The True Light

Jesus Is The True Light

“Keep Christ in CHRISTmas”, is often voiced to others around the Holiday season. During Christmas, it is often hard to slow down. Delightful parties, satisfying food, enchanting decorations, and illuminating lights fill the atmosphere all around us. Often it is hard to truly slow down, to reflect the gift of Heavenly Hope given to us not long ago. The Savior, who is the light of the world, unable to be hidden but revealed to us and live among us. If we imagined that first night, it was not noisy like the world around us, but peaceful and noiseless. The anticipation of a Messiah had arrived! Awaiting to be celebrated immensely and worshiped with reverent attention.

Perhaps it is not the decorations or superficial items that divert us from our worship but grief, disease, hardships, or the burdens we carry. Those items are real. In a moment a telephone call can change our lives. However, the light that was shone for you and I remains the same. God is still the light of the world and living among us. He is still here and in every circumstance. The light that illuminates this Christmas is drawing us toward Him, waiting for us to be diverted from the world. How are you responding to the Hope, He has given you?

A few years ago my sister passed away at Christmas time. I’ll never forget the video of her sent to me by her sweet friend. Nicole was worshiping Christ in her wheelchair. Her eyesight was shattered, but she could still hear the sound of sweet songs. She tapped her fingers, raised her hands, and praised Jesus. The light of life was within her as a heavenly road laid ahead. I often think, “Do I worship the King in the same way? With reverence and admiration, no matter what obstacles I face?” In all reality, God gives us every opportunity to focus on His light, no matter the distractions. It is in those heavy distractions that He wants us near to Him. How can you take away the disruptiveness around you and begin to focus on the quiet night, where God came providing the true light to the world to save YOU?

John 8:12, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

May His light be shown through you this season as you take pleasure in the stillness of His voice. If there is a way for me to pray for you this Christmas, I would love to. Please send me a message, I’d love to be your prayer warrior.