Time With Friends

I chuckle as I open the microwave and rediscover my coffee cup. There it is! It has been a few hours since I misplaced that thing. This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. Nicole and I always laugh when we did the silly stuff our mother did. It’s funny how we just do what our parents did or do, without even realizing it.

I’m leaving tomorrow to see one of the most important people in the world to me–Nicole. Goodness. This lady inspires, lights up, shines, and exhibits the love of Christ. I know God is surrounding her, holding her, and strengthening her. He always has. No matter what fire she goes through, no one would be able to tell. She’s always smiling. So, tomorrow I’m looking forward to seeing that smile. 

 This week, Nicole’s dear friends, Laura and Shelly came over to read scripture and sing hymns. Nicole was in her element. Her eyes glowed and that kind smile radiated. My dad took a video of them reading. Nicole was clenching her exercise ball and nodding. What she was really saying, was “Amen, Praise Jesus or uh-huh.” I can hear it now. That sweet voice, I often heard when I attended church with them. She loved every minute focusing on the Creator of Life. Our Savior. Thanking Him and praising His name above all names.

Psalms 34 says, “I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.”  David reminds us that regardless of our circumstances, our trials, or the fire we are facing; we should praise Him during all life’s storms. He wants us to move in His direction and in order to do that our Faith needs to grow. Trials help us do just that. They aren’t permeant. It’s a refining process, taking out all the imperfections, to make us more like Christ. God is preparing us to get to the destination. Nicole always preached this to me as I faced my own trials. She told me, “give thanks for your trials and if I didn’t have trials, there is something wrong. Trials are God loving you. God is growing your faith through all storms.” She not only preached that, she lives it. She has praised our Savior for the trials and tribulations. She always and still clings to the Creator. For there is no one who can give her strength and comfort, like our King. This journey for Nicole is a fire. It has been calm and then roaring. But, the one thing that has remained consistent is Nicole thanking God for her trials and for her having more Faith in Him than ever before. If that’s not inspiring, I don’t know what is.

When Nicole and I were little our church put on a “Mother and Daughter Tea”–It became a tradition for my grandmother, mother, Nicole, and I to attend. We wore fancy dresses, and hats, and the best china was placed on the table. Nicole and I loved it! What little girl wouldn’t want to use expensive glass cups, and saucers, and eat cookies?!

This past week my mother surprised Nicole by having a “High Tea”. Abbey, Ashton, Scott’s Mom, and two of Nicole’s dearest friends came. These people are her world. They help her keep going. Through the videos and pictures, I could see how much Nicole enjoyed this moment. A special girls day with great conversation. How special! It reminded me of us sitting at that fancy table all dressed up giggling, laughing, and playing tea party. 

Nicole’s sweet former players came to see her this past week. It was a special moment for her. She was smiling and enjoying hearing what was new in their lives. I know it made her day, that they took the time to stop by. The players she has all coached, mean so much to her! Nicole loved pouring into her soccer girls or any of the kids she coached. Through the years, it became a ministry for her. Let’s face it, high school is hard. But for Nicole, she saw it as an opportunity to love these kids. To encourage them, talk with them, and point them in the right direction. 

Prayer requests: Continued prayer for strength and comfort for the Inman family. My siblings and I are all headed to Little Rock this weekend. Prayer for a good time, wonderful memories, and for us to give the family what they need at this time. We love them soooo much!

Praises:  Scott and Nicole had a great appointment in St. Louis. It looks like the treatment is helping and may be some improvement! Praise the Lord! She has been more alert and awake. Thank you for all the prayers, cards, visits, meals, and just the abundant amount of generosity you have shown to The Inman Family. It is overwhelming, the amount of love received. God is so good and will continue to do wondrous things. You can count on it! 

One thought on “Time With Friends”

  1. Thank you for the fun update. Such a special week for Nicole. Praise God for the good news about the treatments and what fun to see the Homecoming pictures. You are all the BEST!! We continue to pray for all of you. Blessings and prayers

    Aunt Helene Peterson



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