Update On Nicole Inman (“The Hope Warrior”)

First, let me say that this is an update on Nicole Inman. Nicole hasn’t written a blog post since the end of December 2019 due to the progression of her brain cancer. This post is being written by her father, Roger, who continues to have hope for a full recovery for the “Hope Warrior” in order to bring people up to date with the family’s current circumstances.

Since Dec. 2019, Nicole’s condition has gotten worse. Initially, she had been diagnosed with radiation necrosis which is a focal structural lesion that usually occurs at the original tumor site. In Nicole’s case, it occurred near the site of her original brain tumor. Upon completion of the radiation and chemo treatment, one of the followup MRI’s done in Arkansas showed a potential tumor in an area of the brain. However, the specialist that treated Nicole in Arkansas left for another hospital in Ohio and there was no qualified replacement, so Scott and Nicole decided to go to the Siteman cancer clinic in St. Louis to get an MRI and confirm the diagnosis. Siteman confirmed that there was a potential problem and recommended a biopsy. The biopsy was performed and it was determined that it wasn’t a cancerous tumor (praise) but instead it was radiation necrosis.

The recommended plan to combat the radiation necrosis was to use a drug called Avastin which is commonly used as a treatment for radiation necrosis. What followed was several trips to St. Louis for Nicole to be infused with the drug Avastin which was to handle the radiation necrosis. Each time the clinic did an MRI until finally, they thought the radiation necrosis was corrected. However, underneath the radiation necrosis, the last MRI showed the existence of another lesion or tumor in the same area.

What followed was another biopsy which determined that this was a fast-growing tumor that was hidden by the radiation necrosis.

Through these many months, Nicole’s condition continued to deteriorate and she now is undergoing another regiment of Avastin, chemo and soon a recommended plan of using an Optune device that requires electrodes hooked up to her head. Once this starts her head will need to be shaved every few days. The Optune plan has not been implemented yet as their current medical plan doesn’t cover this procedure. The Optune device is designed to reduce the ability of the cancer cells to divide which should slow the growth of the cancer.

Because of all these procedures, Nicole is no longer able to coach soccer, write, (her right arm and leg are not usable) and she is confined to a wheelchair or another chair. However, through this whole process, she continues to smile and offer encouragement to neighbors, friends, students, and others who visit her. The family has been blessed with so many friends who assist the family with meals, visits, bible reading, and much, much more.

Many of the functions that before this year were handled by Nicole are now handled by friends, Scott, or someone else in the family. The financial burden on the family continues to climb with medical costs, college costs, and Scott’s shortened work hours in order to devote more time to take care of Nicole and the family. However, through it all, Nicole and Scott have remained close and the family members have been very supportive. Scott tries to keep things normal in spite of the trials for his wife and their kids.

Thanks to so many friends who visit or deliver meals to Nicole, Scott and the kids each week. Without friends like this, the burden on the family would be so much greater.

To assist Scott and Nicole during this time, our families have set up a GoFundMe page where the proceeds will go directly toward the medical expenses incurred by them in St. Louis. The expenses incurred to date at Siteman are born solely by the Inmans so the medical bills are climbing with each visit. The Optune device procedure is also an additional expense and runs a little over $20,000/month. Nicole and Scott go to St. Louis again the week of Oct. 19-23. The initial goal for the GoFundMe drive is $75,000.

Nicole continues to claim Romans 15:13 during this trial – “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

2 thoughts on “Update On Nicole Inman (“The Hope Warrior”)”

  1. Dear Nicole, the Inmans and the Petersons,

    I am so sorry to hear about the progression of this terrible disease. And I’m not surprised to hear that faith, love and positivity have prevailed for you all.

    Nicole, I’ve always admired your faith and the joy and love your presence brings to a room. Of course I’ve also always admired your mad soccer skills. I’m rooting for you and the lessons you’re undoubtedly teaching along this difficult path.

    Your ‘91 state champ sisters have you in our thoughts and prayers.


    Tricia (Kallsen – TK)

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