
unnamed-3What a great memory!  The girls and Garrett with my youngest brother Andrew.  Life used to be so simple.  We talked about nap time, snacks and diapers.  Now life is getting ready for college and complex life!  Ha!


It’s hard to believe that Garrett is a senior already.  It’s been a crazy month of – turn this in, do this, pay for this ect.  It makes it harder because I don’t trust my memory – it’s not 100% so I’m always praying, asking Scott, my mother-in-law and my notes will get us to where we need to be.  He’s been busy working at Chick-fil-a and keeping up with what goes on at school.  He loves being at church and everyone who is in the ministry with him.  Hard to believe he will be heading to college next year!  Still waiting to finalize that.  We are celebrating Homecoming this week and in the second picture….Garrett is set up as Mr. Rogers…was supposed to be someone you enjoyed as a kid.

Abbey and Ashton are busy as 10th graders.  They love life!  They have been busy with their high school and club team.  Course I am coaching both of them, but I love them and the girls on their team.  We are planning to head to St.Louis in a few weeks for a tourney.  There has been so much rain it’s been crazy to practice and play.  It’s been really hard!

The girls are always super busy with friends and creating memories.  It’s a new day everyday.  We are thankful they have good friends and spend time with them.  They are doing good in classes and just love spending time worshiping the Lord – especially in the car…even when they are driving.

 Abbey dressed up as Michelle – One of the Full House girls.  Supposed to be someone you enjoyed as a kid.
Ashton and Addison dressed as Fun Childhood memory Bob and Larry.  Ashton had fun, I think making these!
Sometimes we get together just to take pictures. Then a week or so later it’s 49 degrees!
Abbey was asked to Homecoming at our house after Church Wednesday by Ethan (her guy).

Nathan is in 3rd grade and just growing so much.

He had no desire to try any other sports but, he’s loving tennis so we are glad about that.  He goes twice a week and enjoys the kids and the sport.  So that’s great.  News to us, he competed in the spelling bee and ended up finishing 1st in 3rd grade.  He’s not someone who usually likes to be in front of people even though he’s a great little explainer and actor.  He loves to sing too!  He was embarrassed to say he won. So now he competes again in a month.  He was asked to carry the game ball out for Homecoming this Friday.  He will walk out with last year’s queen, a girl with special needs.  Course, he wasn’t super excited about it either!  We also celebrated his 9th birthday party and my parents were here for the weekend so they got to go to the party too.  He took the day off and enjoyed time with Scott and his mom Ann.


This fall has been crazy for me.  I’ve probably been more tired than I normally am which stinks.  But, I finally feel like maybe I’m not as tired as I was.  I was very regular at the beginning about sleeping and taking naps.  Once school started I had to change when and how I did things.  I tried to stay a head and not allow myself to be super tired.  What I have figured out is that after chemo and radiation I felt good and then I got really tired.  I got myself to take a nap everyday during my lunch to help my body out.  It helped some.  What has been great the last couple days, I haven’t taken a nap.  Yesterday I felt great.  Just really praying for the Lord to provide the energy and focus I need.  School has occupied some of my thinking and I really needed to go back to the Lord and ask him to help me to stay focused on Him.


It’s harder during the school year to spend as much time with the Lord as I did during the summer.  I miss that time.  But, I also get to love on and challenge these teens.  Just really pray for me to share with the kids and be more and to be focused on what the Lord has for me.  That’s my desire.

I was blessed by a student who wrote me a sweet card and got me this coffee mug and lotion.  I coached her in soccer when she was little and she has been in my film class.  It made me smile.  Really made me happy.


I’m about used to my hair ha!  The wig has been hard to get used to and my hair is starting to grow back a bit.  When I take my wig off it’s funny to see how my hair is underneath.  I usually wear it Sunday-Friday and then I take it off and wash it.  I’m more used to seeing myself with the wig than without it.  My head gets colder too without it!  HA!



One of our favorite pizza places is Larry’s pizza.  We have enjoyed pizza there for years!  We’ve done bday parties and team parties forever there.  Mr. Larry has been such a blessing to us and makes sure we get pizza from him.  Him and his family have been in our lives for soccer and other things and I have been blessed by him and everyone else in his family.  I am so thankful for how they choose to help us and bring us joy.  Thanks Guys!  Please tell them thank you for us!



The Lord has been so good to me.  I’m going to admit, it’s been hard not having the time I love having with Him.  Yet, when we choose to spend time with him and choose to praise Him, he will come and love us and teach us.  My memory and my focus has been crazy and I can tell my brain isn’t focused like it used to be.  When I read the Word, sometimes I don’t remember what I read and sometimes I can’t understand what I’m reading.  That’s been hard for me because I look to the Lord and really want Him to teach me and show me his Truths.  I’ve found myself more like a child lately.  I need to focus on simple Truths and what matters, not necessarily what will grow me or what I can teach.  It’s different, but simple is what Truth is.  Jesus came to show us love, by choosing to die for me.  I deserve death, yet, if I choose to believe and accept what He has done for me, then all the things I’ve done that make me deserve death are taken away from me and Jesus takes my sin and takes them on the cross.

I was in class this morning and one of the kids in my class said a cuss word.  I called him up to my desk and asked him about it.  I have a different attitude and way that I deal with these things.  I told him he needed to do 50 pushups.  He didn’t want to.  He hurt his knee and he couldn’t do it.  I kept telling him he had to pay for what he did.  He was trying to blame another kid, so I had that kid come up.  This kid was like, I didn’t do anything.  It wasn’t me, not my fault.(It was the first kid not his friend.)  So I looked at this other kid who wasn’t even involved with the group and I asked him if he would do the 50 pushups for this kid. (now he is a football player) I said we need someone to pay for this.  The kid looked at me and the kid and said he would do the the pushups.  I asked the kid who said the word if he would let the kid do them.  He was very happy to not do them.  So after a little bit more conversation, the kid who wasn’t apart of any of it did the 50 pushups to pay for the mistake that was done and pay for it.

As I was talking to these kids.  The story of what Jesus did stood out to me.  Jesus chose to save me and die for me.  I am guilty and I don’t deserve his love or forgiveness.  Yet, he gave it to me and took the pain for me.  I’m going through hard things.  I am.  Yet, Jesus chose to DIE for me.  To be beaten so that I could be with him forever.  He has changed my life today and for eternity.  I was thankful for this simple yet foundational reminder this week.  I get so caught going forward so much and wanting to know more, I forget to spend time just being thankful and focused on what the Lord chose to do for me and for those who choose to believe what Jesus has done for those who love and believe Him!  It’s important for me to celebrate and focus on the HOPE of Christ and be filled with his joy and peace.  Pray that this is where I CHOOSE to spend my time and to share this others!

“May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

ROMANS 15:13

Thank you for the love and prayers!  Want to thank the families who are still bringing us food and come to talk to us.  Nikki Funk has been such a blessing making sure we are where we are supposed to be.  Was blessed the other day to get to talk with Darla Self and just laugh a bit together.  All these moments bless my heart and make me smile.  Thank you!!!!!

Love you,


My Story on Video

Hope-WarriorMy Story On Video – Click Here To Play Video

I haven’t fully written in a while.  The last time I wrote, I wrote a few paragraphs and then got distracted and quit writing.  Then I’m sure I moved on with life and that was it.  So Lord, don’t let me do that again!

Enjoy this story done by my friend Billy and feel free to share!  Please continue to lift us up to prayer – we love you all!  If you click on the link above  you will see the short video.  Hope you enjoy it!  #hopewarrior







Back in the Saddle…almost….

Jad’n came and visited me a bunch this summer.  Even after I got my hair and was a bit swollen!  She is going to play college soccer.  Very proud of her.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”’

2 Corinthians 12:8

How long has it been since I told you all about my life?  I feel like forever.  It’s been different, and harder than summer was for me.  I was thankful for the rest and thankful for feeling so great all summer.  Then the beginning of August hit and I started school things and life changed a bit.  It got busier and my body got tired.


I have been so blessed to have so many people around me who have prayed for me, written to me and checked on me.  I feel so blessed and I needed it.  My life has been a bit different the last few weeks.  I started school and started ok.  But, then I got sick for a couple days, I think with the lower immune system I was getting sick really easily.  Which really isn’t me.  Last year I didn’t miss one day of school and this year I was already missing school.  It’s hard when you are dealing with sickness and your body make you feel weird.   But, I was thankful I came out of it with a couple of day before we had to leave for Duke.

Going to Duke was new for Scott and I for lots of reasons, but we were glad we were able to go.  They were very organized to have me come in and be a part of what they were doing.  I saw 4-5 different people in there which was nice.  The new doctor that was there Dina Randezo to see who was very nice and helped me understand what was going on with me.  We just hired someone at the doctor’s office here, her name is Shirley Ong and set an appointment coming up who is a Neuro Oncologist .  It was nice to meet the people there and let them give us their opinion on what we were doing and how to do what we needed to do best.  After we talked to them for a while they told us we were done….the remaining days weren’t needed by the doctors any more.  Which was hard to realize.  There was nothing else at Duke we needed to do until we got done with a year of chemo.

I am going to be busy taking the chemo pill for 5 days every month.  I will also be going in for my MRI every couple months to see how they are seeing what is going on after the radiation and the chemo.  We are really praying that as time goes on the shape shrinks and that what the doctors see will be pleasant.  Please be praying about that.  We don’t need a slow year that doesn’t get cleansing from the Lord and doesn’t give us a huge opportunity to just tell others about the Lord. 

We did get to spend a day together while  we were near Duke.  We were able to look at some places, eat a little food and we enjoyed just being together.  Since Scott and I didn’t get to take any trips this summer together, at lease we had a day where we could spend time together and looked at some of the town a bit before we were going to fly home.  We went to the chapel on Duke’s campus, looked at the basketball court, we ate lunch on campus, we looked at the old baseball park from the movie “Bull Durham” and we loved seeing all of the sports areas that were there.  We finished the night with a movie “Beautifully Broken”. I slept a bunch while I was there and really started sleeping a whole lot more since then.

We were blessed to have my roommate from Mexico who drove over two hours to see us there with her husband and one of their daughters Jane.  We had a great time sharing time together and eating at this really old place.  We walked around and got ice cream and just loved seeing each other again.  Kate had come this summer to see me and visit us.  It was such a blessing for us that they would drive and see us again.

I haven’t had a chance to really write too much lately because I have been tired and unable to really be focused when the radiation finished and really made me tired the last few weeks.  I am starting to feel better and starting to be able to focus on what is going on with me a little at a time.  I used to consider myself someone who could really figure out what I wanted to say and what the Lord desired to say.  It’s been harder.  I noticed it more this weekend.  I had the opportunity to teach Sunday school and I was so excited to start doing it again.  My brain was slow and shut off for the few days leading up to teach.  I prayed a lot and I was very thankful that the morning of teaching, my brain was at least clearer than normal.  It still wasn’t as clear as normal, but the Lord did what He wanted to do and honestly, I just left him in charge.  I was thankful….very thankful.

Having started back at school, was harder than I thought.  It’s hard when your brain is slower and more tired than it used to be.  I have to admit that when I sit in my class and try to teach every day, I felt very behind.  It’s hard when I have never been that way and I can’t focus or do what I need to do these things.  I am thankful to see the Lord providing for me and continuing to give me everything I need every day.  We have been blessed with foods from so many people and people continuing to minister to us. Thank you.  I’ve noticed the cards, flowers and gifts have been a constant blessing, because the tiredness is hard to continue to fight against.

Thank you Jennifer Offutt for the beautiful note and flowers.  It made my week and I needed some sweet flowers.  Thanks girl!

One of the things that has encouraged me and makes me smile, are all the students that come and see me in my office.  Especially when it’s my girls and their friends.  They are always encouraging me with the shirts to remind me that I have Hope and I am a Warrior.  I need that reminder everyday.  I had worn all of these bracelets to school one day, and two of them were lost.  I thought I may have lost them in the field house and the next day one of the softball girls and one of my soccer girls found them both.  What a sweet blessing.  It made me happy.


We have been really busy since before school started with club soccer.  I have been trying to keep the girls growing and engaged, while my brain is trying to stay caught up with training!  It’s so crazy how it’s hard for me to say things I know and I have to think longer to know what I’m trying to say.  UGH!  Thankfully it’s getting better and the girls and their parents have been super gracious and loving to me.  I am grateful for the other coaches that want to pray for me and help me.  My team was very giving to give me money for foods, airplane tickets and spending money while we were in Duke.  So, So sweet.  I am blessed.

It really is hard to believe that we are in school already.  I have enjoyed getting to know the new students, but I would ask you to pray that I would I have the energy and focus while I’m at school.  I don’t ever want to not give my best to everyone, so it’s challenging when I don’t feel 100%.  So just pray that I will let go of having to be perfect or look like I know what I’m doing all the time.  


The girls are finally getting more excited about the thought of playing soccer in college. I am really praying that they love the game, work hard, and enjoy the process of learning.  This was a picture from going to OBU the day before school started.

Well….. One of the other big things this summer we wanted to do was get some stuff done around the house.  We had not done much after we built the house, so we decided to go a head and get some of it done this summer.  Well, I passed out right before I found out of my cancer and didn’t think doing home stuff during treatment would be a good idea.  So we put it to the side.  Until school was about to start again and we really decided we needed to get it done.  Oh my.  We are thankful for Philip Rye and all he did to help us get it all done. We are glad to be almost done and ready to just rest this fall.  Now we have some new things in the house and our house is finally painted again.


I would really like to thank everyone for helping me and praying for me.  I need the prayers again a lot as I look at trying to wake up again and get my life on track how the Lord desires to use me.  He has been so faithful.  I wish I could tell you the million things he’s taught me…But, one of the amazing things the Lord has done for me… this summer as I wrote I was writing a ton on warrior angels.  Ok, since school started and the Lord knew my time would be less and I would be more tired, I didn’t read about Warrior Angels anymore.  And as I read really felt the Lord desired me to be quiet and to rest in Him.  He gave me this passage from 2 Corinthians 12:5-7-10.

 I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses. Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say, or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Anything that happens is never about me or because of me. The Lord desires to teach me so much and asks and desires me to learn from Him no matter what.  And I have to be honest, being busy has made it harder for me to learn from the Lord and to be able to rest.  I am choosing to be faithful and give Christ my weaknesses even if it’s not what I would “want.”  Thank you to everyone who prays for me and encourages me.  I am so thankful in this battle and I need each of you every moment of the day!  Thank you Lord for providing for me.



When School Starts…. we are LOST!

“Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.  Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths….how precious is your unfailing love, O God!”

Psalm 36:5-7

So hard to believe that we started and finished our first week of school.  It seems like I finished treatment and then school started right away!  I guess it was close to that anyway!  Not how I would’ve planned it out.  I had planned to have the whole year all ready to go and tweaking what I wanted to tweak, and then having school start.  Meanwhile….I’m tweaking as I go!  That’s harder for me…not really how I normally like to operate.

I am thankful I’ve had some pretty good classes and I am starting to get to know some new students.  I can tell I am more tired than I normally have been and that the amount of thinking that I’ve been doing is more than what I did all summer…. course isn’t it like that for everyone?  I am thankful for the students and teachers who have been so kind to bless me with so much.  I am also just beyond blessed by all the people who are bringing meals.  It has been so wonderful to visit with people and hug people.  We have just loved each visit.

So right before school started, I was able to get a (wig) hair piece.  This piece is real hair and needs to be taken care of like all hair.  I was blessed to go to the salon and have it put on the Saturday before school started.  I was very thankful that we styled it and spent a couple hours there.  Tonight I took it off to wash it, oh my.  It’s a little more work than I was expecting.  It’s going to take a while for me to get used to working with it.

On the left is two days before my seizure and the pic of me on the right is me after I got my hair piece.  

Abbey and Ashton have had to drive us to school.  Garrett is driving his own car since he has different things going on than we do.  The traffic at our school has been pretty heavy before and after as people are getting used to the construction and the craziness at school.  The funny part of our lives right now: my mind is a bit crazy, my school is a bit crazy because of the construction and my house is crazy right now.  I’m thankful for the help I’m getting from so many people.  The girls have done a great job driving me around and it’s so weird to not be able to drive.  I feel like I spend a lot of time trying to figure out who is going to drive me one place or another.  The hard part, my car is parked up by my classroom and during 7th period I go to soccer which isn’t close to my class.  The school has been really great to make sure someone can drive me down to my car.  The hard part is after practice…. walking to our car that is far away makes tired players….more tired!



A few weeks ago we finished thinking about the things around our house that needed to get done around here.  We have waited a while to get things done and one of our plans this summer had been to get the house past the 12 years we’ve owned it.  Since we started the summer with a different plan, we hadn’t done anything to plan for the stuff that needed to get done.  We decided to meet with our neighbor to get some stuff done and here we are now, trying to get some stuff repaired and ready for the year and make some updates…only problem is that you are living in chaos.  But, I am trying to be thankful as different things get done… because it’s been needed for a long time.

I’ve enjoyed my new club team and my high school girls.  During 7th period right now, I get the softball girls and my girls.  They also added some PE girls who lost their teacher.  So, I have a huge group 7th period.  It’s keeping me creative…. I guess.  Now that it’s my second year, it’s been so much more fun to hangout with the coaches up there.  I have many of them who are praying for me, and I am very blessed by that.  It’s so hard to believe as I look at the soccer girls that it’s been a year since we started getting ready for the state tourney.  But, here we are.  I’m super proud of the girls and ready for them to improve more and to nail it this year.  My club girls have been so kind and have just loved being together.  I’m blessed to know all these ladies and train them all.  They are all so full of love and desire to improve so much.  I love that.


We were supposed to have high school tryouts this past Friday, but it rained too much.  So now, we will have it this Tuesday.  I’m ready to get these tryouts over and get the year started!

I know many of you are following this wondering about my health.  I have been really blessed to feel as good as I have felt.  However, I think all of the treatment is catching up on me and making me a bit tired and less able to focus.  It’s hard to believe that I finished my treatment and then pretty much started school stuff.  It’s been a crazy week this week.  I had great plans to get everything ready for my classes and have less to plan, but my adventures this summer kept me from being focused on this.

We have been trying to figure out when our MRI would be and what we would do next.  Well, we got a call saying my MRI is going to be this Wednesday night at 4:45pm.  Please be in prayer for this.  I am asking for the internal swelling is down enough for them to see what’s going on and it’s accurate.  I am also asking for prayers for wisdom for the doctors and peace for us.  We are trusting the Lord that He has healed me already.  We have also gotten a call back from Duke about going there the end of the month.  Obviously this is a good thing and the people we are set to see there are some of the best.  It’s hard for me to think about missing some school and what all I will need to do before I can leave.  Please be praying about all of this for me.  Safe travels and great wisdom from the doctors.  Thank you

Also, please be in prayer for me to be able to manage my time better.  This summer was such a blessing to slow down and have time.  Now that school has started, we are busy going so many places.  The girls are playing less sports, but they are loving the extra time they get to spend and want to spend with their friends. Garrett is busy preparing for college next year, ugh and Nathan is trying to find himself something he really enjoys.  Prayers for these kiddos and Scott as we go in for appts and start doing more things again.


One of my favorite people in the Bible is Esther.  I love her courageous spirit and her desire to follow the Lord even if it means she would die.  She was brought in after King Xerxes had issues with his queen.  Women were brought in and were prepared to meet the king with oils and treatments.


Esther was Jewish and the Xerxes decided that Esther was his favorite and announced she was queen over the other previous queen.  Things were looking good for Esther.  Until, Haman was brought in to work under the king.  Haman hated the Jews and did many things to show himself as important and powerful and to get rid of the Jewish people.  Esther, got worried about what was happening and she knew that she would need to go see the king and get him to change the laws Haman was introducing.  In Esther 4:15-17

15 Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: 16 “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”

17 So Mordecai went away and carried out all of Esther’s instructions.

Esther trusted the Lord and knew that death may be what comes next for her.  When You approach the king, the king has all the power and he can decide to have you killed.  This wouldn’t be odd. Esther asked his uncle to fast and pray for her and she was at peace with the results.  It’s hard to believe that this young lady chose to go against the rules of the kingdom and approach the king without being invited.

As we read on in Chapter 5 ….

On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance.When he saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand. So Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter.

Then the king asked, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be given you.”


The King had grown to love Esther that he allowed her to live.  She was brave enough and trusted God enough that no matter what happened going forward, the Lord had Esther right where she was supposed to be.

I love Esther.  I love how bold she was and how she was willing to stand against those that wanted to kill her and others.  She had everything going for her… but the Jewish people meant a lot to her…she didn’t let the fact that she was good to stop her from standing up for what was going on.  I am thankful for that.  Thankful that she was willing to be strong when she didn’t know the results.   She trusted that God would do what was best.  She just knew what needed to happen and went for it.

I hope and pray that we are like that.  We don’t read in here about her concerns or fears…only that she asked people to pray and she walked into a tough situation and she trusted the Lord to do what needed to be done.  She never wondered or questioned, she just did what needed to be done for the people.  I so want to learn to live with my eyes focused on the Lord and others and to not focus on myself every day.  Please pray for this for me.  As I am feeling more tired and more physically drained, I don’t want that to be my focus.  I want others to be my focus.  Lord help me do that!



Last Week of Summer

“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” 

Psalm 34:1


Last week of Summer!!!!  This has been a crazy week.  I finished treatment late last week… slowed down for the weekend…not really.  We decided to get some more stuff organized and put together before school started. It’s been crazy around here.  But it’s been a blessed week.

As a teacher, we have these professional development days that we go to before school starts.  We started ours on Monday with our open house.  I was very thankful to have Tami and Madison Draper and Garrett up there helping put my room together.  They did a great job putting up new things on the walls. I have a lot more parents and students come up and some old students came up to say hi.

So on Tuesday we got together with the whole district and got to work together and listen together…and sweat together 🙂  But it was so great to see so many people come up and introduce themselves to me and tell me they were reading this and praying.  What a sweet blessings.  I got to eat lunch with the ladies on my floor and share our time together.

Wednesday was early and we went to my church to hear from our Super Intendant Karen Walters and then they brought in Kevin Brown who was a great speaker and has a

great heart.38732207_2063530783679288_3941755305905356800_n



We enjoyed our time…except maybe getting out of the parking lot. Craziness!




Thursday was our last day and we were able to meet together play a fun game and get together with our little group to share struggles and goals we have for the year.  I love the ladies and Gent I work by.  We all teach different things but, they have always been super encouraging and helpful since I’m the Newby!


When I wasn’t at school I was blessed by so many things this week.

We were blessed by so many visitors and great things this week.

I loved that I got to run my first soccer practice, yeah!!!! Cannot believe it’s time!  I love the girls I get to train and just love their personalities and hearts.  unnamed-4They have been so wonderful and just love me so well.  When I got off the exit, it was so crazy to think for the rest of the summer I turned right at this light for treatment and as I sat here waiting for the light to turn green, I was turning the opposite way again and heading to soccer practice.  It was such a great feeling knowing that now I wouldn’t turn right every day, I would get to turn left and train my girls.  Love them!

I also got to spend the week seeing so many faces!  What a blessing it is to have people stop by the house and bring us food and spend time with us.  As usual the people that signed up are wonderful and have been so great to stop and spend time just sharing life with us.  We are so thankful for them!

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Scott and Ann have been keeping up with my juicing which has been so great.  I think it has given me energy and kept me going pretty well.  I am thankful for all of the carrots and other veggies we get to drink!


It’s been fun watching the kids together this summer hanging out.  I am thankful for all of the games they play and laughing they do.  Sometimes they have to remember how to do it!  Also thankful for some home remodeling we’ve been able to start.  We were planning to get things updated when summer started and then we got a pause…. so now our sweet neighbor Phillip Rye is helping us get some projects done around here.

I’m going to have a new deck for Bible study.  This one has worn down and needed to be replaced.  So I’m excited for future quiet times with the Lord!


I also got a ton of pics from people who were wearing their HOPE WARRIOR shirts.  What a blessing!  I have a great extended family who loves to support and cheer each other on whatever we are dealing with!  I am very thankful that they took these photos.


My uncle Dick and Aunt Helene with my cousin Mike and Angie and their kids. 


My parents and my brothers Andrew and Mike and their wives Meg and Steph and all their kids
My Aunt Becky and Uncle Ron with their oldest son Tyler and wife Mackenzie with their kids!

Thank you everyone for spreading the Word of Hope around us with the shirts.  It does make me smile when I see people wearing them.  The Lord continues to amaze me!

Some ways to pray for me this first week of school:

  • Of course lots of energy!  Great sleep this week
  • For us to get out of the house on time in the mornings!
  • For the week to run smoothly at school for me as I start my second year.  For me to be able to be focused on what I am doing
  • For us to hear from the doctors about scheduling my scans
  • Continued prayers for taste and sensation in my throat to go away

When the End Comes….Sort of

These sweet flowers were such a blessing to me.  I was given two bouquets yesterday and I was just blessed.  I am not a flower vase person usually, but through this experience I have cherished each bouquet from every person.  How wonderful God is to give us such variety, color and smells.  The flowers were a daily hug from those that brought them and a reminder to me that God cares for me more than these flowers and look at how gorgeous they are!  I am more valuable than these?  Yes I am!  We are all different like these flowers and we are all loved by the Lord…but He has given each of us different callings to show His glory to the world… if you are the rose I’ll be the sunflower – goodness He is glorified!

Well yesterday was my last day of Radiation.  How in the world did we finish this already?  I am so blessed.  I remember starting my treatment and thinking the end is so far away… So it’s amazing to see how fast we got here.  I am so blessed… Thank you.

I have been surrounded by so many wonderful people.  From my treatment team and everyone who has encouraged me during these 31 treatments.  In May I never envisioned this as part of my summer.  Never imagined that I would be battling cancer so soon in my life.  But – here we are.

When I walked back to the back yesterday, I got to hug one my fellow cancer patients John who is 90 years old.  He has been so sweet to me and has prayed with me.  He was a former fire fighter and I can tell he is wearing down.  Please pray for him.  He only has a few treatments left. Pray for energy and strength…I am thankful that we will be together for eternity… very thankful for that.

As I headed back I got to say hi to all of my people in the back and head to where I would take off my jewelry and then walk through the doors for my final treatment.  I took my hat and sunglasses off and walked over to the table.  I got up on the table and laid down and pulled my pink blanket up and adjusted my head so we could put the mask on.

Leslie and Gina put the mask on and turned my music up and said, “last time!”  I laid there for a bit listening to my worship music and I started to pray and as I thought about the staff there, tears started to roll down my cheek.  Course my next thought was, “am I going to get burned if my tears go the wrong direction…”  But God was good and kept my left eye from tearing too much…so I went on praying.

Having been there so many times I knew the movement of the machine and the table and the turns we would take… the number of times the machine would turn on and “shoot me…”  When I knew there was only two left and then one… the tears came again.  My mask was undone and taken off and it was hard for me to speak.  The crew has become so much a part of my life that I am blessed.  They were so sweet and got a soccer ball and they all signed it and wrote sweet messages on it.  It was a very blessed gift.  Love you guys and I am so thankful that we got to journey together through this battle!


No my Radiologist did not shave his head to make me feel better… lol – Thanks Dr. Hardee for making my time here joyful and memorable.

When I finished we took a few family photos and I wanted to get the gifts for the team in the back that were out front.  I was in such a mission to get all the stuff and was wondering why no one was quickly moving to get the gifts and cookies…but when I went out of the hallway to grab the stuff WOW.  This is what I saw:

Such a great surprise to see all these girls I’ve coached and their families and some of the teens from church and their families.  So thankful.  I love to coach and I love teens.  They are just so amazing.  The staff said they had never had so many people out front.


Thankful that these guys were able to come up and give me a hug and so thankful for their parents who have been so supportive through all of my treatments and this time.  Love you guys and I know there were others that wanted to be there and I love you too!

I am very thankful for our shirts we had made.  The thought and heart behind the shirts are to bring hope to others because of the words on the shirt.  I never wanted the shirt to focus on me, I wanted them to point to the Lord because HE IS MY HOPE and HE HAS BEEN MY STRENGTH and SHIELD.  I am blessed by so many who desired to support my heart and ordered shirts.  We need this Truth in our world…there are so many hurting people.







Nikki and I – She got all these people up there to show their support – THANK YOU!
My Sweet family – Love you guys!
My friend Paige and her sweet little “selfie”
Tammy and Nikki worked hard along with others to get the shirts all organized, mailed and ready to hand out.  Thanks guys!




I have been blessed by seeing so many of you wearing your shirts and I hope it gives you an opportunity to share HOPE and to  be HOPE to people the Lord will bring into your life.  I have been so blessed by sharing my story and His Love with others during this journey.  It has been just amazing.



So when we got done seeing everyone who came, I got to go give blood and see my oncologist.  Nothing too exciting here.  But, basically I am off of radiation and chemo today.  Radiation is done.  Chemo will continue every 28 days for 5 days. in a row.  So basically I am off of my chemo pill until the end August.  I will take 1/4 more of mg than I am taking now and then in September I double what I am taking now.   I will be asking for prayers as I up the dosage that the Lord just lines my stomach and continues to allow me to feel good.  Once I have doubled my dosage I will stay at that level.

Some sweet girls I met from PA in the lab

So when am I getting scans? My scans will be determined by my doctors and will occur somewhere between 4-8 weeks from now.  Basically they want my brain to have time to not be swollen and allow all the radiation fragments to do what they were sent in there to do.  So please continue to pray that the side effects are not a part of my story and that the swelling goes down and tumors are gone!

I will have follow up appointments in September and continuing to take a couple of my pills but a lot less.  So YEAH!  We have done some research and have put our name in at Duke and MD Anderson if and when that becomes the next step.

Was so blessed with Great cookies from Robyn Wolf that turned out perfectly for the staff and all those crazy people in the lobby!  I think we set a new record on people in the waiting room.  My Sister-in-love sent me a sweet and perfect cup – Thanks Cindy and Erik and of course Landyn.

When we finished all our blood work and everything Nikki and I went to go find our friend Elizabeth and her family, I coached her daughter.  Her mother was coming up there for for her scan results…so we hung out for awhile and just laughed and shared life.  Love visiting with people.   I had to put this pic of Nikki in here.  She’s going to kill me…but, she has been out looking for scarves for me and this is one of the photos she sent me.  What would we do without technology for shopping!!! HA HA!

Some people have asked what I am going to do with my mask.  Well, the plan is to bring it to my soccer office as a reminder for me and to keep my players “level headed..”  Life could always be different…enjoy the moment and don’t complain.  I’m sure they will do what my kids did…they said they didn’t like it too much..ha!

Thank you everyone again for making my last treatment so memorable. The staff enjoyed it and I’m sure the patients there smiled as well.  I am a blessed lady!


As I have pressed on in this journey, the Lord has held me and held my head up.  It’s not me putting on a show, it’s Him living through me.  This has been so important because my kids have been watching me.  They have been warriors and stayed focused on the Lord because they have developed a relationship with Him and with Him as their foundation, this time has been a time I have seen Jesus in them.  As a parent, there is nothing I want more.  I am very thankful.  I pray that their faith stays strong and they do not follow the paths of many of the Kings of Judah….

Since i wrote so much already and had such an amazing day yesterday… you would think I would just say that’s it…But without the Word, I’m useless. 🙂

Looking at these kings and how some were hard hearted, some started out following the Lord and then going their own way, and then there were some who chose the Lord their whole lives and the Kingdom and people were trained in the ways of the Lord – and the results were amazing.

One Guy… and sometimes a kid were the ones who would bring great blessings on a kingdom or doom.  When we think about who our lives influence… do we consider our conduct to have consequences that could effect generations after us?  That’s serious stuff…but, it’s true.

King Hezekiah – you know I love him!  In 2 Chronicles 32 and 33 he was busy fortifying walls and preparing the city against the Assyrians.  Here’s what he said starting in verse 7…

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.

The Assyrian king sent letters to the people against Hezekiah and their “god” is how he saw the Lord God.  God was referred to as a normal god they served – nothing special.  This got Hezekiah and Isaiah praying to God… now I have to tell you when I read what came next I was like – “Lord sent this angel to me!”

21 And the Lord sent an angel, who annihilated all the fighting men and the commanders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king. So he withdrew to his own land in disgrace. And when he went into the temple of his god, some of his sons, his own flesh and blood, cut him down with the sword.

So the arrogant king was killed by his own kids.  A king who thought he had it all, had nothing.  King Hezekiah became highly respected and many people sent him gifts.  But, then something happened….

24 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. He prayed to the Lord, who answered him and gave him a miraculous sign. 25 But Hezekiah’s heart was proud and he did not respond to the kindness shown him; therefore the Lord’s wrath was on him and on Judah and Jerusalem. 26 Then Hezekiah repented of the pride of his heart, as did the people of Jerusalem; therefore the Lord’s wrath did not come on them during the days of Hezekiah.

Hezekiah had been living a great life with many blessings from the Lord.  Yet when he became ill and the Lord cared for him, he became a proud individual.  This should cause us to pause and think… is my heart one that is proud or humbled?  No matter what we are facing or going through… a proud heart does not please the Lord.  What I love to read though,  is that his conviction from his pridefulness changed his direction and he REPENTED!  Meaning he sought the Lord’s forgiveness.  And Got it.

When we choose to go against the Lord we have a choice to make… continue on and reap the consequences that WILL come or humble ourselves and repent and HE IS FAITHFUL and desires to FORGIVE US!  He doesn’t want His people punished or out of His presence.  He desires to BE with US and teach us and love us!

What I love is that the Lord loves us and desires to be with us.  He doesn’t wake up everyday and wonder how He can ruin our lives.  Our response to Him in our Heart and the growth that comes from their into our lives is life changing.  King Hezekiah could’ve thrown himself a party and celebrated his victories like HE was the victor, but he humbled himself when he got caught up in the fame and success.

We ALL need to live humbled lives that SCREAM out “we know Jesus and that’s how I can live this way…it’s not me!!!”  If you want to see what happens next read about Hezekiah’s son… Manasseh, he started weak and evil, but in the end it says he “finally realized that the Lord alone is God!”  He finally realized… it took going into enemy camp and being beat up and humiliated… let us pray that our hearts are never that stone cold that we endure that much before we finally turn to the Lord.  But, if that’s where we are… you are NEVER TOO FAR gone to NOT be LOVED by the Lord himself.  Reach out to Him and let Him forgive you and fill you.  Your life will never be the same.


These girls have always been warriors to me.  Kate Duncan’s family made this quilt for me.  They let the girls write messages on here for me.  I am one blessed coach and person!


If you all will be praying for what I mentioned above that would be great!!!! Blessings Warriors!

King of Glory…

Aren’t sunsets just a gift?  It’s God’s daily reminder that He’s got this – He’s got US and He wants what’s best for us… no matter what we are facing right now.  “Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, invincible in battle….. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies he is the King of glory.”                Psalm 24:8&10b

Tshirts are in!!!! So blessed and I love them.  My mom got her’s and sent me a pic from her deck today.  unnamed-10



We had a pretty busy weekend.  My parents came in and visited so that was fun.  We were busy trying to get to closets and do things that needed to get done before the school year starts.  It’s amazing how much I have really slowed down this summer compared to my normal self and there was a lot that was on the list to get done this summer.  I have had to solicit help from many people including my parents and Scott’s to get some of it done.  Oh well, it will still be here next summer to accomplish right?  You guys have filled up my card scrapbook that I’ve had to move on to another one!  What a sweet blessing…




I have also been looking at boxes in the basement – insert crazy lips and eyes – I told Scott we have got to commit to going through one to two boxes a week.  We have not done a good job keeping up with all of our “stuff” from the almost 20 years we’ve been together and from before that our parents so graciously gave us – Help! We also haven’t moved in a long time so, we have boxes and boxes of stuff!  So, I have sent many car trips to Good Will or the garbage bin.  I promise I’m not nesting and I am not pregnant!!!  Some of my most fun stuff to look at has been looking at my high school soccer stuff.  So many great memories.  I tried to look through some slides…not very easy.  Scott and I went through some old VHS tapes from when we worked together in Quincy.  We have newscasts and game broadcasts on tape.  It makes you feel pretty old….ha!


So something really cool.  I have to admit..not a super BIG fan of having no hair.  I’ve learned to live under a hat most days or with a scarf.  Now here’s something…I can’t find the right size scarf anywhere.  I don’t know if I’m not looking at the right spot or what.  IF you know of a good place to buy scarfs, please let me know.  Anyway, back to what matters…. I was loounnamed-2king in the mirror at the back of my head and I noticed I have finger prints on head.  Actually I have fingers on the back of my head!  I thought Lord, you have been holding my head just like we have prayed and here’s the evidence.  Guys, isn’t that just awesome!  I realize God’s hands are waaaaaayyyyyy bigger but, he gave me something tangible I could see.  Amazing…

My head has responded pretty well in the treatment as far as the skin on my head goes.  I am very thankful for that…. Shout out to my girl Sarah Wilson and her Arbonne stuff she gave me!!!!!


IMG_2256I had the blessed opportunity to spend time with a dear person in my life Necole Kreie.  I’ve known her and her family for a long time.  Her three kids had been in my student ministry and she and I, along with Scott, all sang and served together on the music ministry team.  We had a fun time catching up, laughing and sharing.  Thank you Necole for the meal and the time invested.  So much fun.

Let me just say that the girls have become pretty good drivers the past week.  They had

my mom and dad going everywhere and have become more confident and so that makes me excited.  Considering that they have to drive me to school in a couple weeks!  Good seeing my parents and thankful they were willing to come down and help around the house and give my in-laws a break!


“O Lord, do not stay far away!  You are my strength; come quickly to my aid…..I will Praise you in the great assembly.  I will fulfill my vows in the presence of those who worship you…For Royal Power Belongs to the Lord.  He rules all the nations.”

Psalms 22:19, 25 & 28 


In reading about all of these kings in 2 Chronicles it’s amazing to see how each started out so differently.  Even though they were usually raised by the previous king, how they ended up or what they decided wasn’t determined always (usually) by their fathers.  

Uzziah became king of Judah after Amaziah…Amaziah had turned from God and did his own thing.  He started out following the Lord, but it said “not wholeheartedly…” He became very defiant and worshed other idols, even with clear direction that he would be punished.  His heart was so hard, that no amount of pleading and trying to convince him.  He wanted to do things his own way.  He ended up being assassinated.

His son Uzziah was crowned king when he was 16 years old.  At this age and what he saw from his father, you might think he would go his own way.  Yet the Bible tells us twice that he was 16 when he took over and in verse 5 it says…

He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear[b] of God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.”

He had people, especially the prophet Zechariah,  pouring into him.  He was humble enough to listen to what Zechariah suggested and because of this – HE SUCCEEDED.  The things he set up to do, the new towns he build – he was given success.  He defeated many armies ……

The Ammonites brought tribute to Uzziah, and his fame spread as far as the border of Egypt, because he had become very powerful.

Uzziah was prepared and God had given him everything he needed to succeed…

11 Uzziah had a well-trained army, ready to go out by divisions according to their numbers as mustered by Jeiel the secretary and Maaseiah the officer under the direction of Hananiah, one of the royal officials. 12 The total number of family leaders over the fighting men was 2,600.13 Under their command was an army of 307,500 men trained for war, a powerful force to support the king against his enemies. 14 Uzziah provided shields, spears, helmets, coats of armor, bows and slingstones for the entire army. 15 In Jerusalem he made devices invented for use on the towers and on the corner defenses so that soldiers could shoot arrows and hurl large stones from the walls. His fame spread far and wide, for he was greatly helped until he became powerful.

AHHHH BUT – Dang it!  He decided to do what his father had done.  He had rested for years, had success, life was good and HE DETERMINDED THAT HE WAS THE REASON FOR ALL  OF THE THEIR SUCCESS.

16 But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God, and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense.17 Azariah the priest with eighty other courageous priests of the Lord followed him in. 18 They confronted King Uzziah and said, “It is not right for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the Lord. That is for the priests, the descendants of Aaron, who have been consecrated to burn incense. Leave the sanctuary, for you have been unfaithful; and you will not be honored by the Lord God.”

19 Uzziah, who had a censer in his hand ready to burn incense, became angry. While he was raging at the priests in their presence before the incense altar in the Lord’s temple, leprosy[c]broke out on his forehead. 20 When Azariah the chief priest and all the other priests looked at him, they saw that he had leprosy on his forehead, so they hurried him out. Indeed, he himself was eager to leave, because the Lord had afflicted him.

Uzziah had leprosy until the day he died.  Here Uzziah had started strong, faithful, ready for battle and led his people well.  And then he got proud…of himself.  He forgot where his blessings had come from and how he was able to do the things he was doing.  We see this a lot today don’t we?   Maybe we do this ourselves from time time or more times than we care to admit.  Success occurs and before we know it, WE are taking credit and we start living without including God and then before we know it, we live like He’s not even a part of our lives.  Some of us continue and decide WE will be our own god and we puff out our chests and live like we are important and all that matters.  

Success is a great feeling.  I have experience the “highs of succeeding” in many areas of life.  But, if we aren’t careful, we start to see ourselves as the reason we have succeeded and we blow ourselves up into something that we are not.  And bottom line, God is so good to bring us and draw us back, so we can experience REAL living with HIM!

It’s easy for us to read these passages and think a couple of things:

  • Am I going through a bad time because God is punishing me?
  • Life is good for me so God must be ok with where I am at!


These are hard and almost dangerous questions for us to spend time focusing on.  Because the focus is on US !!!!  As people, this is our problem and downfall.  We are not the focus, GOD IS!  He is working all the time and desires, DESIRES, to use us in many different situations.  If God is our focus, then when our circumstances change, God remains the same – HE NEVER CHANGES.  And I have been so blessed by this Truth this year.  I don’t know what is in my future, but I know who has it!  He has given me everything I have needed and has surrounded me and carried me.  He has been my focus and has been MORE than I could’ve imagined.  No matter our circumstance, our heart should be focused on HIM and Choosing to live for Him no matter what is going on around us….because that can change in an instant.  It did for me.  One of the healthiest people I know, no problems, never had a headache, never had issue… BUT in a moment it changed.  BUT GOD never did.  He is my sun – my focus.  He has given me peace and I have seen Him do too much, that it’s faith strengthening for sure.

Take the time to be with HIM no matter your circumestance.  Ask Him to speak to you, seek Him and He will be found.  Don’t give up…. He is worth it!

As I get ready to go back to school, I am excited to see students, teachers and get away from the treatment cycle.  But, there are still so many unknowns.  I was planning for the state champtionship this time last year and determined to give my all to my teams and my students.  I was blessed by such a great year.  I am thankful to be given the opportunity and the students who will be in my classes.

Please pray for me for the following:

  • I have TWO more treatments.  I am praying against tiredness and things that come physically.  I have been so blessed and I am thankful that the Lord has sustained my energy and allowed me to get some of the things around the house organized and ready for school
  • Pray that as I prepare for OPEN HOUSE that I have everything I need and I know what I need to share.
  • I know many of you have been and are already praying for clear scans.  I do not know when I will be scheduled for my scans and what comes next.  I will be seeing my oncologist Thursday and getting blood drawn.  We are expecting a long day with setting up what’s next.  We are not anticipating a scan for at least 3 weeks and could go a couple months.  
  • Pray for this continual on and off sensation in my throat and mouth.  Pray I can continue to be joyful and just BE with the Lord in these short moments.
  • Pray for wisdom from my doctors on what to do next.

Thanks Warriors!


My Goal: God…

Sitting outside this morning enjoying my quiet time and quickly realized that storms were going to be moving in pretty fast.  Amazing to just sit and watch the clouds roll in and thinking about how the Lord has it all under control and yet He sees me and cares for me.  Each step I take I must choose to fix my eyes on Jesus or it’s too easy to get pulled away by how I may feel physically, mentally or spiritually.  Storms can roll in and I can get caught off guard and quickly be drenched and under attack.  But, I can trust Him to be my refuge and I ask Him to not allow death to be the end.  When we think of death we can focus only on the physical and the Truth is that praying against our Spiritual death is way more imperative than our physical.  It is on THIS Truth that I focus and am able to MOVE forward in confidence knowing He will guard me in and through it all!  He’s got this!

It has been a pretty crazy week.  To think that I have only 4 more days – 4 more days of treatment is crazy.  Where did the time go?  I have to say, I am probably just now starting to feel some of the symptoms or drain of the treatment.  I am a little more tired sometimes and having an acid type feeling that comes up and burns every once in a while.  I am thankful that the Lord continues to fight for me and has held me up each and every day.  Thank you for the continued prayers.  Now, I am starting to think about life beyond my getting up and going to treatment every day and waiting to come back the next.  I have been so blessed by the people up there and their care for me, that I will miss them and the laughs we’ve had.  Love you guys!



My parents have been in town all week so they have come up to treatments and been able to see what all goes on up there.  It’s a blessing to meet new people and to hear their stories … it’s also great to give God the glory and to see how many people up there are focused on Him during this time.  It’s like a mini church sermon and praise and worship session.

Took this pic this morning of my chemo pill.  So, some have asked and I probably haven’t explained too well… but I take a chemo pill about 45 minutes before radiation and then I also take the pill on the weekends.  When I am done with radiation I’ll get a break from the pill until after the scans and then more than likely will take the pill once a month for a week until ???? don’t know that.  But yes I have to wear a glove to handle this pill.


This week has been a little crazy!  Girls were at soccer camp and came home and crashed!  They loved UCA and hanging with their buds and meeting new people.  Nathan was a chatty box this week-probably because girls were gone.  He was busy talking to me about everything, he likes to come out on the deck and hear some of what I’m reading and then unpack everything he’s thinking about.  His biggest thing all week was he wanted to cook me breakfast.  He didn’t understand I get up earlier than him to be with the Lord and I eat early so I can stay on schedule.  Well he wanted to make me fried eggs, so he made me and my dad fried eggs one morning.  So sweet.  Grandpa said he would take him for ice cream if he did 4 chores, so he was busy doing all kinds of things.  He and my mom organized a closet and put together all of the baby puzzles.  My mom made Kale “chips” and Nathan actually tried them, didn’t like them thus the face that looks like he’s choking, but he tried them.  He’s a crazy little kid.


Also so blessed by so many visitors bringing dinner and stopping by to chat.  Love seeing and being blessed by so many.  Thank you all so much for the food and the prayers.  Had fun seeing the Lorios and the Humphreys – beautiful flowers (below) – I don’t always remember to take pics!  Thankfully Scott reminds me when he’s around.  We were blessed by our neighbors the Greens – no picture 🙁 and Nathan has been running around wild with his little buddy (their son) Soren.

Some new things this week…. SOCCER Training begins….school organization is about official….Hope Warrior shirts are in….treatment ends…..Yeah!


“Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.”

Deuteronomy 32:2

I have to admit, every time I sit and read the Bible I am always sitting there thinking I could write about this…and then I move on to the next book of the Bible I’m reading and I think, wow blow me away.  I wish I could just sit and talk, share and grow with each of you everyday.  You all have no idea…and I have no idea who all is reading this… but you have encouraged me in this fight and kept me focused where I need to be.  Not on me, but on Him and allowing Him to speak whatever He desires through me.  I am blessed – blessed.

Reading in 2 Chronicles about King Jehoshaphat who was King of Judah who started out following after the Lord hard.  After war and time he was told that the Lord was angry with him because he was helping the wicked and hating those who loved the Lord.  He could’ve responded any way he wanted to, this seer that came to him could’ve been killed on the spot.  But, when the seer came to King J and told him what was about to happen, this is what he did…

“Jehoshaphat lived inJerusalem, but he went out among the people, traveling from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim, encouraging the people to return to the Lord, the God of their ancestors.”  He went out and appointed judges and told them how to judge and to “Fear the Lord”….These were his instructions to them: “You must always act in the fear of the Lord, with faithfulness and an undivided heart” He said that in vs 7 and 9. 

What is so encouraging and challenging to me about King J here in these passages, there are so many of us who don’t respond the way he did.  He responded humbly and ready to move forward in God’s will.  He didn’t make excuses on why certain things should be done or why he wasn’t following the Lord.  He listened and then obeyed right away.  How often am I guilty of talking myself into why I did things a certain way or why I am not walking in the Lord’s will at the time because I want to do what I want to do?  King J got the news and set about changing what he was doing and what was going on in the entire kingdom.

After this a few kingdoms declared war on King  J and he was told that more armies were coming.  In chapter 20 it says he was terrified and he begged the Lord for guidance and commanded that everyone begin fasting.  People came to Jerusalem from everywhere because they wanted to seek the Lord’s help.

King J stands in front of the people and says

Lord, the God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you.Our God, did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend? They have lived in it and have built in it a sanctuary for your Name, saying, ‘If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment, or plague or famine, we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your Name and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us.’

I love so much about this heart wrenching real prayer.  He was humble and brought back what King J knew was true about God, what He had already done in the past.  And then in the end the TRUST in knowing that no matter what we see or have happen YOU WILL SAVE US.  As the armies got closer and the fighting seemed to be close at hand….

14 Then the Spirit of the Lord came on Jahaziel son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite and descendant of Asaph, as he stood in the assembly.

15 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. 16 Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel.17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’”

They are told not to be afraid twice and that they will not have to even fight.  The Lord would be with them.  Now here’s where I would’ve liked to have had a front row seat….

20 Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.” 21 After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his[c] holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying:

“Give thanks to the Lord,
    for his love endures forever.”

22 As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.

Can you imagine the singers dancing and shouting and no one fighting and the Lord himself set ambushes to fight God’s enemies.  They all returned and were overjoyed because they had been given victory by God, from their enemies.

When I think about how amazing this experience must have been, I can’t discount how I’ve seen God do amazing things in my life where He has done all the work and battled for me and I have just been changed through it.  This journey I am on is one of them.  I am thankful that God stands and fights and that He has promised to take down my enemies and all I have been asked to do is believe.

My mom was looking through her summer Bible study while she was here todayand sharing with me where she read verses or quotes that made her think of me.  She read me this one from a book by Oswald Chambers quoted by F. Bruce and I thought, yes guys – that is my heart’s desire.

“My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace, Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God; ‘Tis His to lead me there, not mine, but His – ‘At any cost, dear Lord, by any road.'”

Here are some ways you can pray for me:

  • Pray that my fatigue will not increase and I am asking God to fight against it and allow me to press forward in what He’s called me to 
  • Pray for good sleep in the next few weeks before school
  • Pray that I am focused on what I need to do so I feel ready to begin
  • Pray that in these last 4 sessions of radiation that the Lord eliminates what remains – only God!
  • Pray that I am given God appointments the final days I’m at CARTI here to honor Him and share His glory

Bless you warriors!


Hard to believe that I wrote this before I had my surgery… so less than a week after my seizure.  But, good for me to go back and read where I was and in whom I put my trust.  I’m sorry my penmanship is so terrible – I’m blaming the seizure drugs I was on – HA!

It has been a busy but crazy few days.  I am thankful because I down to single digits for treatment left.  It is also the reality that I am down to less days to target those specific tumors with radiation.  I am completely trusting the Lord to remove these tumors completely.  I have 7 days left….7! Can you believe it?  When we started with 31 it seemed like it would last forever and here we are about to finish up.  As I started thinking about 7, I was really focused on the fact that 7 is God’s perfect number.  Then I really thought, why not take a Bible verse for each day to claim for that treatment as we finish up?!

I know I have an army beside, in front of, behind me who will pray with me these promises and Truths for each day:

Wednesday – Isaiah 53:5 “And by His stripes we are healed.”

Thursday – Exodus 15:26 ” I am the Lord that Heals you.”

Friday – Exodus 23:25-26 “I will take sickness away from the midst of you and the number of your days I will fulfill.”

Monday – Psalm 107:20 “I sent my Word and healed you and delivered you from your destruction.”

Tuesday – Psalm 103:3 “I heal all diseases.”

Wednesday – Ephesians 6:3 “I want it to be well with you and I want you to live long on the earth.”

Thursday – Matthew 4:23 “I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” 

Thank you everyone for walking this journey with me and standing firm on God’s Word with me.  I am Blessed.

We have so enjoyed the opportunities to spend time with people as they have brought us dinner the last few days .  It has been so great to catch up, laugh and see wonderful caring people at the house.

Miller family made some pretty great bbque!  Love their faithfulness to the Lord and friendship.
The Long family – so proud of Ashton here who made some great Lasagna! Good job girl!


This girl right here was my first assistant coach that wasn’t a parent.  She was such a blessing to me when we just started playing here.  Seen her grow up and look at her now – making Chicken Spaghetti with a cute baby boy and a Barry ha!


We were blessed with a restful weekend.  I went and got new glasses!  This was a big deal because for the last long time – who knows how long, I’ve been duck taping my glasses together because I didn’t want to go get glasses.  I decided that the duck tape needed to go and I went with my favorite soccer color – blue! Was also blessed by Rhonda McKinney with a new hat – perfect right? Where would we be without HOPE?


We were able to drop the girls off at soccer camp at the University of Central Arkansas.  I was thankful they had other girls from their teams there so they weren’t going alone, the hugs I got were a blessing too!  Ready to coach again….Hard to believe that in 3 short years it will be their turn…. where does time go?


We also had family drop in and visit for a few hours.  Wasn’t long, but it was so great to be able to see my cousins Angie and Mike and their sweet little ones.  They dropped through on their way home to Peoria, IL.  We were able to visit and then had to go Chick-fil-a to see Garrett at work.  My parents had just come to town so we were able to see them there too and hang out until it was time for bed!  Thanks Mike and Angie for making the stop -so good to see you guys and thanks for joining us on our nightly walk! And thanks to the teens (Anna, Caleb and Zach) we know who were nice enough to take all the pics!

So yes, it’s been a busy few days for us!  But, what a blessing.  Loving my time with each person that I get to spend time with!


AHHHH can I just rest in this today?  What PEACE here – If God is on my team, no one else stands a chance!  What’s awesome about this? I know He and I are on the same team and so I can have JOY and HOPE that bubbles over.  Thank you Jesus. Thank you.  I love being able to stare at this everyday in my kitchen be reminded of the fact that nothing is ever wasted.  God has a plan and purpose in everything I go through.  Bless – what PEACE!

In reading the end of Romans 8 today I was ready to battle.  I have shared with you my desire to pray for you all especially in treatment.  As I pray each day, I really desire to seek the Lord’s will as I am bold and ask for Him to intercede for me and for others.

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose.

What a blessing to know that the very Spirit of God intercedes for us as we pray.  We don’t need to “worry” that we pray “good enough” or have the “right words,” we have been given help through the Spirit.  Paul goes on to remind us that if we are under Christ we have nothing else to worry about.  We are under the banner of the maker of the universe!

31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 

When I stop and really think about the fact that God Himself was willing to allow His own son to die… for me…. for you.  That’s mind blowing.  And because God was willing to do something that hard, for us -He gave us His son – we can rest in knowing that His desire is FOR us.

33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For your sake we face death all day long;    

we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[j]

Jesus Himself not only paid the price for our sin, He stands interceding for us.  I always think about Jesus in the garden before he went to the cross.  The hardship and difficulty He knew that lay before Him.  He asked his disciples to pray, but they kept falling asleep.  After the third time he let them sleep and prayed alone.  He knew the difficulty that the disciples would face going forward.  He had warned them and told them to pray that they wouldn’t fall into temptation but, their bodies gave into sleep.  What a blessing to know that when we are weak – HE IS STRONG and STANDING for us and PRAYING with us!


37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

No matter what we face going forward.  We can claim these verses and know that when we put our trust in Christ, choosing to live our lives for Him, NOTHING we do or that happens in the world will ever separate us from what Jesus already accomplished on the cross.  Remember that.  Don’t allow failure or others speak the lies of “God could never love you or use you….”  NOT TRUE.  You have a purpose and God has a plan for your life that is unique and special.  Ask Him to show you and live faithfully for Him, you’ll see Him work in ways you never thought possible.


Here are some other ways you guys can pray for me:

  • I am coming off of my steroids slowly… so, I know it will mean less “extra” energy – prayers for my body to adjust to this and also against any swelling that may want to happen – I still want energy!
  • Prayers I can get all these toxins out of my body as I am being hit by them daily
  • Prayers for me as I start focusing on what I have going on in the next couple of weeks – school/soccer
  • Prayers for good vision still and no head “Aches”
  • Prayers for clear scans when they get scheduled!





God IS in control.

As I sit and am blessed by these amazing socks from my girl LG – I love that the brand said “standing on the Word of God.”  What a Truth to hold on to!  I loved being able to wear them while doing my Bible Study and having the opportunity to truly STAND on His word.  My favorite time of the day is when I get to BE STILL and lean into His Word and THEN be able to say confidently that I KNOW that HE IS GOD.  Thank you Holy Spirit for giving me that confidence each and every day.

It has been a really busy few days.  So still doing radiation everyday at 11:30am.  Love my people up there.  Blessed to see some “graduate” and move on and now even today, the reminder that this battle goes on.  There were new faces up there today just starting and I can remember wondering the first few days, what have I gotten myself in to.   I’m praying for these first timers or second first timers.  It’s a hard battle and the longer the battle goes, the harder it is to BE STILL and Believe.

I want to thank all of you again for allowing me the opportunity to pray with and for you.  It allows me focus and direction in the morning, during treatment, when the Lord reminds me during the day and at night when I am up.  I have been truly blessed to bring these requests to the Lord in confidence and in battle against Satan.  I have to write everything down…or forget it I won’t remember!


We have had a super busy week.  It sort of hit me this week that school starts soon!  I feel like the kids… course I’ve always been a “I could do without school messing up what I’m doing” kind of person.  But, this is life.  School must begin and everyday I take a link off of my cancer battle chain I am basically saying – school is one day closer- at least that’s what the kids say.

I knew that I wanted to get into the soccer office in the field house.  Last year, didn’t have a whole lot of time to think about how the office could be or should be.  Coach Friday, who shares the office with me, said “do whatever you want I don’t care”.  So I did.  I roped my father-in-law and my family, plus Nikki Funk into getting up there for a couple days and cleaning it out, throwing things away and getting it ready for the year.  And I LOVE IT!!!! Not all the way done, but it is soooo much better.  I left room for more trophies and It was good for my WHAT’s NEXT thought process, because now….I’m a little more ok with school starting.  Let’s not talk about my classroom yet 🙂 . hat a blessing it was to meet them.



unnamed-1 I was also able to meet the Gomez family in my renovations.  They sold me a bench to put in the office and we shared our relationship with the Lord and fellow battles with cancer.  What a blessing it was to meet them.





I was also able to get to see some of my club girls. So, I coach at the high school, but also have been a club soccer coach forever. This year I coach girls that are sophomores and juniors  – YIKES! So I have some girls from my high school team and then I have these other amazing ladies that I get to pour into and meet that I just love.  It made it interesting for me this year as a high school coach watching them play.  I have to admit I was coaching them in my head, under my breath and wondering why they just did what they did and me saying “oh that was a good ball…” It’s fun to to just enjoy the game sometimes.


unnamed-4Besides hanging out with these ladies, I was blessed by so many others.  At treatment this week…since I did the bald thing, I thought maybe I should look into a wig or something for school.  I hadn’t really considered that my hair would be in shock for awhile and who knows when it will decide to grow back.  So I made a trip at CARTI to their wig and other hair stuff room and I met these sweet teens.    What a blessing that they choose to volunteer up there and try and help those of us who have no idea what’s going on!  Ella Beth and Kate are students at Little Rock Christian Academy and blessed me as we all laughed at what was happening up on my head!  Did I get a wig – no, not yet, but I got a cute scarf!


I was also blessed to see my sweet warrior friend Sarah who is also battling brain cancer and she and I share the same Spirit of the Lord so we just are soul sisters every time we get the chance to speak or see each other.  In all her deals she, blessed me by knowing I may need a softer head and gave me some products to help me with the skin damage of radiation.  Thanks Girl!


unnamed-9Nathan was super excited to get a special breakfast dinner from Ms Vaughan, who works at our church and her parents.  He has really enjoyed watching people stop by and of course seeing what other people cook.  Seriously,  been so blessed to be fed by so many people.  It really is a highlight of my day to just spend time talking with people who are praying for us and investing in my health.  THANK YOU WARRIORS!





I am super excited to get my artwork from my good friend Sarah Henry of Redeemed Home Goods.  I asked her to paint what Abbey had done and I cannot wait to pick this piece up from her and get it hung up!







“I will cry to God Most High, to God who accomplishes ALL THINGS FOR ME.” Psalm 57:2


I have to admit, I am reading a lot of books right now.  Some are devotionals, some are words of scripture, some are from people who have walked in the dark valleys, some are daily Biblical challenges and I am enjoying each one.  As I read through one of these Bible Studies it took me to the book of Job.  And I was very thankful for the time spent in there.  The book of Job has always been a very amazing exchange to me and here where I am now, I was further reminded that as I pray very fervently over each request for others and for myself that we are in a very REAL battle.  Satan desires to take us down and out and that is the Truth.  BUT GOD…..people!  We have GOD, El Elyon – THE MOST HIGH with US!  And in reading these very familiar passages to me again, in this time, God really affirmed and spoke to me.


Job 1:6-12 

One day the angels[a] came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan[b]also came with them. The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”

Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”

I am not going to assume we all know what’s going on here.  It is believed that Job may be the first book of the Bible written and Job was an upright God worshipping, believing person.  He was very successful and had a blessed family.  Everything was going good for Job.  Satan was created as a beautiful angel of God – who CHOSE to rebel against God-becoming an enemy of God.

Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”

“Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11 But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.”

So as Satan is roaming around the earth, the Lord points out Job.  Can you imagine having the Lord say, “There is no one on earth like him…” For the Lord to see Job and his faithfulness and highlight it…wow!  Satan comes back with – you’ve blessed him of course he’s going to serve you and not curse you.  But, if you changed that and made life hard for him, he would change his heart’s focus.

12 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”

Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

So here’s an amazing TRUTH we cannot forget.  God is in control and ONLY HE is Most High.  Satan has to ask permission to mess with Job.  He has to go to God and ASK that he is allowed to get involved in Job’s life.  For me this is a TRUTH we have to understand.  Satan cannot get involved without the Lord allowing him …. Bless!

The passage goes on to say:

Job 2:1-10 

On another day the angels[a] came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them to present himself before him. And the Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”

Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”

Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason.”

“Skin for skin!” Satan replied. “A man will give all he has for his own life. But now stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face.”

The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life.”

The Lord allows Satan now to touch Job’s body because Satan believes that in this moment, Job will curse God and turn his back on the Lord.

So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head. Then Job took a piece of broken pottery and scraped himself with it as he sat among the ashes.

His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!”

10 He replied, “You are talking like a foolish[b] woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.

I know this is a difficult thought process for a lot of us to comprehend.  Job goes on loses all his children, possessions and obviously is in pain physically from what Satan has attacked him with.  BUT in all of this, Job never allows these difficulties and hardships to dictate HOW he sees God and WHO God has been in his life.
We may read this and think, “you mean God allows bad stuff to happen to us?  Why would I want to worship or have anything to do with Him or that?”  Here’s the deal:  if life were easy and simple we would NEVER search out knowing God.  We would end up worshipping ourselves. When I look back in my life, I loved the Lord and spent time with Him, but real growth and faith growing happened when the road was bumpy, curving, missing, broken, wet and a mess.  When I came out of those moments The Lord Himself was sitting next to me holding my hand and talking to me.
So, if life is easy for me… what does that say?  Here’s what I would encourage you with: I am no theologian, nor am I scholar but, I do know that God’s desire is for OUR Good and HIS glory.  If you are pressing in hard to the Lord and passionately following Him, keep going!  If your walk with the Lord isn’t your focus daily…. then you really need to consider why it isn’t and what you are going to do to change that.  God is THE ALMIGHTY and He desires EVERYONE of us to come to know HIM in a DEEP WAY.  Eternity is at stake and lives here need to know these TRUTHS. We have been given the great mission to TELL others so they can walk in VICTORY DAILY!
What I take great comfort in, is that while I read this, about God talking to Satan in the book of  Job – we read in Luke 22:31 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded (or asked) permission to sift you like wheat.”  Jesus told his beloved disciple Peter that while Jesus had given him the name “Rock” Satan wanted to make him stumble.  Did Peter stumble?  He did.  But, he came out stronger and, an on fire world changer.  He walked away from that sifting a different person – a stronger and more committed person than he was before.  I bet he thanked Jesus for allowing the sifting.
As I think about all that is going on with me.  I take great comfort knowing that God is THE ALMIGHTY.  He knows me and sees me and there is no one else I need.  When I pray specifically for the battles, the weapons, the warriors and he victory I know there’s no one else I need worry about.  Satan can ask to sift me or battle me but, I will not abandon The WORD of God that I stand on and I have complete confidence in MY ALMIGHTY to protect, restore, heal and DO EVERYTHING that needs to happen so God himself is glorified in and through me.
There’s a man at CARTI, his name is Doug.  He is a dear, dear soul and I am blessed to see him every day.  I am not even going to try and say what his job title is there…but, he’s super important in my treatment and every patient that comes in there.  He takes the doctors plan and maps it into the computer so the radiation shoots right where it needs to go.  Just amazing!  Today he was so kind to show me and explain exactly what the heck was going on .  It’s fascinating stuff.  I am thankful for the team the Lord put together for me up there and they are some of the physical people the angels use to battle and plan for me.  And I know that God himself, is helping them as they build the best program ever.  I asked Doug today, 9 treatments left for me, what happens to the tumors as we hit them and what we want to see at the end.  He said, “We want to see the tumors gone.”  I say AMEN to this and that’s what I have prayed for and have believed since the beginning.  I can stand on this because I have HOPE!
As Ya’ll battle for me in prayer, please know that I know that I would not have the hope, joy or peace without these prayers.  I know that.  I am blessed that you choose to remember to pray for me each time you do.  Thank you.
-Pray for good labs as we go into this week.  I want to hit every lab with a YEs and Amen
– Pray that we get rid of all the toxins in my body…don’t want chemo hanging around longer than it needs to or radiation for that matter
– Pray for no vision changes or head swelling – no pain either
-The Lord has been good to give me great health and feeling good for these weeks… pray that this continues and that I will faithfully look to God ALMIGHTY in the small things I feel
– Please pray for my ability to remember all those i want to pray for during treatment when i can’t look at my book…. I try to look it over quickly (it’s like cramming for a test really quick) And I’m always asking the Lord to help me… I really just love praying for others during this time 
-Pray that I can rest in what I may or may not need to do at school coming up.  
-Pray for my parents as they travel down to visit this next week.  