teams in North West Arkansas are usually able to have some pretty good talent in all their sports. In soccer they are closer to Oklahoma and Missouri, so. some players choose to play club in these states. The talent pool in these states can be more consistent sometimes. They always have some good players and coaches that are experienced in coaching soccer. Makes it harder for the rest of the state but, they are beatable.

The last two weeks of training are more focused on getting girls to loosen up and BELIEVE that they can do what we have been working on. We were fortunate to be able to do some training on some grass since we have been playing on turf all year.

It was great to be able to see the difference of speed of ball and size of a college field. They are usually wider and that width makes a huge difference in fitness and what you want to do as a coach.

I remember this picture of MC(one of our captains/seniors) as we headed back from our last practice before heading to state tourney game. It had been a lot to work for the past 14 years or so and after state tourney games, that would be all most of our seniors would play….at this level, ever. It’s a lot to ponder about and realize these moments occur many times in life.

One of the things the girls enjoy most about soccer tourney is the staying in hotels and Nikki Funk does a great job getting parents and companies to help with girls for the girls. We have been super blessed. As we left town the school and elementary schools were so great to say good luck ladies and cheer us on as we pulled out of parking lot. It was a great memory.

I haven’t mentioned that our boys soccer team also made the State Finals in the tourney. Their presence and winning made our memories so much greater and the experience so much fun! I have known the boys for a long time, as Garrett played with a lot of them. So thankful they were able to experience such a memory before some of them graduated.

While we were at the tourney it was Abbey and Ashton’s 16th bday. They love soccer but, it’s still a rushed bday and not the way you would probably write how you want to celebrate. We let the pasta place serve them some dessert and the girls are so sweet to just help others feel special. We were thankful to get these cookies and pass them out to the girls after dinner.

As we went out on the field for the games, I told the girls that they needed to play hard and believe they could win. The girls worked hard and beat Fayetteville 1-0 and then beat Bentonville 2-0. I have been proud of our defensive line. They did a great job in the back all year and their experience and work effort made a difference in the games.

In the Final Game we were moved from Conway, AR to Fayetteville, AR where we were given the opportunity to play on the Razorback field again, like we did last year. The first week of the tourney the temp was cooler and it’s always a little hotter for the championship! How badly do you want to win?

Before the game started I told them they needed to own and score the first 5 minutes. Now, we’ve said this before and the girls have allowed their fear or doubt to be their focus. Not what I’ve told them to focus on and know. We had experience in the Razorback field and playing on that field is different because of size and noise level. Last year it was harder to get comfortable because of those two things. The girls started quick and really dominated possession for the first 5 minutes like we said. The girls were able to score a goal before the 5 min mark. It was pretty exciting.

Conway came back and scored on a direct kick and sent ball far post in the goal and we were able to score again off of a PK and Alyssa Fason took the shot and it went in. I was. very proud of these girls. They ran over to celebrate with the crowd and honestly, it wasn’t my time to do that.

I was blessed to be a player and to win in college and HS. Games are not for coaches to win, they are for players to win. Players have to choose to work physically and mentally until they are spent. Coaches can want them to do what they say, but players have to decided to do it. So in the end – it is the players win. I am thankful for these ladies and all they have taught me as a coach and how I desire to live as a follower of Christ.

The Championship will be a forever memory for these ladies and I know that they made many memories from the beginning of the season to the end. Hopefully the season made them depend on the Lord more and hopefully the win helps them to know, they should never give up. Believe, focus, believe, train, believe and then DO.

We were fortunate pretty soon after the finals and graduation, we did our soccer banquet. So much to try to fit in! Was fun to see the awards the seniors gave and to give each player an award. All the girls improved this year and I am excited to see where they are able to go.

This year my senior captains asked me if they could give their captain bands to the captains for next year.  We had never done that before. The team always voted, but last year there really wasn’t a unanimous opinion and we struggled to figure out how to pick captains.  When the girls who were voted on for this past season asked me this, I told them I would have to think about it and I would get back with them on it. After a couple days of praying through and looking at positives and negatives, I told them they could pick IF the selection was unanimous between the three.  There were two names that were unanimous so at the banquet the captains handed their arm band to two girls: Addison Funk and Ashton Inman. They couldn’t select a third and we agreed that we would wait to see if someone stepped up to the plate in the coming months. Thankful that the captains were able to approach me with their idea.

Pretty excited to see our championship rings in a few weeks. The girls have enjoyed their new stickers on their windows and seeing the new State Champion painted on the athletic building at school. I’ve collected a few things that will look great in my office this next year.

When school finished and everything was done….it wasn’t! We had a banquet that is focused on highlighting athletes of all sports on what they have accomplished for the year. We had two athletes put on the list: Alyssa Fason and Ashton Inman. Abbey and I went and were able to cheer on all the athletes for all they have done. I was also given the opportunity to coach the All Star game for the seniors. Had a great time hanging out with Rachel and Ashlyn for a couple days and watch them play one last time. It’s such a blessing to look at the final scores for each game we played up on the locker room wall.

Hard to believe my second season is over. As I think back to all that happened and all the Lord did, it’s time to start looking ahead. Will miss these seniors, but look forward to pouring into and investing in the rest. I know they are going to be cheering the rest of the girls on this coming year! I have a new hat read for next year and we will always remember the season we were able to share together. Proud of these ladies! Go Lady Hornets!!!

Coaching is a blessing for me. When I would coach this year it would make me feel “normal” and it’s something I am passionate about. I love seeing the girls improve and succeed. Praying this year the ladies work hard, love one another, focus on improvement and desire to play together.

Continue to pray for the ladies as they train and prepare to prevent injury and be team focused.

I have finished my chemo pills for the year. I am thankful to be done. I’ve been more tired this summer. I have been trying to start working out a bit and I can tell my body is tired. Please pray for continued energy growth.

I will continue to get MRI’s every other month and see a new doctor. Pray that eyes are opened for them and that I do what I need to be doing. God is in control and I trust Him in all of days going forward.

School starts sooner than I can think and I am trying to finish a few things. There’s so much to catch up on and not enough time it seems! Thank you for your continued prayers. God is so good to me!


Hard to believe that Garrett graduated from high school. Honestly it hasn’t completely hit me yet. As I sit here and think over the past couple months….no the past year…. it’s been crazy busy. Almost, so busy remembering the different things we are supposed to do for this occasion, that it came and went so quickly. Had no idea that the last week of his junior year he would be taking senior pictures at the school for the yearbook – already and getting flyers on what’s going on very soon and what to expect. It made the year just crazy. I pray that planning a wedding someday is easier?! We are excited that he is ready and he really enjoyed the time he had here at the high school.

Garrett’s pictures in the yearbook for his senior page. Great memories – hard to pick pictures and make plans for this…. too many great memories!!

By the beginning of May Garrett was pretty much done taking classes. Seniors don’t have to go as long and he had the chance to start summer earlier. All the seniors love this. We did a senior weekend at the church too. It was fun to go up and decorate his table with memories and look at the other students too. We got to talk to other parents and really just think about how these guys grew up here and now they would move on. Very thankful for the seniors, especially those who chose to lead the younger students the past few years. They learned a lot and grew up and learned to really trust the Lord. Scott’s parents came and ate with us. It was also a blessings to have Chris Shepherd sit with us. Students were given a chance to ask an adult to sit with them and allow this adult to pour into them one more time. Chris has been a great role model for Garrett and I am thankful that Garrett recognizes that in him. He also was blessed by having Paige and Casey in his walk. Paige has been around Garrett for along time. She has such a love for Jesus and challenges these students well. Thankful to have Casey at the church and for Garrett to have an opportunity to be taught by him this past year.

Course Ashton, Abbey and Nathan enjoyed all of it too and Garrett leaving probably really hasn’t completely hit them all yet. I hope and pray that they are able to see and model some of what Garrett does and that we will learn and lead the last three more humbled and focused on Christ daily.

After we got to celebrate the seniors at church we had the opportunity to go up to the elementary school where all of our kids have gone. We love it there and the teachers are so loving and instructive to the students there. The younger kids (Nathan was one of them), got to give high fives to the seniors that went to elementary school there and the students were able to thank teachers for all they did for them. Garrett enjoyed hugging his teachers and Nathan enjoyed having us at school that day.

Once they finished walking through the school for the day, we finished preparing for his graduation party. Oh and we played a soccer game….more on that later. We were very fortunate to have great help from both sets of grandparents. Garrett was able to see many of you who made the drive over to see him and congratulate him. He was thankful. It was a fun party and many memories were made. That bottom picture is my sister, Alissa (blue hair -ha!) and her six kiddos that made the drive to congratulate him. Thanks Johns family!

This is the first grandchild to graduate on both sides.

Graduation Night was busy! Thankfully Scott’s parents got to the arena earlier and they were able to get us some seats. Garrett got to wear the gold (Distinguished High Honor) because he kept his grades up. The night was full of many great moments. Our only problem was hearing things well, ha! Very thankful that my Aunt Carol, from Minnesota flew down to watch him graduate and then left the next morning. He is blessed by so many who love him.

We said goodbye to my parents and a few weeks later Garrett and Scott took off for his senior trip starting at Yellowstone and finishing through parts of Utah. Both of them enjoyed seeing new places and spending time together. It had been a busy year and heading West was exactly how Garrett wanted to spend some time this summer. I know Scott enjoyed the time too and all the hiking and God’s creation to see, was pretty amazing.

So here we sit in the middle of summer and realize that Garrett will be off at college soon. He will attend the University of Central Arkansas, in Conway and he hopes to major in Digital Film. We are thankful for his great scholarship he worked for and we shall see where the Lord plans to take him and how He will use him in the future. I am thankful that Garrett loves Christ and chooses time with the Lord as important and needed, time at the church worshiping and serving- a calling for all believers, and giving his mom lots of hugs a day- a way to make her smile – a necessary part of his day. I am blessed.

“Whoever pursues righteousness and love

finds life, prosperity and honor.”

Proverbs 21:21

I put this verse at the beginning of this blog, because this is what we all strive for and often wonder why we don’t get there and then we aren’t happy. It doesn’t say on here “whoever walks around….” , it uses the word “PURSUE.”

As a coach, something that drives me crazy, is when a player loses the ball or chooses to jog after the opponent who took the ball and is dribbling to attack your goal. A player in this position should be looking to follow and chase at a fast and hard pace and not stop until possession has been made and instead of defending, we are now turned around and on the attack away from danger. As believers we are called to dig in, to really spend time with God….. not just mumble prayers, but to really spend time with Him. When is the last time you cried in prayer as you talked to your Father? When is the last time that you saw Him move, even in a small way and it brought you to tears? If we chooses to jog behind and not pursue the Lord we will miss out on what He has for us. We are asked to PURSUE righteousness and love. Righteousness is being accepted and living on the side of God. We get to choose everyday how we will choose to live – we can live with God and love Him and others or we can live unwisely and suffer from our choices. God promises us Life, Prosperity and Honor when we choose to PURSUE Him with ALL we have to offer.

I pray that as Garrett heads off to school that this will always be his desire and drive. That he won’t PURSUE money or success, but that his heart will always be focused on his pursuit for and in Christ and that in that, he experiences God’s LIFE, PROSPERITY and HONOR. There’s no other life to live!

Thank you for continued prayers for me. I am in the final few days of my LAST chemo session. I am soooo thankful that I have physically felt pretty good. I won’t complain about the aches and pain, when I know so many others who physically struggle so much more. I am thankful for those of you who tell me that you pray for me daily and send me little messages as a reminder. These are the things that bring me to tears. As I ask the Lord all the time, “who am I?” Continue to pray that I am focused on what I need to finish before school starts so I am starting off ready to go and feeling great about starting, not feeling behind. Continue to pray for Garrett as he gets ready for school and that we get everything he needs to have done – DONE!

……Next blog will be on State Championship….