The Lord…He Is Mine

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

John 15:12

Let me just say how unworthy I am for the Lord to love me like He does. He has been so so good to me. He lifts me up and I just have tears in my eyes so much. Whether it’s singing, hearing His voice or reading His word. He is my rock, comforter, the One who holds me up and the One who never leaves me. He is … my everything.

Valentine’s Day is this week. So often we spend so much time focused on this one day and we live “better” that day, YET choose to live and love less the other days. What if we lived each day dedicated and desiring to LOVE others around us….EVERY moment of EVERY day, living like Jesus did? No matter what the other person has done to us, said about us or how they decide to be to us? How would that change us and maybe even them? Your faith would be strengthened, your joy would be complete and God’s love would be lived out through your life.

It’s been a busy busy month for me. Coming back from Christmas break…it’s soccer in full gear going 100 miles an hour. But, I love it. I think about the time and energy that coaches in my past gave me in order to develop the player I became and to motivate me to keep going and making sure I improved. I am so thankful for them. They make me want to be a better coach and make me want to continue to develop the girls. I have a very strong senior class that has been such a help to me. They are always there to hold me up and to make sure I have everything I need. I am blessed by them. With all of the treatments, I confess, eeeekkkkk….. my memory isn’t as good as it used to be – but, I’m thankful because it’s getting better, I can tell. The seniors have helped me and continue to want to improve, which makes me push forward to focus on their goals. I am so thankful they want to work and come every practice working hard. I need that… and the rest of the team does too.

Our team got to watch one of our players sign a letter of intent to Ouachita Baptist University to play soccer. We are excited to see Maddie play there and it was fun to celebrate her opportunities. My assistant coach, Jessica Brown has been very helpful to me as I try to set up things everyday, and I’m thankful I’m not alone.

I have been so blessed by so many people at school. My sweet sophomore neighbor Austin, grabbed me mozzarella sticks for part of my lunch the other day. Since I can’t drive and I’m so busy heading from class to the fieldhouse, I never get to go get anything. He was so sweet and I am thankful that he asked me and even bought them. Good parents teaching him!

Went great with my soup!

The Lord has blessed me by other ministries who continue to pray for me and mail me sweet things. So many places to get involved in to make someones day and to encourage them as they battle. If you’ve ever wondered if you should get involved and if you could do anything, YES you can! You doing things brings joy to others and if will encourage you too. My friend Robyn sent me this Warrior necklace I wear everyday now. Her words were so encouraging and reminded me of the work the Lord is doing. He has been SOOOO good to me!

Every day I see a bunch of students in the hallway and some of them don’t have me, but the Lord knows who I need to see and when I need to see them. He has given me opportunities to grow with students, to teach them Truth and to share and show love to them. I have always thought I loved others…. but going through what I have gone through has grown my heart and opened my eyes to finally see others with a full heart of Christ and it has been an amazing time.

Yes I coach soccer, but the other athletes at school have allowed me the opportunity to give them game pump ups or to encourage them in the hallway, class or field house. I’m their adopted coach and sometimes adopted mom. And I love it. They bless me with smiles, hugs and they listen to what I say and usually laugh or give me a fist bump. I love interacting with students… they keep me going and keep me focused.

Today was a super exciting day! My assistant coach in club, Louis texted me and my friend this morning as we were sitting in church, to tell us he was getting baptized at church! I was super excited. The girls, Nathan and I ran over there with Addi and Nikki and got to celebrate with him and his family! Wow what a blessing. Also got to see Alonso, we coached against each other when the girls were little, he was back in town from Costa Rica. His family told me they pray for me every night. Humbled. Humbled. Lord 🙂 He has given me prayer warriors around the world.

My family has done so much to encourage and continue to move forward one day at a time. I love the times we’ve been able to have the opportunities to just love one another. The Lord has blessed us with cool nights for fires, rainy days to relax and sunshine to be outside. I am thankful for that. Nathan is busy as he has started piano and still loves playing tennis. He loves to come and hangout with the soccer girls while he waits for me. We only have 11 more practices until the soccer season begins. WOW! Time has flown by. Garrett is going to decide his college by the end of this month and I know he’s ready to get started on all he needs to do. YES my hair is growing back!

The Lord has given me His Word everyday and He speaks to me deeper and more than I have experienced before. He lifts me up and by His power and presence the devil stays away from me. The Lord gives me the energy I need, the ability to do what I’ve been called to do and the mind I need to depend on Him but, to complete what He’s called me to do. Wednesday of this week I go in for an MRI to check out how my brain is clearing up. I trust in my Savior and I know there’s nothing on earth that He doesn’t have complete control over. He has given me His peace and continues to move me forward. Everyday I have tears of joy as the Lord continues to grow me and tell me to stand and share what He is doing.

We all go through difficult times and we are called to take the road the Father has promised with His blessings. I loved reading and studying about the early church. To be reminded today that we are called to BE DEVOTED to God’s Word, studying and worshipping with others, celebrating and taking communion to remind us of who loves us and what He has done and to be faithful in prayer – to have a relationship with our Father. Everyday we wake up and before we walk out the door, let’s pray to be devoted to these things. It’s not something we do once a week, it’s a daily, hourly and sometimes more! But, it’s not a task…it’s something Acts tells us God’s people enjoyed. The deeper we devote ourselves, the more we get to enjoy and experience Him like never before. And nothing else…NOTHING else can compare.

Ashton made this for me a while back. I put it above my bathtub. The only way we are told we CAN love, is because God showed His love first. Thank you Jesus for choosing to sacrifice yourself for us, so that we might experience you like never before. To be able to talk to you and be with you. Thank you for taking me by the hand and reminding me that you will never leave me and your love IS here in me through your Holy Spirit so that I might share and show you to those around me. Use me…use me to bring you praise and glory!


3 thoughts on “The Lord…He Is Mine”

  1. Love your attitude and sweet inspiring spirit. It says so much about you and how you love life. Prayers for you daily. God’s got this!

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