Living in the rays of sunshine…

Wayzata High School…..where I graduated from.  So great to see and hear from my high school coach, Tony Pesznecker.  They play the state tourney in the Vikings home facility.  Was always so much fun.  They got second in state this year.  My freshmen year in high school was his first year to coach a high school program and the school had won hardly any games the years before.  He took our team to getting second in state his first year.  He has always helped girls improve and made soccer a passion for me.  I would love to be half the coach he was for me.  It would be interesting to know how many of his players ended up playing in college. I am now starting to have players who want to play in college and I need to help them succeed in their goals, as much as I can.  But, more so to love others and be respectable players who work hard.  Coach Tony was one of my rays of sunshine growing up and helped me believe that I could play, improve and go to college to play soccer.  I will forever be grateful for his sunshine he shared with me every time we were together


In the last week a lot has happened…I enjoy going back to look at the Homecoming pics and feeling good.  I am very thankful for how I’m feeling right now.

We are still being blessed by wonderful people who bring us food or make sure this crazy brain lady has food for all of us – through the blessing of others.  It is such a blessing that we don’t deserve, but so many of you are using the opportunity to be Christ to our family and we see Him in you.  Thank you.   Try this bbq if you haven’t yet…it’s good stuff!


I am very thankful for the memories that are just being poured on as we see people and I watch those around me, like my kids, doing different things.  Time is flying by.  We were very blessed to be able to have a very busy, cold and wet weekend last week!  It was fun to go to the Pep Rally for football, watch Garrett play and see one of my teacher friends wearing my shirt at the rally.  EVERYTIME….EVERYTIME I see someone wearing my shirt or bracelets, I smile and I know it’s a way for the Lord to remind me and tell me, “I’m here.  I’m doing something.  Be still and smile.  I am with you.”  He has reminded me so many times.  I pray the message of the shirt that HE is HOPE and when we have Him, we are a WARRIOR no matter what we face or what’s going on.



But, we got to celebrate before all of that even started.  It was Garrett’s 18th birthday and Scott and Nathan stayed home to celebrate with him and his friends.  The girls missed it because of a soccer tourney.  Abbey and Ashton  left early with another soccer family but still sent us a picture while they ate David’s Burgers on there way to St. Louis.  We were going there for a soccer College Identification camp.


I didn’t leave with the girls because I wanted to stay and celebrate Senior Night with Garrett at the football game.  Cannot believe it.  I love that he will still hug me in public and doesn’t care what people say or do.  He is so hungry to follow the Lord and to lead others and follow older people who are willing to invest in him.  Can he really be a senior????

Dad and Garrett
Parents with Senior

I was also blessed that night after I said Goodbye to Garrett so we could leave for St. Louis, to see Brandy Hansberry.  She and I worked together for years when I was in student ministry and she was at the same church doing Children’s Ministry.  We haven’t seen each other for years and I was hoping to see her because her son plays football for the team we were paying, but as I walked out the gate I was sad that we wouldn’t see each other… until… there she was!  What a blessing.


My mother-in-law, Ann drove us halfway and then on to St. Louis.  The Lord blessed us with good traffic and getting to the games plenty early.  We had some crazy weather for a couple days.  It was a blessing to see the girls play.  Before the first game even started… I heard a voice that happened to be my cousin Tim yelling for “Nicole Peterson….”  Ha!  What a sweet little gift to see my two cousin’s families at my game.  It was cool, but best game weather wise.  Abbey is heading and Ashton is going to shoot and score in that picture.



Was Excited to see a bunch of my shirts again.  Don’t always get to see my extended family.  So it was a huge blessing to have them come up for the game and lunch.  They live in Peoria, IL so not too terrible from St. Louis, but still a drive for them.  Very thankful for the hugs and encouragement.

On our way home we got to see Scott’s side of the family about halfway home.  Thankful that Bonnie, Ron, Karen and Frank were able to come and visit us at…wait for it….McDonalds! When you hit small towns and want to be near the interstate…your choices are limited.  So good to see them there. And….the shirts!0

I have been blessed with so many things.  So many special people who continue to care for me and encourage me as I battle.  I’ve got friends and family who do research on what I should eat and what will help me.  And listen…. I’ll try anything.  It’s been fun.  Carrots are supposed to be healthier for cancer so I have been blessed by Nikki Funk who picks up drinks for me while gone or Trish Humphry who makes me drinks so have to give me energy.  Couldn’t do all I’m doing without the extra vitamins.


“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord HIMSELF, is the Rock (sunlight) eternal.” Isaiah 26:3-4


As we drove this weekend, we went from battling rain, foggy skies and then the rays of sun getting a chance to burst through the clouds. When I think about these pictures and all that we saw and went through,  weather wise…. it reminded me of our lives…. and the joyous life we get to live when we choose to live with Christ in the center.

There are so many times we would love to just sit in the sun and everything is perfect, just the way we want it.  Temp isn’t too high, no chance for rain and the sun just baking on us as a gift.  But, we don’t live that way.

I can remember before my diagnosis, I would’ve been considered a healthy person, with nothing at all to go to doctor for.  I’d go to the doctor for check-ups or for the flu and it was the only thing going on with me.  I was healthy.  The sun was out and I was living life volunteering and “doing” for others…. and I loved it.  And then one day the rain and storms came in…. the deal is I can either choose to live in the storms or I can choose to pass through the storms while focused on the sun (Son) and living with Him.

Picture from our drive

There are days I admit I’m in the fog.  While in the fog I talk to the Lord and really pour my heart to him.  As I do that, He begins to lift the fog so I can see the road he has for me a head.  I can’t see the end.  I don’t know how or where He will take me.  But, I can choose.  I can choose to allow Him to lead me and to care for me or I can focus on the storms and get to where I feel lost in the fog.  God is too good for that.  He has been good to bring me students to share Jesus with, His love and His Truth and they ask me and want to know.  Listen these kids know I’m not living in the perfect sunshine… according to the world… but, they don’t see me living in the fog and stuck living in the storms, no matter what I have going on.  They see me trusting and living and most want to know HOW.  It’s the Lord.  Everyday the Lord gives me a ray of sunshine to smile about and be amazed by.  Don’t let complete sunshine keep you from chasing after the Lord and don’t let heavy storms keep you from chasing after the Lord.  Life without the Lord isn’t the same as life with Him.  He makes a difference…. He is life.

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 

2 Corinthians 4:8-9


Continue to pray that tumors are destroyed and not active in their desire to grow and move in my brain.

Pray that I will have continued and extended strength as I continue on my chemo until June.  

Pray for me to have more opportunities to share Jesus with others

Thank you #hopewarrior


2 thoughts on “Living in the rays of sunshine…”

  1. Praying for you and your family. Also, praising God that he has brought many young people before you to bear witness to.

  2. THANK YOU for sharing Nicole. Prayers continue to head your way. And wow those WHS soccer memories are great. I am grateful to have shared that time with you. xo

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