Thanksgiving and Praise

It’s been a while since I was able to write. I apologize for this. I am very crazy in my head and never seem to have a moment to collect my thoughts together! I have been blessed by so many of you who continue to pray for me and are so diligent to ask me about doctor appointments and everything else, thank you! I was blessed to get this bracelet from a sweet family, who’s son plays football at our school. Thank you Ginger for the bracelet. I love it!

It’s been a crazy couple of months with so many things going on for us. The fall has always been busy with Razorback games and high schools seem to be busier in the fall as they get going!

We were blessed to serve with our church for a mission day. One of the things I needed this year here at the high school, was our fieldhouse to be cleaned up. I was very thankful to have so many people who came up and cleaned up many areas of the high school and dedicate lots of lifting in the girl’s fieldhouse area. Appreciated the time we got to spend together and the service to the Lord through the church.

One of my favorite things this fall, has been Garrett being SO Sweet to us, (maybe mostly to me) by driving home and surprising me on some weekends. He doesn’t always say he’s coming and goodness, it’s been such a treat. One of my favorite memories was him surprising Nathan at his birthday party and him surprising us, coming home so we could celebrate his bday with him. He came a different weekend and we got to eat pizza together and spend a little time together on his short little break. He’s still focused on majoring in Film and Creative Writing.

One of the big things for the girls is …….EVERYTHING! They love doing a bunch and sharing and making memories with friends. Whether they are from Bryant or live in a different town, they like to see people and socialize. One thing I will ALWAYS be blessed by, is their desire and willingness to share life with their family. They aren’t afraid to tell us what they think or how they are struggling. I am very thankful for that. This fall they have started really looking at schools and will hopefully have a better idea on what they want to do and where they want to go to school soon.

Ashton is to the right 4th person down behind the group of girls ha! Love these kids!
The Girls have loved all the football games, watching their friends, and hanging out with their friends. Boys have done well and will go for the State Title again!

They enjoyed homecoming this year. I laughed because both the girls were asked by “Ethan’s.” The guys came together to our house to ask them. I missed it, but enjoyed hearing the story on how the boys asked. The girls spent homecoming with all of their friends and made a bunch of memories they won’t forget. I enjoyed taking photos, ha!

It’s been a fun fall for Abbey and Ashton just around school too. We’ve been able to make memories together more mother/daughter, and I am thankful for that. They enjoy all of their friends, as you see above, but, I love their many hugs and our talks and spending time together. The Lord has really given them hearts for kindness and love. Thankful.

Ok THIS was so cute and I had to share this in case you didn’t see this from when the girls were little and then today. Choosing the same colors for their costumes many years later! HA. The girls had a party to go to and went out and bought these little body suites. Then Abbey and Ashton were nice to dress up with me to surprise Scott with some costumes. We hid around the corner in the hallway and jumped out at him. We kind of look like catwomen, right? The girls like to take pics with their friends and I loved this one of them on the road!

The girls and I were able to take a trip to St. Louis for a soccer tourney. I was a little apprehensive and so was Scott because of my ONLY seizure. But, I haven’t been told not to drive, so I did and I do. The girls enjoyed the games and playing with their team. We were able to see a few of my college roommates which was a bunch of fun. Thankful they made the drive to meet me for some after game dinner. It’s always fun sharing memories and just laughing! Thanks ladies!

Another fun little surprise, was the little visits by some of my former players. It is always great to see individuals you knew years ago or months ago, and see how they have grown and changed. I love seeing my former players and just laughing and hearing about what they are up to and how life has changed. Very thankful that these three decided to continue on athletics in college. It’s a short time! The Team loved having them there and them joining us for a small bit of fun!

I was very thankful that our church did a fall carnival at church. Nathan and I went there and played games, decorated cookies and hung out together. He is growing up so much. I love to have the time to share with him and to get to know him more and more. He continues to love piano, like you saw above! One of his favorite things is to see Garrett when he comes home. He was super excited and thankful to see Garrett walk in for his birthday party. Made his party a 10!

Scott and I were blessed to attend a fundraiser banquet to raise money for children who are living without parents or family and living where this ministry provides. Scott was the host and we were able to meet so many great people who work hard to help bring these kids to loving families and to serve the state. Scott always does such a great job in front of large crowds and he is blessed to serve others.

We still have our big little puppy – Samson. He is a mess! Very good puppy – just doesn’t know how big he is! He likes to sit in the widow and watches us live – whenever we are home. That window needs to be cleaned twice a day, he breathes on the window – this is how bad it gets! We’ve been able to bring him to a dog park and he’s a good dog with other dogs. He makes us smile and laugh a lot.

We are still so blessed to be able to see Scott’s Parents almost every week. We are so busy in the fall that it makes it hard for us to get caught up or be caught up. With Razorback football done, Scott will be home more. We are thankful for that. Great memories for us!

I would like to really thank you all so much for all of the prayers that you have given for me. The Lord has been so good to me and I am blessed. I went for my MRI and it felt pretty short – thankful! I was able to pray for many of you and I am thankful for that. The Lord has given me the opportunity to meet new people every time and it’s always amazing how we can connect our lives together by something!

Everything looked the same in my scans so that’s good. I would ask you all to pray for my memory. I know that my tumor is on it, so the short term stuff doesn’t always come through and stay. I also know that as WE age, our memory isn’t as good! I depend on the Lord, and I would like to really build relationships with others and REMEMBER more than I remember now. My classes have been pretty good, but I do have a few students that need lots of prayer and help while in there. My focus is off and it’s harder for me to multitask….I used to love that and do well with it! But – I just ask the Lord and choose to not let that bring me down.

I was very fortunate the other day to go and speak at a private school here in Little Rock. They gave me a chance to speak in their monthly morning Christian Youth time. I was blessed to be there. When I was praying about what to share with these students, I was more focused on some different Bible passages, but the Lord said, “Tell them your story.” I have to say, I hadn’t done that recently, in front of a bunch of people. Standing up and sharing my whole life in front of a bunch of people I don’t know and who don’t know me. I love standing up and teaching the Word, but just telling my story is different than using parts of it to illustrate a passage. I always pray that no matter what I say, the Lord is at the center of it.

It’s been harder to remember things, I would love for the Lord to give me my memory so I could speak and remember what is coming next better…. but I know I must Trust Him completely, to respond and to use me. I was blessed to be able to share my story with them and to allow the Lord to use my life story to hopefully impact a life. Thank you LG and PA!

Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouragement. God has been so good to me! I will go back for my next MRI in February. Continue to pray for my memory and lots of ENERGY! I am about to start coaching for high school everyday. My desire is to help these players the best I can!

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