I am With You Nicole…Do NOT Fear!

“Count it all joy, my brothers (and sisters), when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James 1:2-3

Wow Lord, Wow!!! What a day and crazy couple weeks. Just a quick update here at the beginning of this. Today I had my doctor appointment which started at 7:00am. Now, I was thankful to be able to done and leaving by 11:30am, but I’ve never had a dr appt that early before! Scott drove me and I got my blood draw and then waited on my MRI. Here’s what I realized: don’t drink coffee before you have to get your MRI. I didn’t have to use the bathroom in the middle of it, but I was ready to get up and move around not lay still!

Anyway, being in those machines is unexplainable if you’ve never been in there. You have to decide early that you are doing it and that you can do it….I remind the Lord to hold my hand and help me relax and think of things to think about. When they have your head locked in and you are about 4-5 inches from the top of the cylinder as you lay down, you gotta not be claustrophobic. I’m usually ok, but with a body ready to move today, I admit it was more a struggle today. But, the Lord is so good. We prayed for people, sang songs in my head, ran through Bible verses and thought about things. It’s hard to stay too focused because of the loud booms and noises that go on. After a while they come on over the loud speaker to tell me they are going to send the chemicals into my veins to be able to see what’s happening. You feel a cold drain run up your arm and into your shoulder and then it runs into the rest of your body. They continue to take loud images and then stop everything and pull you out. They told me I was in there for 40 minutes. Longest time….long time.

I am thankful that I didn’t have to push the emergency button to get out and that the Lord gave me what I needed to handle where I was at. When we finished we went up to meet with the nurse and doctor. I was told that my platelet counts were good but my white blood cell count was low but not low enough for them to change plans. As we looked at the two tumor areas…one of the areas was smaller than before (unexpected) and neither area showed activity, which is good. Dr. Ong was pleased with where we are and also told me she and her husband pray for her patients overnight by name. Isn’t that a blessing?! I also got to see one of my soccer player’s grandmas (Mammi), because she works at UAMS. Kate Duncan she was a sweet blessing today to me!

We also had a special special visit from Betty Phillips, from south Arkansas. She came to see me in the waiting room and bring dinner for tonight! All while taking her husband in for a doctor appt. We know her son and family. Listen, when people live in a belief that God doesn’t exist or there’s no way to believe it. I’ve believed, I’ve had faith, I’ve known…. but God has been so good to remind me that He is here and He is lifting me up and holding me. He has filled me with His Hope – which is real and lasts and pulls you through difficulties. I don’t know what He is doing in and through this, but I’ve seen Him do too much that He brings me to tears almost everyday. The calls, text messages, conversations, cards, letters….God touches people and to see Him do it, well it’s AMAZING.

Chemo pills will resume tomorrow night and go for 5 nights. Please pray that I don’t have issues, since it’s Christmas and we are traveling. I also have been told I need to gain about 5 -1o pounds. I feel like I eat all the time already! May have to eat popcorn again every night!

It’s been a good couple of weeks. The kids have enjoyed a lot of the ugly sweater themed things. Sort of funny… Girls have had parties with friends and we will do a party with the high school team tomorrow.

Girls have enjoyed club soccer and with a bit of a break and the start of high school…it’s new things going on. I am very blessed to have such great ladies to train and to be an influence over. Tuesday I got to stop a fight in the Parking lot, while loving on a girl that hit a car. Didn’t know any of the teens, but God is so good to just be given a chance to love on kids. Was very happy too. Also got to see one of my BSF gals – Mary Kate Arrington, who was brining me some veggies and a sweet HOPE ornament and beautiful cross – she got to relive high school life!

Nathan had his Christmas program and he enjoyed himself. He’s going to start piano after Christmas. He’s really enjoying singing and writing. He’s been writing a “novel” about the kids in his class and the made up stuff they do. I think he’s on chapter 8 or 9. Ha! He loves his teacher and looks forward to seeing what he gets to do each day.

Garrett had his last Christmas Band Concert last night. So amazing to see and hear how much better these kids have become over the years. Loved their sweaters and songs. Garrett found out he had gotten a 33 on his last ACT so he is pretty set for college. He was very happy and I know he trusted the Lord to lead him through it.

We are getting ready to leave for Minnesota for part of the Christmas break. We are ready to be cold…maybe not…. but see snow!!!!! We will get to see the 14 cousins who are all under 7! Our kids will be busy…and aunt and uncle will be too!


Good sleep

Time to work on some exercises I need to be doing for my hip

To gain some weight

For the Lord to continue to clear up my tumor and make them gone!

Thank you for the prayers and blessings!

He reminds me “Fear Not, Nicole, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, Nicole, you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Christmas Time…Be Ready to Share His Hope

“Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life.  And if someone asks about your Christian HOPE, always be ready to explain it.”

1 Peter 3:15

I’ve not written in a bit.  I could name a few reasons that seem “ok” reasons, but, honestly I’ve been busy with so much stuff.  Which is good but, also CRAZY!  I am thankful for the many ways the Lord has reminded me of His Hope and sent me others to LIVE His Hope and encourage me with it!

We are slowing down our club soccer stuff and transitioning slowly into high school soccer.  It’s so amazing to believe that after Christmas we go full out with high school expecting season to begin the end of February.  We will have games to play in the winter weekends for league and college showcases.  It’s amazing to think we are at the time where girls are deciding whether they really want to commit to soccer in college or whether playing now is all they really care about.  It’s a huge deal and takes time for players and parents…. and I guess coaches!   My high school girls joined me for a Thanksgiving party and we were able to do some shopping for kids in need and do a scavenger hunt at Walmart.  Thanks Walmart!  They were nice and gave us some coupons to help us out.

One of the exciting things that happened around here lately, was that our football team won state!  This was huge.  First time ever and obviously Garrett and the girls have friends that play so that makes the games even more thrilling.  Fun for me to look out there and know that I coached some of the boys in soccer and then they chose football.  It’s been great getting to know these guys again and also to get to know new players that I didn’t know last year.  The guys had some good leaders and I enjoyed player game day chats and doing what I can to pour into their lives with their classmates.    

One of the many blessings I thank God for is that students tell me prayer requests they have and really get deep when they have things they need to talk about.  They want to hear what I have to say and I am a counselor that has been given a classroom….at least that’s how it feels most days!  But I am thankful that the Lord has given me an opportunity to minister to so many students.  There are so many that are hurting and dealing with so much that it’s heartbreaking.  This picture below is from our pep rally before one of the last football games.  Garrett is in the back somewhere with the band.

Scott has been busy last weekend and will be this weekend doing the TV broadcast of the football finals.  He’s enjoyed it and was a treat to have our own school in the finals.  It’s been a while since he has done TV football play by play but, he was born to do it easily so it sounded great.

One of the things we have enjoyed the past couple weeks is our fire pit.  I loved being able to sit outside with Scott and the kids that were around and just enjoy the outside.  The weather is definitely cooling down around here and making it feel like winter is close.  Living without much hair has made the cold, feel colder!  I’m always in a hat keeping this head warm.

We are still being blessed by people who come by here to drop off a meal or  text me to just remind me that I am being prayed for.  I am so thankful for that.  People have asked how I am doing and I feel good…different but good.  I do what I can to take some oils, take naps in my car and eat healthy.  I can tell there’s something going on in my body, but it changes so hard to pinpoint exact things.  And before all of this, my body was pretty strong and didn’t change too much!  It could  be age now too…right?????!!!!!!! I will be heading to the doctors office in a week to check my blood counts…which have been good so far.  The following week I get another MRI and have a dr appt.  

When we go to Minnesota, we will see my 14 nieces and nephews.  Hard to believe there are so many! We will see my newest ones – the baby twin girls. All my nieces and nephews are under the age of 7.  So amazing!

Prayer Requests:

Good blood counts the next couple of weeks

Great looks on the MRI that continues to show tumors dead and I’m praying they are gone

Prayers for feeling good during Christmas break as we had to Minnesota to see all of my family.  I’ll be taking chemo pills and I am just really praying for good rest while we are gone.  

Prayers to know when I should go see someone and ask questions and not just ignore things

BLESSINGS and Take time to really praise and glorify the Lord as we get ready to celebrate His birth and coming to save us!  As I mentioned before with my students, we are given opportunities to share the message of Christ…but there’s no easier and better time then at Christmas.  God promised to send His son to bring salvation and to save His people from eternal separation from Him.  He simply asks us to TRUST Him and put our Faith in Him and all that He has said.  May Christmas be about Christ for us!

“Remember your promise to me; it is why only HOPE.  Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles.  The proud hold me in utter contempt, but I do not turn away from your instructions.  I meditate on your age-old regulations; O Lord, they comfort me.”  Psalm 119:49-52