Our Final Celebration

On December 5th, I witnessed the most magnificent pink sunset. It is amazing how our Sovereign God provides comfort right when we need it. This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. Nicole’s breath had been shallow all day, I knew her time was coming to meet our Father face to face. I was cooking dinner and God told me, go outside. Take a picture. Heaven is opening. 30 minutes later, He told me to look up and take another photo. The sky was beautiful.  I mean, we have amazing sunsets at our cabin; but I have never witnessed the sky the way I saw it on December 5th at a little past 5pm. When I captured the last photo, our Lord told me “she’s’ home”. My heart sank. The reality hit. It hurt. But I rejoiced as He welcomed her with open arms.

I knew she danced in with arms raised to the Lord on His throne, wearing those pink sunglasses. She was healed. She had been waiting and she was ready. When Nicole started this journey, I knew she would fight. I knew she would find comfort in our Father. I knew her relationship would grow more than it ever had before. She knew God was leading her in a storm, holding her hand with a purpose. She was not afraid.

This past March after another tumor was found, I texted her Romans 16:20, The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. ” She sent me the message back, “He will finish what He has already started. ” She knew the outcome of this journey may be different than complete healing here on earth.  She never complained. She never let  Satan deter her from what God’s purpose was for her. She fought each day with a “No not today, Satan” attitude.

Because as believers we are identified in Christ, we have crushed all the wicked strategies, schemes, and temptations. Nothing can prevail against the Lord and His anointed.  For it says in 1 John 4:4, “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. 

Christ’s death and glorious resurrection was a pivotal point in history when all who believe in God’s only Son became overcomers. All who believed in Him would become His children and be covered in our Father’s righteousness. Faith is the key token to being an overcomer. It is by faith we are saved. We do not have to do anything to overcome. Christ did it already on the cross for us! As believers, we are sojourners in the world. We are ambassadors to heaven. We are passing through a world full of sin en route to our eternal home.

This is the reason I rejoice because Nicole is a child of God and she has overcome the enemy of her soul through her faith in Jesus. Greater is the Holy Spirit that dwells in us and empowers us with His grace and sufficient strength. Our Father has defeated the enemy of our soul, who is in the world. The sin filled world that the enemy feasts off of wants so much of us ALL the TIME. He is knocking at our door with all different tactics. I can’t say, I would have responded the way Nicole did.

Nicole’s celebration of life was such a reflection time for me. I am sure it was for some of you too. I’ve thought a lot about God’s purpose and plan for me. Am I listening? I mean, am I? or am I content? Maybe my ears are half-open? Am I praying, “Lord, send me? Sign me up, I am ready”!!?? Nicole knew her purpose. She never let anything get in the way. She had plenty of chances to deter God’s mission and take a different route. When others thought she should focus on resting. She put on her running shoes. When people mentioned her not teaching, she invested more time in the kids. Her mission was clear whether anyone else saw it. She did. She never walked. She never stumbled. She finished the race strong right to our eternal home.

Nicole’s obituary provided by the funeral home also was very uplifting. You can review it at https://www.rollerfuneralhomes.com/memorialpage.asp?id=57540&locid=56.

If you have not watched Nicole’s celebration, I encourage you to watch it. You are in for a treat! There were about 1,400 who watched the live stream and about 500 in person at the church. The slide show video below contains some of the videos and pictures of Nicole’s life and were shown at the funeral and the reviewal. The funeral video is a recording of the funeral celebration. If you missed either, these are both worth watching.

Here is the funeral video link: https://youtu.be/sYmi3for4OU

Here is the slide show video link: https://youtu.be/znOpYJ87v1o

Recently, Representative French Hill of Arkansas provided a tribute to our Hope Warrior on the House Of Representatives floor. You can watch this tribute at this link: https://youtu.be/YUaVWPMsay0

It was a very uplifting message. It brought me to tears as words were said from Scott, Garrett, Abbey, and Ashton. She was a remarkable lady. My sister. Terribly missed. Finally home. Forever healed. 

A few remarkable things happened these last few weeks. Nicole has been surrounded by such amazing friends and students. To see the Lord’s hands around her was pure joy and such comfort to her. On December 3rd, many adults and kids came to pray over Nicole. There were about 70 people all outside. Praying. What a beautiful picture. For it says in Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. ”  Our father surrounded Nicole with His holy presence. What an act of worshiping our Lord and King, giving Him all the glory. Wow. The kids sang songs to her. What a treat for her as the students were serving her when she needed it. The kids she loved and adored. She found so much Joy in the sound of their sweet voices praising the Lord Almighty.

The reviewal was on December 9th. It was astounding to see what Nikki, Tammy, Scott’s mom, and my mother accomplished to get everything ready for her visitation. It was such a tribute with all the photos, videos, journals, and letters. There were so many people (over 2,000) all coming to support the family and people she impacted. It was remarkable.

Again, Thank you for reading Nicole’s blog. I so wish it was her writing and not me these past months. You have helped her along this journey home. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Thank you to Nikki and Tami. Not sure how in the world she would have done anything without the both of you. You all have been welcoming to our family. And always full of smiles and laughter. I can see why she loves you all so much!

To Scott and Nicole’s first Bible Study group, you are truly a blessing. You have been through all the stages of life with them. Oh how Nicole cherished your friendships. She talked about it often. Thank you for loving her and Scott so much. Thank you for strengthening their relationship with Christ.

Prayer Requests: (These were the prayer requests Scott and the kids shared at the visitation).
Scott: Just finding my way forward. How do I spend my time, how do I fit in with all my married friends? And that I find the strength and intention to be the father my kids need.

Garrett: Pray for peace and that people will continue to be pointed to Christ through my mom.

Abbey and Ashton: Just getting back into the normal, learning how to be without her, and for peace. 

The Gift

Oh come, oh come Emmanuel. And ransom captive Israel. That mourns in lonely exile here. Until the Son of God appear, Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel! Shall come to thee, O Israel.

Can you envision all people in awe with excitement, that the Son of God has arrived? They have waited and waited. In fact, it took around 700 years for Isaiah’s prophecy of Christ to be fulfilled after he foretold of Immanuel’s birth. This time of the year is so wonderful. The lights. The laughter. Family time.

This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. Every other year my family gets together to celebrate Christmas in Minnesota. It is pretty special. My mother works so hard for 2 years, to prepare for our “WinterKamp.” She has a new theme each year, ornaments for the theme, handmade items for everyone (relating to the theme), and events. Nicole has always loved coming up to Minnesota for Christmas. She loves the snow; and loves having her kids experience it, cousin time, and seeing where she grew up. She would always spend weeks preparing–getting gloves, hats, coats, and making sure she had everything to embrace the North Pole. Ha!

2020 would have been our next annual WinterKamp. We have chosen to postpone most of the event, given Nicole’s condition and the situation we are facing. It saddens me because “WinterKamp” has had so many great memories; and my mother began it when Nicole started having children. Nicole has always given ornaments to each of my kids every year, when we have celebrated Christmas together.

This year I decided to make ornaments for our family and friends in the shape of sunglasses to honor her. She is an inspiration to me and so many others. I will love taking out this ornament each year and remembering her. Her Faith. Her Love. Her Leadership. Her courage. Her strength.  It brought many tears this past week as I set up my tree and saw ornaments back from 2005.

Thanks to Jeff Julian at Julian.Works for helping with the ornament cutouts.

Nicole received the best gift of all and her mission was to share it with everyone. We can all have it. It’s free. We just need to accept it, acknowledge it and receive it.

For it says in Romans 3:10 ” There is no one righteous, not even one.” All people are born with sin and we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We cannot get right with God, apart from the gift of righteousness. It says in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus our Lord.” Paul compares two types of lives here. We can have eternal separation from God. A life where we are slaves to sin and have eternal death. No matter how good we think we may be or how hard we work, it will never be good enough as eternal life isn’t earned through our good works.

However, there is another way Paul says we can become servants to righteousness by trusting Christ. He describes eternal life as a free gift in Christ Jesus. When we trust in Christ, God gives us the credit for Christ’s perfect, sinless life; and accepts Christ’s death as payment for our sin. He died for you. He died for me. He suffered on a cross for us. We can have eternal life with Him, sharing in His glory given to us as a gift. What life is it you want? I know if you are reading this, you know Nicole’s faith. Nicole would want you to accept this free gift as she has been praying for each one of you. She will be waiting there for you and would love to see you again. We must ask for forgiveness and understand we are a sinner before we can accept this gift.

If you’ve never trusted in Jesus, understand your need for a savior and are ready to move forward to accept this gift, Jesus is it! Paul says in Romans 9:10 ” If you declare with you mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” God knows our heart. God hears every word spoken. It never has to be perfect.  For it says in Romans 8:13 “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Here is a simple prayer for you to say if you want to accept this gift that God has given us through His son Jesus Christ: “Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner and I deserve Hell and eternity away from you. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and I ask for your forgiveness from my sins. Thank you for giving me the gift of eternal life. I want to turn and live a new life for you. I receive Jesus into my heart as my personal Savior. Please save me.  In Jesus’ name, Amen”

If you said that prayer, I’d love to pray with you. I’d love to talk with you. Please click on this link.

Now we can be assured that through faith in Jesus Christ, we can enjoy peace with God, no longer separated from our holy God by sin. Romans 8:1 says, “Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” We can now rejoice in the result of our salvation. Before faith in Christ we were all destined for death. But now we can have eternity in Heaven. I am delighting in the fact Nicole will be seeing those pearly gates and golden streets soon. Our Father will be welcoming her with open arms. I selfishly want her here, but ultimately our home isn’t here. It never was meant to be here. God has given us this life for His purposes and his design. I am grateful for her and grateful my Father loves me so much He gave me Her. I didn’t deserve her. He Hand picked her out. For me. She is something, so special.

Nicole has had some remarkable things happening this past week. Her friend Paige Shepard came over to reorganize the food pantry. Wow! She did an amazing job. I need her to come over and do that for me too! So sweet to see people using the talents God has given us to serve others. I love that!

My cousin Tiffany and her family came to see Nicole. Nicole surprisingly was up most of the day and was able to see her. Oh, how I know Nicole enjoyed seeing Tiff and the kids. We had special memories together as kids with Tiff and her siblings. My family would go Nebraska every summer and spend a week there with her family and my grandparents. Those were special memories.

Nicole also had a great quaint Thanksgiving while I’ve loved spending time with my nieces lately. We have a standing appointment each week doing a Bible Study together and I get to talk with them. Abbey and Ashton’s prayer request was that they would get quality family time and time with their mom during Thanksgiving.  God answered their prayer. The family was together, and it was intimate. I am thankful that they all were able to be there laugh and lean on one another.

Well, on Monday Nicole was moved to Hospice at home. I know it was a difficult decision for Scott to make. Bless his heart. No matter how much you can prepare yourself for the road that was destined, you can’t. The hospice service arrived Monday and it was quite an education for everyone. They were sweet, loving, and gave them confidence in how to help Nicole during this next short phase. I know Nicole has appreciated your support reading her blog, your encouragement, notes, and love. You have helped keep her fighting. Our Lord has been right by her side. Holding her hand. Leading her ultimate destination and to be united with our Creator.

Prayer Requests:

Comfort for Nicole. Pain Free. Sweet moments with her family.

Strength for Scott and the kids. For them to feel our heavenly father and for comfort.

Praises: God has given us so many people that have encouraged the family. We thank you. Each note, message, phone call and visit. We thank you and know God designed and was there for each interaction with Nicole. God has been so good and has given us so many years with Nicole. We are blessed.

 ***Nicole’s Friend, Nikki has set up a picture frame with rolling photos. Please e-mail pictures to: nicoleinman@ourskylight.com if you’d like to share some photos for the family to see in their home.