Blessings and Prayers in my Story

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.  Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south…..Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”  Psalm 107:1-3, 8&9


These two guys are fun to be around.  Steve Sullivan came to Bryant High School to do a story on the big football game Friday night, as Bryant is taking on North Little Rock.  It’s been a while since I’ve seen Sully and it’s always so great.  He has a great personality and loves to smile and laugh.  Course Scott and him worked together so we got to know each other well and he even let me hug him, LOL.  Coach James has been a blessing to get to know and to share our dreams for BHS and what we would love to see happen and how we could make it happen.  I am so thankful for the sweet surprises the Lord offers me to remind me that the Lord brings what we need when we need it.  There’s no need to panic or be worried about what to come.  We are called to TRUST and give THANKS – and tell our stories to those around us.  Then they will have a chance to give THANKS too for all the Lord has done in their lives!  What a great day!

Even though we get great days, the week is always crazy?  Right?  Those of you with teens know how crazy life gets!  Obviously the craziness usually revolves around the kids and what they have going on.  Scott is still busy with Razorback games so we don’t get to see him or hangout with him as much as we would like on the weekends.  But, we have been blessed to have Scott’s mom and dad here helping us out and making sure we get everyone where they need to be.

Last week I showed you guys the pictures of HomeComing Week.  It was craziness.  Garrett was tired being involved in a lot of it and the girls were busy enjoying it. But, hanging out with friends during it is always fun.  The girls loved having their friends over to our house and getting pedicures in the morning.  Course Garrett waits until right before it’s time to leave before he’s dressed and ready!


As Scott had to go to the Razorback game, the rest of us drove around town to take pictures and to eat dinner.  The girls have a great group of friends and some of them had dates and some of them didn’t.  But, they are all good friends.

Nathan sort of had fun.  He loved talking to the other moms around and was really happy that we were catching a quick bite with a few of the moms while we waited to pick the girls up after they ate.  Garrett was hanging out with his friends and he got home really late.  But, his friends are all solid and have a great time when they hangout together.

Nathan had the opportunity on Friday to carry the “game” ball out for the high school game.  It was pouring – pouring outside.  Everyone was super wet.  Nathan ended up really enjoying it after he was not excited about it for a couple weeks.  He did really great and I was proud that he was asking questions so he would do it right.   Don’t know if it could’ve been wrong!

We’ve started selling these signs to help raise some money for the high school team.  The girls are enjoying the fact that they have a bit more free time when they only have soccer to focus on.  It’s amazing though, I have no idea how we did it last year!

I always love seeing the girls wearing their Hope Warrior shirts.  Sometimes it’s practice, sometimes to school or just around.   It makes me smile and helps me focus more.

The girls are super excited to get their letterman jackets!  I’m thankful because I guess the girl’s team hasn’t gotten them lately.  That makes me a bit sad.  Hoping they fit great and they have pride wearing them.  I also got more bracelets!  So excited.  I’m praying people will be excited to wear them and remember that they are representing the Lord and me as we wear them.  It’s a great way to remember that people are praying for me and focused on helping me feel great!

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,

whose confidence is in him.

They will be like a tree planted by the water

that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when heat comes;

its leaves are always green.

It has no worries in a year of drought

and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:7-8 

I wrote at the top of this Blessings and Prayers.  I am thankful…. so thankful for all of the Blessings that I have been given from the Lord and from others around me.  People who send me text messages, cards and more.  I know how busy you are and every little thing has blessed me a lot.  There are so many days where I have to remind myself that I’m “sickish” and that the Lord has picked my life to say something-I do not need to live wondering or down about it.  Yes, I would rather just not have dr appts and remembering medication – when I sometimes forget and everything.  Life was so easy just coaching and running myself and being with people I love.  But, the Lord isn’t surprised by what I’m going through and He also has control of it.  I just need to trust him and remember, that He is loving and He chose this suffering for me right now.  No suffering I will ever endure will ever be close to what Jesus went through to go on the cross for me.  And I am so thankful that He did that for me so I can be with Him one day.

As I begin to get ready for school each day and I spend time in the Word and in prayer, I’m always a bit sad.  Sad, because the amount of time I would like to spend, and the focus is less than what it was this summer.  Obviously!  I had more time and minutes to do what I wanted and where the Lord led me.  Right now I’m really praying that I will spend time asking the Lord to help me see more time to spend together so that I will not lose my focus or drive on the Lord.  He desires for me to spend time with Him and growing to TRUST and LOVE him more and more.  I cannot let my circumstances dictate how I feel or how I live.  But, I know I need the Lord to guide me and show me, so that I will never depend on myself going forward.

Please continue to pray these things for me.  I truly want to be a follower of Christ that does and lives how he has said.  I do not want anything around me to hinder the message of the gospel.  There are people who  need Jesus and I want them to see Him through me.  If what I do is honoring to the Lord, then let it encourage others – let the Lord be known!

Pray that my MRI I am having tomorrow (Thursday) shows the cancer clearing up and almost gone and that the chemo pill I’m taking will be ok on my stomach and my energy.  I am finally feeling more energetic and of course there’s a million things I want to be doing and not having the energy is hard for me.

Pray for continual opportunities to share Jesus with others.  He has been so good to allow me to testify and love others.  He has been so good to me.

Blessings! #hopewarrior



unnamed-3What a great memory!  The girls and Garrett with my youngest brother Andrew.  Life used to be so simple.  We talked about nap time, snacks and diapers.  Now life is getting ready for college and complex life!  Ha!


It’s hard to believe that Garrett is a senior already.  It’s been a crazy month of – turn this in, do this, pay for this ect.  It makes it harder because I don’t trust my memory – it’s not 100% so I’m always praying, asking Scott, my mother-in-law and my notes will get us to where we need to be.  He’s been busy working at Chick-fil-a and keeping up with what goes on at school.  He loves being at church and everyone who is in the ministry with him.  Hard to believe he will be heading to college next year!  Still waiting to finalize that.  We are celebrating Homecoming this week and in the second picture….Garrett is set up as Mr. Rogers…was supposed to be someone you enjoyed as a kid.

Abbey and Ashton are busy as 10th graders.  They love life!  They have been busy with their high school and club team.  Course I am coaching both of them, but I love them and the girls on their team.  We are planning to head to St.Louis in a few weeks for a tourney.  There has been so much rain it’s been crazy to practice and play.  It’s been really hard!

The girls are always super busy with friends and creating memories.  It’s a new day everyday.  We are thankful they have good friends and spend time with them.  They are doing good in classes and just love spending time worshiping the Lord – especially in the car…even when they are driving.

 Abbey dressed up as Michelle – One of the Full House girls.  Supposed to be someone you enjoyed as a kid.
Ashton and Addison dressed as Fun Childhood memory Bob and Larry.  Ashton had fun, I think making these!
Sometimes we get together just to take pictures. Then a week or so later it’s 49 degrees!
Abbey was asked to Homecoming at our house after Church Wednesday by Ethan (her guy).

Nathan is in 3rd grade and just growing so much.

He had no desire to try any other sports but, he’s loving tennis so we are glad about that.  He goes twice a week and enjoys the kids and the sport.  So that’s great.  News to us, he competed in the spelling bee and ended up finishing 1st in 3rd grade.  He’s not someone who usually likes to be in front of people even though he’s a great little explainer and actor.  He loves to sing too!  He was embarrassed to say he won. So now he competes again in a month.  He was asked to carry the game ball out for Homecoming this Friday.  He will walk out with last year’s queen, a girl with special needs.  Course, he wasn’t super excited about it either!  We also celebrated his 9th birthday party and my parents were here for the weekend so they got to go to the party too.  He took the day off and enjoyed time with Scott and his mom Ann.


This fall has been crazy for me.  I’ve probably been more tired than I normally am which stinks.  But, I finally feel like maybe I’m not as tired as I was.  I was very regular at the beginning about sleeping and taking naps.  Once school started I had to change when and how I did things.  I tried to stay a head and not allow myself to be super tired.  What I have figured out is that after chemo and radiation I felt good and then I got really tired.  I got myself to take a nap everyday during my lunch to help my body out.  It helped some.  What has been great the last couple days, I haven’t taken a nap.  Yesterday I felt great.  Just really praying for the Lord to provide the energy and focus I need.  School has occupied some of my thinking and I really needed to go back to the Lord and ask him to help me to stay focused on Him.


It’s harder during the school year to spend as much time with the Lord as I did during the summer.  I miss that time.  But, I also get to love on and challenge these teens.  Just really pray for me to share with the kids and be more and to be focused on what the Lord has for me.  That’s my desire.

I was blessed by a student who wrote me a sweet card and got me this coffee mug and lotion.  I coached her in soccer when she was little and she has been in my film class.  It made me smile.  Really made me happy.


I’m about used to my hair ha!  The wig has been hard to get used to and my hair is starting to grow back a bit.  When I take my wig off it’s funny to see how my hair is underneath.  I usually wear it Sunday-Friday and then I take it off and wash it.  I’m more used to seeing myself with the wig than without it.  My head gets colder too without it!  HA!



One of our favorite pizza places is Larry’s pizza.  We have enjoyed pizza there for years!  We’ve done bday parties and team parties forever there.  Mr. Larry has been such a blessing to us and makes sure we get pizza from him.  Him and his family have been in our lives for soccer and other things and I have been blessed by him and everyone else in his family.  I am so thankful for how they choose to help us and bring us joy.  Thanks Guys!  Please tell them thank you for us!



The Lord has been so good to me.  I’m going to admit, it’s been hard not having the time I love having with Him.  Yet, when we choose to spend time with him and choose to praise Him, he will come and love us and teach us.  My memory and my focus has been crazy and I can tell my brain isn’t focused like it used to be.  When I read the Word, sometimes I don’t remember what I read and sometimes I can’t understand what I’m reading.  That’s been hard for me because I look to the Lord and really want Him to teach me and show me his Truths.  I’ve found myself more like a child lately.  I need to focus on simple Truths and what matters, not necessarily what will grow me or what I can teach.  It’s different, but simple is what Truth is.  Jesus came to show us love, by choosing to die for me.  I deserve death, yet, if I choose to believe and accept what He has done for me, then all the things I’ve done that make me deserve death are taken away from me and Jesus takes my sin and takes them on the cross.

I was in class this morning and one of the kids in my class said a cuss word.  I called him up to my desk and asked him about it.  I have a different attitude and way that I deal with these things.  I told him he needed to do 50 pushups.  He didn’t want to.  He hurt his knee and he couldn’t do it.  I kept telling him he had to pay for what he did.  He was trying to blame another kid, so I had that kid come up.  This kid was like, I didn’t do anything.  It wasn’t me, not my fault.(It was the first kid not his friend.)  So I looked at this other kid who wasn’t even involved with the group and I asked him if he would do the 50 pushups for this kid. (now he is a football player) I said we need someone to pay for this.  The kid looked at me and the kid and said he would do the the pushups.  I asked the kid who said the word if he would let the kid do them.  He was very happy to not do them.  So after a little bit more conversation, the kid who wasn’t apart of any of it did the 50 pushups to pay for the mistake that was done and pay for it.

As I was talking to these kids.  The story of what Jesus did stood out to me.  Jesus chose to save me and die for me.  I am guilty and I don’t deserve his love or forgiveness.  Yet, he gave it to me and took the pain for me.  I’m going through hard things.  I am.  Yet, Jesus chose to DIE for me.  To be beaten so that I could be with him forever.  He has changed my life today and for eternity.  I was thankful for this simple yet foundational reminder this week.  I get so caught going forward so much and wanting to know more, I forget to spend time just being thankful and focused on what the Lord chose to do for me and for those who choose to believe what Jesus has done for those who love and believe Him!  It’s important for me to celebrate and focus on the HOPE of Christ and be filled with his joy and peace.  Pray that this is where I CHOOSE to spend my time and to share this others!

“May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

ROMANS 15:13

Thank you for the love and prayers!  Want to thank the families who are still bringing us food and come to talk to us.  Nikki Funk has been such a blessing making sure we are where we are supposed to be.  Was blessed the other day to get to talk with Darla Self and just laugh a bit together.  All these moments bless my heart and make me smile.  Thank you!!!!!

Love you,


My Story on Video

Hope-WarriorMy Story On Video – Click Here To Play Video

I haven’t fully written in a while.  The last time I wrote, I wrote a few paragraphs and then got distracted and quit writing.  Then I’m sure I moved on with life and that was it.  So Lord, don’t let me do that again!

Enjoy this story done by my friend Billy and feel free to share!  Please continue to lift us up to prayer – we love you all!  If you click on the link above  you will see the short video.  Hope you enjoy it!  #hopewarrior