"May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, SO THAT you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit" . Romans 15:13
“Keep Christ in CHRISTmas”, is often voiced to others around the Holiday season. During Christmas, it is often hard to slow down. Delightful parties, satisfying food, enchanting decorations, and illuminating lights fill the atmosphere all around us. Often it is hard to truly slow down, to reflect the gift of Heavenly Hope given to us not long ago. The Savior, who is the light of the world, unable to be hidden but revealed to us and live among us. If we imagined that first night, it was not noisy like the world around us, but peaceful and noiseless. The anticipation of a Messiah had arrived! Awaiting to be celebrated immensely and worshiped with reverent attention.
Perhaps it is not the decorations or superficial items that divert us from our worship but grief, disease, hardships, or the burdens we carry. Those items are real. In a moment a telephone call can change our lives. However, the light that was shone for you and I remains the same. God is still the light of the world and living among us. He is still here and in every circumstance. The light that illuminates this Christmas is drawing us toward Him, waiting for us to be diverted from the world. How are you responding to the Hope, He has given you?
A few years ago my sister passed away at Christmas time. I’ll never forget the video of her sent to me by her sweet friend. Nicole was worshiping Christ in her wheelchair. Her eyesight was shattered, but she could still hear the sound of sweet songs. She tapped her fingers, raised her hands, and praised Jesus. The light of life was within her as a heavenly road laid ahead. I often think, “Do I worship the King in the same way? With reverence and admiration, no matter what obstacles I face?” In all reality, God gives us every opportunity to focus on His light, no matter the distractions. It is in those heavy distractions that He wants us near to Him. How can you take away the disruptiveness around you and begin to focus on the quiet night, where God came providing the true light to the world to save YOU?
John 8:12, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
May His light be shown through you this season as you take pleasure in the stillness of His voice. If there is a way for me to pray for you this Christmas, I would love to. Please send me a message, I’d love to be your prayer warrior.
In August 2020 I made a surprise visit to go see my sister. Little did I know that visit would be the last time we would have a meaningful and engaged conversation, before she drastically declined from brain cancer. During my visit we talked about death, heaven, cancer, treatment options, and her family. Our conversation was more focused on other people than herself because she was always selfless. Nicole always radiated Joy everywhere she went. People always gravitated toward her—she smiled, laughed, and carried herself with grace. No matter how she suffered physically or mentally, she did not complain. She used her situation as God telling her to draw close to Him. In fact, during the hardest moments she carried this superior peace amid her uncertainty on earth.
John 14: 27 says, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.”
We don’t have to look far in our world to find discord and conflict. It is everywhere filled with chaos, fear, and anxiety. It is hard to imagine a world possible full of peace, that Jesus promises. The disciples had a hard time believing this peace Jesus was providing, when he said he was returning to His Father. They thought he came to provide peace from their enemies and set a kingdom He would rule, and perhaps they would have some authority. But Jesus was never referring to the peace, the disciples understood. Jesus was specifying to an internal peace, living inside us for all those that choose to follow Him daily.
God provides a peace that is unconditional and everlasting through those who believe in Him. Our Lord provides a wonderful Counselor, Comforter, and Advocate —The Holy Sprit that can guide us through our storms, no matter what we encounter. This peace Christ provides is offered daily as we experience the Holy Spirit working in us. It doesn’t mean we won’t experience challenges, but we can have peace because God is not only with us but within us! The good news is God provides the reality that peace will be restored with His creation, one day. Isn’t this what we long for? How can you discover peace this Christmas? Can you find time away from the worldly busyness and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit?
Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
My prayer for you friend, is that no matter what obstacles you face this Christmas you can obtain peace in the ONE who desires you to discover His presence in you.
Update on Nicole’s Kids:
Garrett: Talking to Garrett is always a treat. He very knowledgeable about God, worldview, and just a kind young man. My kids just love seeing him! He is living in an apartment now and currently working at his church.
Abbey: This lovely lady is planning her wedding and will be walking down the aisle next month to Spencer! We are so excited to see them say their vows and continue in the direction God has for them. They are such a cute couple and I am excited to see what God has in store for them in the future. Spencer has been working with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is currently going into schools, loving his job, and doing awesome at it! Abbey had a great year in soccer. The team went to the NCAA Tournament! She has one more year left! Yikes!
Ashton: This sweet girl did a great job in soccer this year! However, early in the season she tore her ACL. She is recovering doing rehab and looking forward to a great season next year! She is currently dating a lovely young man, Eli. (I’m waiting to meet him and have them visit us!!!)
Nathan: This little guy is not no little anymore! My buddy turned 14 this year! Where did the time go? He was our ring bear in our wedding, walking down the aisle with no shoes! (He did not want to wear shoes) HA! Now this kid is excelling in piano and in theatre. I can’t wait to see him perform soon!
Nicole would be so proud of these kids. May they continue to Love the Lord in all they do and glorify Him. They are great examples for the next generation!
Storms always frightened me when I was little. My family had a small cabin up in northern Minnesota and the storms there terrified me. The cabin did not have a basement, but a small crawl space that was accessible from outside, to be used during storms. Let me tell you, as a kid my siblings and I were deathly afraid of what was in there. There could be all sorts of little critters running around, but you couldn’t see them! I remember the anticipation and nervousness to get to the shelter and waiting the storm out–it felt long. I don’t know about you, but I still do not like storms. BUT just like the storms that bring rain, which water the earth AND are exactly what the earth needs; The storms that we go through, are so good for us too AND often what we need too. God strengthens our faith during storms when we allow Him to—FAITH is WHAT you believe. Believing HIS promises and trusting Him when there is uncertainty.
I love reading about Paul’s ministry. No matter what he was going through, he had faith in the Lord. The Holy Spirit filled in so much that he exulted boldness in every situation. He had confidence in sharing the gospel when people were against him, hated him, and even wanted to kill him. He also had certainty in God’s plan when he was in prison and did not waste his time there. He continued to share the good news. He had boldness in each storm, that God was eventually going to get him to Rome on His time. In fact, God had Paul right where He needed him to be—in a one weatherly storm on ship with fellow prisoners, where people heard him speak boldly about God.
In Acts 27 Paul was finally setting sail to Rome. There was a huge storm at sea with 276 passengers aboard the ship. I don’t need to tell you ships did not have the technology like today or were built like today. The ship caught a hold of a “northeaster” wind, which was a deadly wind, and the passengers were all scared that this ship was going to go to sink in the sandbar. I bet there was so much commotion on the ship among the people, all fearing for their lives. However, Paul extolled confidence that God would get each of them to land safely.
Acts 27: 22-26 says21 After they had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up before them and said: “Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss. 22 But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed. 23 Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me 24 and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciouslygiven you the lives of all who sail with you.’ 25 So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. 26 Nevertheless, we must run around on some island.”
There is so much we can learn in this passage from Paul. God calls each of us to trust Him in the stormiest seasons of life, while encouraging others to do the same. Paul’s attitude wasn’t arrogance but boldness to trust God more than logic or emotions. Luke doesn’t say every emotion Paul felt, but I am sure he had some doubt and fear on the ship. However, Paul let the Holy Spirit direct his emotions to trust God, while encouraging others. We know Paul listened to God. Our Maker sent an angel to encourage Paul in a dangerous storm, that empowered Paul with HOLY boldness to speak words of encouragement whether they were welcome or not. The people on the ship were for him (almost a gift)—God wanted Paul to use this opportunity to show everyone who was in control of the ship and their lives. That no matter what “storm” they may face, He will be in charge—and to take hold and have faith in God. Do you think when Paul took his eyes off the physical storm around him and focused on encouraging the passengers to have faith in God, his own emotions of the storm lightened? I do. When we are in the most difficult things, focusing more on others and less on ourselves increases our faith, while our relationship with Christ grows. That’s the thing, no matter what we face or what obstacle that seems like it will never end, God has us there for a reason. Nicole enjoyed praying for others, while she suffered through radiation. Each day she put the mask on, she chose to focus on others verse herself. She spent time praying for each person that had things going on, verse praying for herself. Truly, she did not like the mask and dreaded it each time, but she was there and chose to use that opportunity to pray for others. I think much like Paul chose to encourage others, while he might have been freighted on the boat; He felt more confidence in our Creator because he focused on what others needed resulting on growing his relationship with Christ. I am sure Paul felt closer to God too as he chose to be used by God during a difficult time for others. I know sometimes we do not like our circumstances and sometimes they can make us paralyzed, but what if we stopped asking “Why me?” Instead asking —Lord, “Use me”–help me boldly trust you and your direction to encourage others around me even if I am in this storm.
“Not only that, but we rejoice in our suffering, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5: 3-5
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. ” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
A little update on Nicole’s kids:
Garrett: He just graduated! Can you believe it?!! He came to visit my family this past May. He lives in an apartment, works a his church, and trusting God for his next direction. We had a great time exploring our farm together. (HE is single!!) No really. I give him a hard time about finding a girlfriend. He is a great kid that loves the lord and I love talking with him. HE is so knowledgeable about worldview and a hard working kid. He is such a sweet young man!
Abbey and Ashton: They just finished their sophomore year of college. They continue to play soccer and are both working at a preschool church program this summer. They both love kids! Abbey recently became engaged to a wonderful young man, Spencer. Abbey and Spencer came to visit me during their spring break. It was a joy for me to meet Spencer. Nicole would be so thrilled to have Spencer a part of her family. He loves the lord and is passionate about sharing the gospel to college students. I am looking forward to watching Abbey and Spencer serve the Lord together! Ashton is doing well and has the same boyfriend. I am looking forward to them visiting soon!
Nathan: My little buddy is growing up!! He continues to love piano and cook. He was able to come on his spring break too with Abbey and Spencer. We made macaroons together and did many art projects (which he loves). One of my favorite parts of our visit was celebrating Nicole’s birthday. We went around the room and said what she taught us and memories.
How can I pray for you? Please send me a message. I would love to pray with you and for you!
Celebrating Nicole’s Earthly BirthdayGarrett VisitingAbbey and Spencer’s EngagementGarrett enjoyed looking at photos of when he was a babyGarrett Feeding the donkeysAbbey, Spencer, and Nathan visitingArt projects while visitingworking on the farmhikinghikingEnjoying DQ, Nicole’s favoriteMade a Easter Church Silly pictureBook of Nicole’s Blog–Created for her kidsAt Cabin with Grandparents. Nicole is sitting on steps, I’m in my Grandma’s armsOur Family at the cabin, when we were young. There are two siblings to Nicole that have not been born yet.
Every Christmas we take our kids up to our cabin in Minnesota to enjoy God’s lovely creation of snow and spend time with family! The snow is beautiful. The kids enjoy playing for hours in the snow, going ice skating, and doing “snow experiments”. Last Christmas when we were up in Minnesota, we encountered days of -30 below. It was cold! The kids looked outside and desperately wanted to go out, but it was just way too cold. We couldn’t go anywhere either for the fear of being stranded and that would be a bad situation. So, I put on my “mom” cap and began planning things to do inside with 8 little kids! We did not anticipate days of -30 when we planned our trip!
God gives us seasons we don’t expect or anticipate too. They hit us sometimes when we didn’t see it coming. I truly believe God shows us so much when we suffer, and He uses it for something good. Our suffering usually isn’t self-inflicted, but rather just a result of our sinful world and it not being perfect. Our Creator gives us opportunities to get off the couch and do something, but only when we spend time listening. It’s like He’s waving His hands, trying to get our attention. He’s saying, “Hey, you… are you listening to me? Stop talking and just listen! Be quiet!”
Three years ago, was one of the most shaping experiences. God started refining me in ways, I never imagined. But HE needed to— I was pregnant with my twins and was so excited to have twin girls, just like my sister. Randy and I took a mini vacation and as I sat on the beach, we received a phone call saying my sister had brain cancer. My heart hurt for her, but I knew she would draw close to our Creator. She didn’t complain about her condition. She knew He was using her suffering for something good. She put on the armor of God and was ready. We anticipated God would heal her. She had faith that God would heal her, and it was going to be a journey, where she would draw close to our Father. As years and procedures passed, we realized God was going to heal her in heaven.
The year before her death was hard to watch as her body was slowly shutting down. I felt terrible for her. My heart hurt for her. I would pray for her all day and was up many nights, praying. “Lord, take her home. Please stop her physical suffering.” I knew she would be healed, and she would meet our father face to face. Through her illness and what God was showing her, she thrived. She used her illness to draw people closer to our father. Many people’s relationship with our Lord grew as a result of watching her share, Jesus. It was in her suffering she gloried God and she did it well. Her kids saw how strong she was in the Lord and let me tell you, seeing her suffer well grew their faith.
This “season” in my life, it hurt. I drew close to God for comfort and relied on Him, as His plans have always been far better than my own. Still today, I don’t want to forget what He showed me, and I intend not too. In my hurt for my sister, God sent a clear picture to me. IT IS NOT ABOUT ME! Life is not about me, about my stuff, about what I want. It’s about our father. It’s about leading people into His kingdom and to stand up for Him when our world is full of darkness and chaos. It is about raising warriors to fight for Him and for them to pass the same on to the next generation.
As I sat there one night writing for my sister, God told me to get off the couch. Stop being lazy. There is no excuse. Give Me the wheel. He had better things planned and use my suffering for something good. I don’t know what He has planned for me, or for my family. But I will tell you this, I want to be listening and I do not to miss out on the opportunities He shows me. He’s in charge and i don’t want to be! How we listen to God in our suffering, impacts how we respond to our suffering.
I am not sure what you may be going through right now. Perhaps it’s a disagreement with a spouse, divorce, finances, a loss of a loved one, or an illness. We all suffer in different ways and our suffering cannot be compared to another person’s suffering. BUT how we respond during our hard times is when God can change us and use our suffering in ways we never imagined. Perhaps you don’t know how God can use you. Start praying, my friend. Start praying. Surrender to God in it all and tell Him you are willing to be His servant in any way.
I sat there one night and said, “Lord, send me. Send us. Use my family and show us how we can serve you. Every blessing you have given Randy and I, has come from you. Use what you have given to grow your kingdom. “I don’t want to forget when times were hard, I want to cling to what God showed me and told me. I want Him to continue to write my story and Him be gloried in the process. In the story of Hezekiah, it’s unfortunate He forgot.
Hezekiah was miraculously healed by God. He pleaded with God to heal him. God heard his cry and healed him, and our Lord told him He would add 15 years to his life
He was a king that loved the Lord. But he forgot what God had done for him and let his pride get in the way
Isaiah 39 says, “Soon after this, Merodach-baladan son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent Hezekiah his best wishes and a gift. He had heard that Hezekiah had been very sick and that he had recovered. Hezekiah was delighted with the Babylonian envoys and showed them everything in his treasure-houses—the silver, the gold, the spices, and the aromatic oils. He also took them to see his armory and showed them everything in his royal treasuries! There was nothing in his palace or kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them
Then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah and asked him, “What did those men want? Where were they from
Hezekiah replied, “They came from the distant land of Babylon
“What did they see in your palace?” asked Isaiah
“They saw everything,” Hezekiah replied. “I showed them everything I own— even my royal treasuries
Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Listen to this message from the Lord of Heaven’s Armies: ‘The time is coming when everything in your palace—all the treasures stored up by your ancestors until now—will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left,’ says the Lord. ‘Some of your very own sons will be taken away into exile. They will become eunuchs who will serve in the palace of Babylon’s king.’
Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “This message you have given me from the Lord is good.” For the king was thinking, “At least there will be peace and security during my lifetime
There is so much to learn from this part of Hezekiah’s story. He could have shared how God healed Him, but instead he chose to show the king of Babylon his treasures. Now, his “stuff” wasn’t his anyway!!!! God gave it all to him.
My heart hurts for the last part, Hezekiah did not care about the future generations, but just about the moment. He didn’t focus on the Lord and the future impact of his decisions. He was living in the moment with pride, overconfidence, and forgetting God’s sovereign plan. The Lord God had healed him, but when the urgent crisis ended, he seemed to get caught up in possessions. God wants us to be His servant in all we do and with whatever He gives us. Nothing on earth is ours, it’s His. Are there idols or things in your heart, that need to be changed? Do you care about the next generation or are too consumed with yourself? Hezekiah didn’t grieve for his offspring or seem too concerned about his legacy but instead reveled in his own comfort. How are you letting God write your story? Are you in control or are you letting God drive the wheel?
We recently had Nicole’s kids up at our cabin. It was a joy. A pure blessing. My sister would have loved it here and I couldn’t wait to show her all of God’s wonderful creation that is seen up there. Her kids are so sweet and have a very special place in my heart. We had so much fun going on the lake, fishing, doing crafts and talking. I loved sharing stories of their mom and reminding them what her mission was while on earth. It never was about stuff or about her, it was about sharing Jesus with everyone and making an impact on the next generation. Their mother did an amazing job being an example of serving our Lord and bringing people to Jesus. May her kids continue pursuing His kingdom and not the world.
All 4 kids came to our cabin and also saw their uncles, Aunts, and grandparents too. I loved spending time with each of them. Garrett is growing to be a warrior for Jesus. We need more kids like him in the next generation. He is passionate about Jesus, and he is very knowledgeable in worldview and what is going on in the world. I am waiting for his Podcast to come out soon! We definitely will be sharing that with you all! He is making an impact on his generation! His mother would be smiling at the fine young man he is becoming.
Abbey and Ashton are starting their sophomore year of college. YES, I said that right! Can you believe it??!! They are doing quite well and enjoying soccer. I can’t wait to watch them this year! They are in a social club and have made some great friends. They too have a great passion for Jesus. I love watching them grow. They both remind me so much of Nicole.
Nathan is my little buddy. It was a joy to have him up at the cabin and to see him interact with his cousins. He is such a special boy. He is learning and following his older siblings. He is growing up so fast! He starts middle school this year
I apologize for not writing on this blog for a while. My family has been busy with our farm, and we have been diligently praying about how God can use us in different ways. Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hopefarmsec or sign up for our newsletter. Find out about what we have been up to. I do have a blog for our farm if you would like to follow us. Please visit our site! Hope Farms and Education Center or sign up for our newsletter at hopefarmsec.com. If you have a prayer request, please let me know.
Garrett: Please pray for him as he finishes his last year in college. He has been busy working and getting his Pod Cast going.
Abbey and Ashton: Pray for a great year for them as they start the soccer year and the next year of school. They have had such a great summer. Both of the girls have been babysitting, working at a camp, and going on a great vacation with Scott to Aruba.
Nathan: Please pray for Nathan as he transitions to a new school. Pray for the right friends. He has been doing very well and I loved seeing his sweet smile and hearing his laughter this summer.
This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. Nicole and I have always had a great relationship growing up. We were the only girls among 4 brothers! Ha! We naturally became close because it was just us two girls.
My husband and I have 6 young kids together and 8 kids in total. We live in the Texas Hill Country now on a small farm and I enjoy homeschooling my kids. We love going to our cabin in Minnesota and spending time with my family, who mostly resides there.
Nicole and I are so much a like but yet so different. I could always learn something from her and loved her advice about everything. She had such a strong faith and she was strong while she suffered on earth because of her faith in our Sovereign God Almighty. She was my best friend and I confided in her about everything.
Before Nicole was sick my family lived in Dallas and our families often saw each other multiple times a year. It was such a blessing. I know you are wondering why I am writing and will continue to write. Well, when I wrote last year, it was for Nicole. It was something I should have helped her do long ago when it was hard for her to write, and she was declining. This blog is hers.
The last blog post in December was intended to be the last one. However, God has spoken to me many times and tugged at my heart in different ways. I know people need to continue to see God in the midst of the brokenness. I know Nicole would want people who are suffering to find Hope in the one who owns it all. And for people to experience our Father during the midst of suffering and loss of a loved one.
I didn’t suffer like Nicole, but I was there to support, listen, encourage, and pray with her. Her story needs to be heard, to the people that need encouragement and looking for comfort. And for people to know life is a celebration no matter how long or short it is, that our eyes need to focus and redirect not on ourselves but to our Creator.
Our world isn’t going to change until our Savior comes. It is a broken world full of sin. Filled with suffering all over the place. Suffering is real. Spiritual. Physical. The Bible never treats suffering as anything but real and life changing. In fact the Bible contains many stories on suffering. Did you know there are 67 lament psalms? That means over 40% of the Psalms are about suffering and sorrow. Not only does the Bible NOT minimize suffering, but it gives the voices of our cries. The Psalms records all the emotional and spiritual aspects of every person that has suffered.
There will be a time each one of us will suffer and grieve in many different ways. The Bible gives us all we need to help us get through our pain. The word of God doesn’t just give us Savior, but a suffering Savior, Jesus. He suffered not just one moment, but every second he lived on earth. He was despised. Persecuted. Beaten. Forsaken. Tortured. Rejected. Jesus knew why He came to the earth. He knew the end of his life. He knew His purpose. He stayed the course and bore the pain. Each Day. There is no one that can understand pain and suffering more, than the one we call on. God is above all and His love extends beyond what we can see. His love endures forever, for us. We are His greatest creation. In Psalms 136 it says, :”
Psalm 136 1 Give thanks ” to the Lord, for he is good. “ His love endures forever. “ 2 Give thanks ” to the God of gods. “ His love endures forever. 3 Give thanks” to the Lord of lords:” His love endures forever. 4 to him who alone does great wonders, “ His love endures forever. 5 who by his understanding” made the heavens, “ His love endures forever. 6 who spread out the earth” upon the waters, “ His love endures forever. 7 who made the great lights\l “— His love endures forever. 8 the sun to govern\l ” the day, His love endures forever. 9 the moon and stars to govern the night; His love endures forever. 10 to him who struck down the firstborn\l ” of Egypt His love endures forever. 11 and brought Israel out\l ” from among them His love endures forever. 12 with a mighty hand\l ” and outstretched arm;\l “ His love endures forever. 13 to him who divided the Red Sea[a]\l ” asunder His love endures forever. 14 and brought Israel through\l ” the midst of it, His love endures forever. 15 but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea;\l “ His love endures forever. 16 to him who led his people through the wilderness;\l “ His love endures forever. 17 to him who struck down great kings,\l “ His love endures forever. 18 and killed mighty kings\l “— His love endures forever. 19 Sihon king of the Amorites\l “ His love endures forever. 20 and Og king of Bashan\l “— His love endures forever. 21 and gave their land\l ” as an inheritance,\l “ His love endures forever. 22 an inheritance\l ” to his servant Israel.\l “ His love endures forever. 23 He remembered us\l ” in our low estate His love endures forever. 24 and freed us\l ” from our enemies.\l “ His love endures forever. 25 He gives food ” to every creature. His love endures forever. 26 Give thanks” to the God of heaven. “ His love endures forever. “
This Psalm is about God’s loyalty to His people. “His loving kindness is everlasting” is repeated 26 times. God’s love is certain. It is unchanging. In fact the whole Psalms 136 is not forgetting about who God is, when we go through suffering. We need to remember, not forget about the difficulty we are going through, but focus on our loving Savior. One of God’s strongest attributes is love. He is also the provider. The protector. The Rescuer. The defeater. The Creator. The Ruler of all. This Psalm illustrates God’s power and authority over everything. However, it also means all of our suffering is out of His love and care for us. God is the same as He always has been.
I am thankful for each day I was able to have with Nicole. I am thankful that God picked her out for me and all the moments we had together. Those moments and memories were part of God’s plan, just like her cancer was too. She never was in control, but God in His divine power was the whole time. Nicole surrendered her life to the one and only. She knew her cancer was part of His plan and He knew the outcome. She knew that it was out of love and His desire was for Her to be close to Him. I am so thankful for God’s love, comfort, and blessed that He gave me a wonderful woman of God I can learn from.For Mother’s Day this year my brothers and I gave my mom this canvas picture. The scripture on the canvas is from Proverbs 31:28, “Her Children rise up and call her blessed. ” The context of this passage is from a woman who fears the Lord. There are many attributes listed in this passage that are noble, godly, gracious, and wise. My mother has always had a passion to serve the Lord, and to provide godly wisdom to us kids. She woke up early in the morning to get us breakfast, while we slept. She had homemade cookies ready at home when we arrived off the bus. She put notes in our lunch boxes. She taught us how to be frugal with money and live without debt. She is the lady always helping or giving a gift to someone she barely knows. She knows all the clerks and people at the store, because she gets to know them. She loves us and always has a gentle heart not just for us, but for every person. She is blessed, because we appreciate all the things she has done for us and love what she modeled for us growing up. We are so thankful to have had her as our mom. She is blessed to have had 6 kids and for Nicole to be the one who had kids first because they were able to spend so much time together.
Over the years my mom was able to see what a wonderful wife, mother, and woman on God Nicole turned out to become. Not only Nicole but how her impact helped shape the strong Christian children Nicole left behind. My Mother is blessed.
In May Abbey and Ashton graduated High School! I can’t believe it! How does time go so fast? My brother Mike and his family as well as my parents made it to the graduation. It was fun celebrating Abbey and Ashton. It was wonderful to see Scott, his parents, Garrett, and Nathan. I love these people so much and sure miss seeing them all the time. My family was able to spend the whole weekend with them and I even was able to sneak some shopping in with the girls! Yay! Nicole would be so proud of her girls. They both graduated with a 4.0, high honors and also won awards for soccer.
Nicole would be most proud of the strong young women of God these two have become. Their faith as well as Garretts is pretty amazing. I know Nicole took every opportunity to spend time with them and grow their faith. Not only talk to them but model it. I have been so blessed by being able to talk to my nieces each week, pray with them, laugh, and dive into God’s word. They are remarkable young ladies that are warriors for our Lord. We have some great conversations about who God is and what He is doing in our lives. I can’t wait to see how God uses what they have been through to refine them and shape them.
Nicole’s kids are the oldest in our family out of the cousins, and boy does all their little cousins love them. I think Garrett and Nathan had some fun chasing them around and being silly. I can’t tell you how much my boys just can’t wait to see Nathan and Garrett. My kids look up to them so much!
If you know someone that is going through suffering or about to lose someone, I encourage you to show them this blog. The blog WILL continue to be updated where God has led me to share with you and what I feel Nicole would want you to hear.
If you are here and are experiencing suffering in any way, please click on contact. I would love to pray with you. I am sorry you are experiencing what you are going through. May our Father give you comfort and may you find confidence in Him. He knows everything and sees what you are going through.
2 Corinthians 1: 3 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compasion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.“
On December 5th, I witnessed the most magnificent pink sunset. It is amazing how our Sovereign God provides comfort right when we need it. This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. Nicole’s breath had been shallow all day, I knew her time was coming to meet our Father face to face. I was cooking dinner and God told me, go outside. Take a picture. Heaven is opening. 30 minutes later, He told me to look up and take another photo. The sky was beautiful. I mean, we have amazing sunsets at our cabin; but I have never witnessed the sky the way I saw it on December 5th at a little past 5pm. When I captured the last photo, our Lord told me “she’s’ home”. My heart sank. The reality hit. It hurt. But I rejoiced as He welcomed her with open arms.
I knew she danced in with arms raised to the Lord on His throne, wearing those pink sunglasses. She was healed. She had been waiting and she was ready. When Nicole started this journey, I knew she would fight. I knew she would find comfort in our Father. I knew her relationship would grow more than it ever had before. She knew God was leading her in a storm, holding her hand with a purpose. She was not afraid.
This past March after another tumor was found, I texted her Romans 16:20, “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. ” She sent me the message back, “He will finish what He has already started. ” She knew the outcome of this journey may be different than complete healing here on earth. She never complained. She never let Satan deter her from what God’s purpose was for her. She fought each day with a “No not today, Satan” attitude.
Because as believers we are identified in Christ, we have crushed all the wicked strategies, schemes, and temptations. Nothing can prevail against the Lord and His anointed. For it says in 1 John 4:4, “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.“
Christ’s death and glorious resurrection was a pivotal point in history when all who believe in God’s only Son became overcomers. All who believed in Him would become His children and be covered in our Father’s righteousness. Faith is the key token to being an overcomer. It is by faith we are saved. We do not have to do anything to overcome. Christ did it already on the cross for us! As believers, we are sojourners in the world. We are ambassadors to heaven. We are passing through a world full of sin en route to our eternal home.
This is the reason I rejoice because Nicole is a child of God and she has overcome the enemy of her soul through her faith in Jesus. Greater is the Holy Spirit that dwells in us and empowers us with His grace and sufficient strength. Our Father has defeated the enemy of our soul, who is in the world. The sin filled world that the enemy feasts off of wants so much of us ALL the TIME. He is knocking at our door with all different tactics. I can’t say, I would have responded the way Nicole did.
Nicole’s celebration of life was such a reflection time for me. I am sure it was for some of you too. I’ve thought a lot about God’s purpose and plan for me. Am I listening? I mean, am I? or am I content? Maybe my ears are half-open? Am I praying, “Lord, send me? Sign me up, I am ready”!!?? Nicole knew her purpose. She never let anything get in the way. She had plenty of chances to deter God’s mission and take a different route. When others thought she should focus on resting. She put on her running shoes. When people mentioned her not teaching, she invested more time in the kids. Her mission was clear whether anyone else saw it. She did. She never walked. She never stumbled. She finished the race strong right to our eternal home.
If you have not watched Nicole’s celebration, I encourage you to watch it. You are in for a treat! There were about 1,400 who watched the live stream and about 500 in person at the church. The slide show video below contains some of the videos and pictures of Nicole’s life and were shown at the funeral and the reviewal. The funeral video is a recording of the funeral celebration. If you missed either, these are both worth watching.
Recently, Representative French Hill of Arkansas provided a tribute to our Hope Warrior on the House Of Representatives floor. You can watch this tribute at this link: https://youtu.be/YUaVWPMsay0
It was a very uplifting message. It brought me to tears as words were said from Scott, Garrett, Abbey, and Ashton. She was a remarkable lady. My sister. Terribly missed. Finally home. Forever healed.
A few remarkable things happened these last few weeks. Nicole has been surrounded by such amazing friends and students. To see the Lord’s hands around her was pure joy and such comfort to her. On December 3rd, many adults and kids came to pray over Nicole. There were about 70 people all outside. Praying. What a beautiful picture. For it says in Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. ” Our father surrounded Nicole with His holy presence. What an act of worshiping our Lord and King, giving Him all the glory. Wow. The kids sang songs to her. What a treat for her as the students were serving her when she needed it. The kids she loved and adored. She found so much Joy in the sound of their sweet voices praising the Lord Almighty.
The reviewal was on December 9th. It was astounding to see what Nikki, Tammy, Scott’s mom, and my mother accomplished to get everything ready for her visitation. It was such a tribute with all the photos, videos, journals, and letters. There were so many people (over 2,000) all coming to support the family and people she impacted. It was remarkable.
Again, Thank you for reading Nicole’s blog. I so wish it was her writing and not me these past months. You have helped her along this journey home. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.
Thank you to Nikki and Tami. Not sure how in the world she would have done anything without the both of you. You all have been welcoming to our family. And always full of smiles and laughter. I can see why she loves you all so much!
To Scott and Nicole’s first Bible Study group, you are truly a blessing. You have been through all the stages of life with them. Oh how Nicole cherished your friendships. She talked about it often. Thank you for loving her and Scott so much. Thank you for strengthening their relationship with Christ.
Prayer Requests: (These were the prayer requests Scott and the kids shared at the visitation). Scott: Just finding my way forward. How do I spend my time, how do I fit in with all my married friends? And that I find the strength and intention to be the father my kids need.
Garrett: Pray for peace and that people will continue to be pointed to Christ through my mom.
Abbey and Ashton: Just getting back into the normal, learning how to be without her, and for peace.
Nicole’s Bible Verse WallExtended FamilyMemory TableNicole’s Siblings At Burial SiteCollege FriendYoung CounsinsNicoles FamilyMexico Study Aboard FriendCasket Plague With Soccer PlayerHigh School Soccer FriendPink SunglassesYoung SistersSoccer GirlsTwin Cousins
Oh come, oh come Emmanuel. And ransom captive Israel. That mourns in lonely exile here. Until the Son of God appear, Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel! Shall come to thee, O Israel.
Can you envision all people in awe with excitement, that the Son of God has arrived? They have waited and waited. In fact, it took around 700 years for Isaiah’s prophecy of Christ to be fulfilled after he foretold of Immanuel’s birth. This time of the year is so wonderful. The lights. The laughter. Family time.
This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. Every other year my family gets together to celebrate Christmas in Minnesota. It is pretty special. My mother works so hard for 2 years, to prepare for our “WinterKamp.” She has a new theme each year, ornaments for the theme, handmade items for everyone (relating to the theme), and events. Nicole has always loved coming up to Minnesota for Christmas. She loves the snow; and loves having her kids experience it, cousin time, and seeing where she grew up. She would always spend weeks preparing–getting gloves, hats, coats, and making sure she had everything to embrace the North Pole. Ha!
2020 would have been our next annual WinterKamp. We have chosen to postpone most of the event, given Nicole’s condition and the situation we are facing. It saddens me because “WinterKamp” has had so many great memories; and my mother began it when Nicole started having children. Nicole has always given ornaments to each of my kids every year, when we have celebrated Christmas together.
This year I decided to make ornaments for our family and friends in the shape of sunglasses to honor her. She is an inspiration to me and so many others. I will love taking out this ornament each year and remembering her. Her Faith. Her Love. Her Leadership. Her courage. Her strength. It brought many tears this past week as I set up my tree and saw ornaments back from 2005.
Thanks to Jeff Julian at Julian.Works for helping with the ornament cutouts.
Nicole received the best gift of all and her mission was to share it with everyone. We can all have it. It’s free. We just need to accept it, acknowledge it and receive it.
For it says in Romans 3:10 ” There is no one righteous, not even one.” All people are born with sin and we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We cannot get right with God, apart from the gift of righteousness. It says in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus our Lord.” Paul compares two types of lives here. We can have eternal separation from God. A life where we are slaves to sin and have eternal death. No matter how good we think we may be or how hard we work, it will never be good enough as eternal life isn’t earned through our good works.
However, there is another way Paul says we can become servants to righteousness by trusting Christ. He describes eternal life as a free gift in Christ Jesus. When we trust in Christ, God gives us the credit for Christ’s perfect, sinless life; and accepts Christ’s death as payment for our sin. He died for you. He died for me. He suffered on a cross for us. We can have eternal life with Him, sharing in His glory given to us as a gift. What life is it you want? I know if you are reading this, you know Nicole’s faith. Nicole would want you to accept this free gift as she has been praying for each one of you. She will be waiting there for you and would love to see you again. We must ask for forgiveness and understand we are a sinner before we can accept this gift.
If you’ve never trusted in Jesus, understand your need for a savior and are ready to move forward to accept this gift, Jesus is it! Paul says in Romans 9:10 ” If you declare with you mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” God knows our heart. God hears every word spoken. It never has to be perfect. For it says in Romans 8:13 “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Here is a simple prayer for you to say if you want to accept this gift that God has given us through His son Jesus Christ: “Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner and I deserve Hell and eternity away from you. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and I ask for your forgiveness from my sins. Thank you for giving me the gift of eternal life. I want to turn and live a new life for you. I receive Jesus into my heart as my personal Savior. Please save me. In Jesus’ name, Amen”
If you said that prayer, I’d love to pray with you. I’d love to talk with you. Please click on this link.
Now we can be assured that through faith in Jesus Christ, we can enjoy peace with God, no longer separated from our holy God by sin. Romans 8:1 says, “Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” We can now rejoice in the result of our salvation. Before faith in Christ we were all destined for death. But now we can have eternity in Heaven. I am delighting in the fact Nicole will be seeing those pearly gates and golden streets soon. Our Father will be welcoming her with open arms. I selfishly want her here, but ultimately our home isn’t here. It never was meant to be here. God has given us this life for His purposes and his design. I am grateful for her and grateful my Father loves me so much He gave me Her. I didn’t deserve her. He Hand picked her out. For me. She is something, so special.
Nicole has had some remarkable things happening this past week. Her friend Paige Shepard came over to reorganize the food pantry. Wow! She did an amazing job. I need her to come over and do that for me too! So sweet to see people using the talents God has given us to serve others. I love that!
My cousin Tiffany and her family came to see Nicole. Nicole surprisingly was up most of the day and was able to see her. Oh, how I know Nicole enjoyed seeing Tiff and the kids. We had special memories together as kids with Tiff and her siblings. My family would go Nebraska every summer and spend a week there with her family and my grandparents. Those were special memories.
Nicole also had a great quaint Thanksgiving while I’ve loved spending time with my nieces lately. We have a standing appointment each week doing a Bible Study together and I get to talk with them. Abbey and Ashton’s prayer request was that they would get quality family time and time with their mom during Thanksgiving. God answered their prayer. The family was together, and it was intimate. I am thankful that they all were able to be there laugh and lean on one another.
Well, on Monday Nicole was moved to Hospice at home. I know it was a difficult decision for Scott to make. Bless his heart. No matter how much you can prepare yourself for the road that was destined, you can’t. The hospice service arrived Monday and it was quite an education for everyone. They were sweet, loving, and gave them confidence in how to help Nicole during this next short phase. I know Nicole has appreciated your support reading her blog, your encouragement, notes, and love. You have helped keep her fighting. Our Lord has been right by her side. Holding her hand. Leading her ultimate destination and to be united with our Creator.
Prayer Requests:
Comfort for Nicole. Pain Free. Sweet moments with her family.
Strength for Scott and the kids. For them to feel our heavenly father and for comfort.
Praises: God has given us so many people that have encouraged the family. We thank you. Each note, message, phone call and visit. We thank you and know God designed and was there for each interaction with Nicole. God has been so good and has given us so many years with Nicole. We are blessed.
***Nicole’s Friend, Nikki has set up a picture frame with rolling photos. Please e-mail pictures to: nicoleinman@ourskylight.com if you’d like to share some photos for the family to see in their home.
Another blog posting by Nicole’s sister Alissa. Is the door open or closed? Are you going in or out? That is a repetitive question in our household. My children coming and going. It’s late. The house is completely quiet. I am sitting at our kitchen table, staring at the front door. I am silently thanking God for all the blessings and memories we have had in this house.
We leave tomorrow and are moving, 4 hours south of Dallas to the Texas Hill Country. Lots of memories in this house. 3 of our 6 kids have been born here. There have been thanksgivings, Christmas’s, Easters, New Year’s. But the thing that saddens me most, is moving farther away from my sister Nicole. When we moved to Dallas 5 years ago, she was ecstatic! So was I! Finally instead of talking on the phone all the time, we could see each other! We have had so many memories in this house together. Thanksgiving, Christmas celebrations, New Year’s, and just weekends.
I know she will not be coming through that front door again. There will be no more of her sweet smile entering and late-night Hallmark movies (with popcorn and M & M’s ) Ha! . One of Nicole and my latest conversations have been about our new home. I told her she would love it. I wanted her to go. I told her to hang on. Stay Strong. I wanted her to embrace the country breeze, sit on the swing, and to hear The Lord’s whisper in the trees, at our farmhouse. Those were some of the last words I spoke recently. I think we both knew it might not happen. We cried. We hugged. I said goodbye. I still see her standing on the other side of the glass door as I drove away. I will never forget the picture of her standing there.
It says, In Psalms 31: 7 ” I will be glad and rejoice in Your unfailing love, for You have seen my troubles, and You care about the anguish of my soul. ” When things are difficult, some doors close that we wish were open and vise versa. God still cares. He loves us. He cares about our sadness and hardships and He cares about our suffering.
Even when things are hopeless. We can still find Hope in our Heavenly Father. He does not promise to fix or heal anyone. We will experience pain, suffering, and sorrow. We live in a sin-filled world. But what our Lord does promise is one day everyone who has a relationship with Him will spend eternity with Him. All the pain and suffering will be gone forever. But it still doesn’t mean God doesn’t hurt when we are in pain. He does. He hurts. We are His greatest creation. He sent His one and only son for us. For us! He loves us more than we can understand. He loves us more than any person ever could. So we can always find comfort in Him and His unfailing love.
Our Father’s Love is greatly represented in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. It says, “Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. ”
This passage is often read during wedding ceremonies. But in all reality, no human love is great than God’s love for us. People will fail us, BUT God will never fail us. This passage is perfect in showing God’s love for us. He protects. He is patient. He points us in His direction. We will never fully comprehend just how much God loves us. And sometimes in grief or sorrow, it’s hard to see His love. But there is a purpose. He is purposeful. He desires us to have faith in Him, to trust Him, and to believe regardless of any door He opens or any He closes for us. He loves us.
Nicole has had a busy few weeks! My family took a drive to see Nicole and her family a couple of weeks ago. It was so awesome! My kids were so excited to see everyone! My second son Rylan was skipping the whole way in the house. He couldn’t get in the door fast enough because he kept saying, ” I can’t wait to see my favorite aunt.” It made Nicole smile as she heard him saying that to her. I still hear her sweet voice saying, “Mmm.” holding out her hand to Rylan, and smiling on the inside. Of course, Nicole loves seeing my twins. Twins are something so special we get to share together. My girls were singing to her and she was stroking their heads. One of my twins fell asleep and I put her in Nicole’s arms. Nicole held her little hand. It was sweet and I know it brought her joy.
One of the things I know Nicole enjoyed, was the recent prayer car drive at her church. Cars lined up and people held out posters filled with meaningful scripture. I loved seeing people of all ages coming to give Nicole comfort and strength. What a great reminder of different passages of who God is! They were reading to her, people were able to say something to her. It made Nicole so happy. She had many smiles. It was such a unique Idea!
What a wonderful way to show why God desires us to have community among believers. As we gather together, encourage each other, lean on one another, and to pray for each other. So it was so amazing to see God’s people doing just what the Inman’s need. She leans on scripture and the truth of what our Father Says. I truly feel she loves that others are finding comfort and hope in our Savior too!
Nicole’s sweet twin Girls have decided to sign with Ouachita Baptist University (OBU). There were two signing ceremonies to celebrate this occasion. How awesome! My family is a HUGE soccer family. We love the game and of course, I played because Nicole did. Nicole is so proud of these girls. She has loved watching every minute of them playing soccer. She encouraged them, cheered them on, and pointed them in the right direction. We had so many conversations about, will they go to school together, should they play Div. 1 or Div. 2, (Pros/Cons), but she never wanted them to go far from home.
Well, Nicole. You did it. Your girls are going to a smaller university. Rooming together. And staying close to home. It’s all what you wanted. Not only that, they will say all of it is because of you.
The “Hope Warrior Holiday Event” happened this past weekend. This was put on by a few friends of Nicole’s and the family. There were so many neat and unique shops. I wish I could have attended. Nicole was unable to make it. Her kids enjoyed seeing people from all over town supporting their Mom. That was a special moment for them. There were old friends and new ones, they all came. It has been just mind-blowing the amount of love and support from the community. God is so good. He just keeps showing up every day and so often unexpectedly.
Prayer Requests: Prayer for Nicole’s remaining appointments. Nicole is declining. Pray for comfort, for her and the whole family. They have a few treatments left, so prayer for those. Pray as Scott still has to get her in the car and take her to these appointments. It is becoming more challenging to transport her.
Pray for strength, comfort, and one amazing Thanksgiving celebration for The Inman Family. I pray it is memorable and full of laughter.
Prayer for my Parents, Roger and Mary as they are in Little Rock seeing and taking care of Nicole.
Praises: There are no more appointments in St. Louis! Yay! It was such a struggle for everyone involved. And for Nicole. Praise For all the support within the Church and the community. Thank you for the prayers, cards, texts, and messages. God is providing in every way imaginable. We just thank you. Each and every day I am in Awe of what God is doing. He is loving and so faithful. Thank you for loving on the Inman’s in ways only God can do. He knows all the needs. He knows–and He is providing them. Because after all, He loves us.
I’m looking out my window as the swans fly by. The trees are bare, snow is on the ground. To me, it’s winter. This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. This year has been hard. In so many ways. But when I look out the window, I smile. I see my brothers running around and Nicole and I dancing in the sun.
See, when Nicole was little our family had a cabin, up in Brainard MN. Our brothers were shooting BB guns, climbing trees, fishing, and chasing us. Those were the good old days. The ones I remember and I see in the clouds.
Sunset At My Cabin – God’s Painting In The Sky
My family now has a small cabin up in northern Minnesota. We recently build it and have spent a year up there. It has been a remarkable thing. Isolated. Small. But yet, when I see my kids outside smiling, It reminds me of my childhood and it brings me joy. They love it and never want to return back home. Ha! It’s different living up here, then being on vacation. I have had the opportunity to see God’s beauty and take it in. I mean really take it in. I’ve seen our Lord in a different way. He is detailed, purposeful, full of love in every way. He is everywhere. I see the beauty in the squirrels gathering nuts, the bald eagles soaring, the mice pouncing on the grass, the crickets chirping, the CLEAR starry sky, and watching the baby turtles hatch.
But yet with all the beauty, there is Cancer. Sickness. Tragedy. They all hurt. They are hard. It’s painful. It hurts to go through something personally and hard to watch someone you love go through it. It says, in Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I know our Father is using Nicole. She is strong. She is courageous. And even in her condition, she is bringing people to Christ. One person at a time. Each and every day. I see it. People are hearing her story. God is molding people and refining them as they see Nicole as people are kneeling and asking why. People are turning to our Savior and drawing into Him, for comfort and healing. He is full of love. Nicole would not want it any other way than to be the tool to bring more people to Christ and help them draw near to our Savior.
Queen Ashton Inman and Family
Some of my brothers and I had the opportunity to see two Queens this past weekend. Queen Nicole and her daughter Queen Ashton. It was one of the sweetest moments for Ashton and Nicole. Ashton was Homecoming Queen. Ashton then gave a crown to Nicole too. And Scott held her hand while they snapped a picture. How sweet! What a remarkable accomplishment for Ashton. She was stunning in her dress and it was a memorable moment for her. It was so great to have part of our family there to witness a wonderful moment for her. One of my favorite parts was Nicole sharing a moment with Ashton as they held each other’s hands. There is something special about the relationship between a mother and daughter. I am thankful Nicole could be there and enjoy it. Nicole adores both of her twin girls so much! It has been so neat seeing God bless the Inmans and use Nicole’s story even in her condition. The Bryant Football team honored her with grey ribbons on the back of their helmet to honor Nicole and for cancer awareness.
Nicole, Three Brothers and Me
It was so good to have my brothers, Nicole, and I together. I don’t know the last time the siblings just spent time together. When someone is sick or tragedy hits a family, usually they come together and there is more closeness than before. It was a special time for everyone and the presence of Our Heavenly Father, was there. He was felt. Nicole really loved seeing her brothers. They had many laughs. Hugs. Tears. And hands were laid on her. I loved how Nicole was so expressive by the funny things they would say to her. Her eyes would get big and she would look at me. We were both laughing on the inside, saying “our brothers are crazy boys. Ha!” I love my family. Nicole and I always talked about how unique our family is. We enjoy each other, there is no drama or fighting. But we all love being around each other. That is pretty special these days.
In the past couple of weeks, Nicole has received meals, flowers, visits, cards, and hugs from so many people. What a testimony you all have been by sharing your love with my sister Nicole and her family. This has been such a blessing in spite of the situation. All of these acts remind them of the depth of God’s love for them and for me.
Prayer Requests: Prayer for another trip on Tuesday to St. Louis. Pray for safe travels. Pray for ease of travel for Scott and his Mom, Ann, as I know it’s hard to travel with Nicole. Pray for a great appointment. Also please pray for her arm. It is really hurting her. Pray that they are able to find out how to give her some relief.
Thank you for all the prayers, the meals, and the generosity in so many ways. God is so good. It is so evident His Hand is in this and our Father is showering the Inmans with love. Thank you to each and every person who has contributed in some way.
I chuckle as I open the microwave and rediscover my coffee cup. There it is! It has been a few hours since I misplaced that thing. This is Alissa again, Nicole’s sister. Nicole and I always laugh when we did the silly stuff our mother did. It’s funny how we just do what our parents did or do, without even realizing it.
I’m leaving tomorrow to see one of the most important people in the world to me–Nicole. Goodness. This lady inspires, lights up, shines, and exhibits the love of Christ. I know God is surrounding her, holding her, and strengthening her. He always has. No matter what fire she goes through, no one would be able to tell. She’s always smiling. So, tomorrow I’m looking forward to seeing that smile.
This week, Nicole’s dear friends, Laura and Shelly came over to read scripture and sing hymns. Nicole was in her element. Her eyes glowed and that kind smile radiated. My dad took a video of them reading. Nicole was clenching her exercise ball and nodding. What she was really saying, was “Amen, Praise Jesus or uh-huh.” I can hear it now. That sweet voice, I often heard when I attended church with them. She loved every minute focusing on the Creator of Life. Our Savior. Thanking Him and praising His name above all names.
Psalms 34 says, “I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” David reminds us that regardless of our circumstances, our trials, or the fire we are facing; we should praise Him during all life’s storms. He wants us to move in His direction and in order to do that our Faith needs to grow. Trials help us do just that. They aren’t permeant. It’s a refining process, taking out all the imperfections, to make us more like Christ. God is preparing us to get to the destination. Nicole always preached this to me as I faced my own trials. She told me, “give thanks for your trials and if I didn’t have trials, there is something wrong. Trials are God loving you. God is growing your faith through all storms.” She not only preached that, she lives it. She has praised our Savior for the trials and tribulations. She always and still clings to the Creator. For there is no one who can give her strength and comfort, like our King. This journey for Nicole is a fire. It has been calm and then roaring. But, the one thing that has remained consistent is Nicole thanking God for her trials and for her having more Faith in Him than ever before. If that’s not inspiring, I don’t know what is.
When Nicole and I were little our church put on a “Mother and Daughter Tea”–It became a tradition for my grandmother, mother, Nicole, and I to attend. We wore fancy dresses, and hats, and the best china was placed on the table. Nicole and I loved it! What little girl wouldn’t want to use expensive glass cups, and saucers, and eat cookies?!
This past week my mother surprised Nicole by having a “High Tea”. Abbey, Ashton, Scott’s Mom, and two of Nicole’s dearest friends came. These people are her world. They help her keep going. Through the videos and pictures, I could see how much Nicole enjoyed this moment. A special girls day with great conversation. How special! It reminded me of us sitting at that fancy table all dressed up giggling, laughing, and playing tea party.
Nicole’s sweet former players came to see her this past week. It was a special moment for her. She was smiling and enjoying hearing what was new in their lives. I know it made her day, that they took the time to stop by. The players she has all coached, mean so much to her! Nicole loved pouring into her soccer girls or any of the kids she coached. Through the years, it became a ministry for her. Let’s face it, high school is hard. But for Nicole, she saw it as an opportunity to love these kids. To encourage them, talk with them, and point them in the right direction.
Prayer requests: Continued prayer for strength and comfort for the Inman family. My siblings and I are all headed to Little Rock this weekend. Prayer for a good time, wonderful memories, and for us to give the family what they need at this time. We love them soooo much!
Praises: Scott and Nicole had a great appointment in St. Louis. It looks like the treatment is helping and may be some improvement! Praise the Lord! She has been more alert and awake. Thank you for all the prayers, cards, visits, meals, and just the abundant amount of generosity you have shown to The Inman Family. It is overwhelming, the amount of love received. God is so good and will continue to do wondrous things. You can count on it!