
I’m looking out my window as the swans fly by. The trees are bare, snow is on the ground. To me, it’s winter. This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. This year has been hard. In so many ways. But when I look out the window, I smile.  I see my brothers running around and Nicole and I dancing in the sun.

See, when Nicole was little our family had a cabin, up in Brainard MN. Our brothers were shooting BB guns, climbing trees, fishing, and chasing us. Those were the good old days. The ones I remember and I see in the clouds.

Sunset At My Cabin – God’s Painting In The Sky

My family now has a small cabin up in northern Minnesota. We recently build it and have spent a year up there. It has been a remarkable thing. Isolated. Small. But yet, when I see my kids outside smiling, It reminds me of my childhood and it brings me joy. They love it and never want to return back home. Ha! It’s different living up here, then being on vacation. I have had the opportunity to see God’s beauty and take it in. I mean really take it in. I’ve seen our Lord in a different way. He is detailed, purposeful, full of love in every way. He is everywhere. I see the beauty in the squirrels gathering nuts, the bald eagles soaring, the mice pouncing on the grass, the crickets chirping,  the CLEAR starry sky, and watching the baby turtles hatch.

But yet with all the beauty, there is Cancer. Sickness. Tragedy. They all hurt. They are hard. It’s painful. It hurts to go through something personally and hard to watch someone you love go through it. It says, in Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I know our Father is using Nicole. She is strong. She is courageous. And even in her condition, she is bringing people to Christ. One person at a time. Each and every day.  I see it.  People are hearing her story. God is molding people and refining them as they see Nicole as people are kneeling and asking why. People are turning to our Savior and drawing into Him, for comfort and healing. He is full of love. Nicole would not want it any other way than to be the tool to bring more people to Christ and help them draw near to our Savior.

Queen Ashton Inman and Family

Some of my brothers and I had the opportunity to see two Queens this past weekend. Queen Nicole and her daughter Queen Ashton. It was one of the sweetest moments for Ashton and Nicole. Ashton was Homecoming Queen. Ashton then gave a crown to Nicole too. And Scott held her hand while they snapped a picture. How sweet! What a remarkable accomplishment for Ashton. She was stunning in her dress and it was a memorable moment for her. It was so great to have part of our family there to witness a wonderful moment for her. One of my favorite parts was Nicole sharing a moment with Ashton as they held each other’s hands. There is something special about the relationship between a mother and daughter. I am thankful Nicole could be there and enjoy it. Nicole adores both of her twin girls so much!  It has been so neat seeing God bless the Inmans and use Nicole’s story even in her condition. The Bryant Football team honored her with grey ribbons on the back of their helmet to honor Nicole and for cancer awareness. 

Nicole, Three Brothers and Me

It was so good to have my brothers, Nicole, and I together. I don’t know the last time the siblings just spent time together. When someone is sick or tragedy hits a family, usually they come together and there is more closeness than before. It was a special time for everyone and the presence of Our Heavenly Father, was there. He was felt. Nicole really loved seeing her brothers. They had many laughs. Hugs. Tears. And hands were laid on her. I loved how Nicole was so expressive by the funny things they would say to her. Her eyes would get big and she would look at me. We were both laughing on the inside, saying “our brothers are crazy boys. Ha!” I love my family. Nicole and I always talked about how unique our family is. We enjoy each other, there is no drama or fighting. But we all love being around each other. That is pretty special these days.

In the past couple of weeks, Nicole has received meals, flowers, visits, cards, and hugs from so many people. What a testimony you all have been by sharing your love with my sister Nicole and her family. This has been such a blessing in spite of the situation. All of these acts remind them of the depth of God’s love for them and for me.

Prayer Requests: Prayer for another trip on Tuesday to St. Louis. Pray for safe travels. Pray for ease of travel for Scott and his Mom, Ann, as I know it’s hard to travel with Nicole. Pray for a great appointment.  Also please pray for her arm. It is really hurting her. Pray that they are able to find out how to give her some relief.

Thank you for all the prayers, the meals, and the generosity in so many ways. God is so good. It is so evident His Hand is in this and our Father is showering the Inmans with love. Thank you to each and every person who has contributed in some way.

One thought on “Memories”

  1. Praying God’s healing hand will touch Nicole and give her strength. She is such an inspiration to so many! God’s love truly shows thru the entire family. I have personally been blessed by the Hope Warriors posts. I pray for Nicole and family every day! God Bless you all!

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