Experiencing Peace This Christmas

In August 2020 I made a surprise visit to go see my sister. Little did I know that visit would be the last time we would have a meaningful and engaged conversation, before she drastically declined from brain cancer. During my visit we talked about death, heaven, cancer, treatment options, and her family. Our conversation was more focused on other people than herself because she was always selfless.  Nicole always radiated Joy everywhere she went.  People always gravitated toward her—she smiled, laughed, and carried herself with grace. No matter how she suffered physically or mentally, she did not complain. She used her situation as God telling her to draw close to Him.  In fact, during the hardest moments she carried this superior peace amid her uncertainty on earth.

John 14: 27 says, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.”

We don’t have to look far in our world to find discord and conflict. It is everywhere filled with chaos, fear, and anxiety.  It is hard to imagine a world possible full of peace, that Jesus promises. The disciples had a hard time believing this peace Jesus was providing, when he said he was returning to His Father. They thought he came to provide peace from their enemies and set a kingdom He would rule, and perhaps they would have some authority. But Jesus was never referring to the peace, the disciples understood. Jesus was specifying to an internal peace, living inside us for all those that choose to follow Him daily.

God provides a peace that is unconditional and everlasting through those who believe in Him. Our Lord provides a wonderful Counselor, Comforter, and Advocate —The Holy Sprit that can guide us through our storms, no matter what we encounter. This peace Christ provides is offered daily as we experience the Holy Spirit working in us.  It doesn’t mean we won’t experience challenges, but we can have peace because God is not only with us but within us! The good news is God provides the reality that peace will be restored with His creation, one day. Isn’t this what we long for? How can you discover peace this Christmas? Can you find time away from the worldly busyness and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit?

Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  

My prayer for you friend, is that no matter what obstacles you face this Christmas you can obtain peace in the ONE who desires you to discover His presence in you.

Update on Nicole’s Kids:

Garrett: Talking to Garrett is always a treat. He very knowledgeable about God, worldview, and just a kind young man. My kids just love seeing him! He is living in an apartment now and currently working at his church.

Abbey: This lovely lady is planning her wedding and will be walking down the aisle next month to Spencer! We are so excited to see them say their vows and continue in the direction God has for them. They are such a cute couple and I am excited to see what God has in store for them in the future. Spencer has been working with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is currently going into schools, loving his job, and doing awesome at it! Abbey had a great year in soccer. The team went to the NCAA Tournament! She has one more year left! Yikes!

Ashton: This sweet girl did a great job in soccer this year! However, early in the season she tore her ACL. She is recovering doing rehab and looking forward to a great season next year! She is currently dating a lovely young man, Eli. (I’m waiting to meet him and have them visit us!!!)

Nathan: This little guy is not no little anymore! My buddy turned 14 this year! Where did the time go? He was our ring bear in our wedding, walking down the aisle with no shoes! (He did not want to wear shoes) HA! Now this kid is excelling in piano and in theatre. I can’t wait to see him perform soon!

Nicole would be so proud of these kids. May they continue to Love the Lord in all they do and glorify Him. They are great examples for the next generation!

Being Used By God in Our Storms

Storms always frightened me when I was little.   My family had a small cabin up in northern Minnesota and the storms there terrified me. The cabin did not have a basement, but a small crawl space that was accessible from outside, to be used during storms.  Let me tell you, as a kid my siblings and I were deathly afraid of what was in there. There could be all sorts of little critters running around, but you couldn’t see them! I remember the anticipation and nervousness to get to the shelter and waiting the storm out–it felt long. I don’t know about you, but I still do not like storms. BUT just like the storms that bring rain, which water the earth AND are exactly what the earth needs; The storms that we go through, are so good for us too AND often what we need too. God strengthens our faith during storms when we allow Him to—FAITH is WHAT you believe. Believing HIS promises and trusting Him when there is uncertainty.

I love reading about Paul’s ministry. No matter what he was going through, he had faith in the Lord. The Holy Spirit filled in so much that he exulted boldness in every situation. He had confidence in sharing the gospel when people were against him, hated him, and even wanted to kill him.  He also had certainty in God’s plan when he was in prison and did not waste his time there. He continued to share the good news. He had boldness in each storm, that God was eventually going to get him to Rome on His time. In fact, God had Paul right where He needed him to be—in a one weatherly storm on ship with fellow prisoners, where people heard him speak boldly about God.

In Acts 27 Paul was finally setting sail to Rome. There was a huge storm at sea with 276 passengers aboard the ship. I don’t need to tell you ships did not have the technology like today or were built like today. The ship caught a hold of a “northeaster” wind, which was a deadly wind, and the passengers were all scared that this ship was going to go to sink in the sandbar. I bet there was so much commotion on the ship among the people, all fearing for their lives. However, Paul extolled confidence that God would get each of them to land safely.

Acts 27: 22-26 says21 After they had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up before them and said: “Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss. 22 But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed. 23 Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me 24 and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ 25 So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. 26 Nevertheless, we must run around on some island.”

There is so much we can learn in this passage from Paul. God calls each of us to trust Him in the stormiest seasons of life, while encouraging others to do the same. Paul’s attitude wasn’t arrogance but boldness to trust God more than logic or emotions. Luke doesn’t say every emotion Paul felt,  but I am sure he had some doubt and fear on the ship. However, Paul let the Holy Spirit direct his emotions to trust God, while encouraging others. We know Paul listened to God. Our Maker sent an angel to encourage Paul in a dangerous storm, that empowered Paul with HOLY boldness to speak words of encouragement whether they were welcome or not. The people on the ship were for him (almost a gift)—God wanted Paul to use this opportunity to show everyone who was in control of the ship and their lives. That no matter what “storm” they may face, He will be in charge—and to take hold and have faith in God. Do you think when Paul took his eyes off the physical storm around him and focused on encouraging the passengers to  have faith in God,  his own emotions of the storm lightened? I do. When we are in the most difficult things, focusing more on others and less on ourselves increases our faith, while our relationship with Christ grows. That’s the thing, no matter what we face or what obstacle that seems like it will never end, God has us there for a reason. Nicole enjoyed praying for others, while she suffered through radiation. Each day she put the mask on, she chose to focus on others verse herself. She spent time praying for each person that had things going on, verse praying for herself. Truly, she did not like the mask and dreaded it each time, but she was there and chose to use that opportunity to pray for others. I think much like Paul chose to encourage others, while he might have been freighted on the boat; He felt more confidence in our Creator because he focused on what others needed resulting on growing his relationship with Christ. I am sure Paul felt closer to God too as he chose to be used by God during a difficult time for others. I know sometimes we do not like our circumstances and sometimes they can make us paralyzed, but what if we stopped asking “Why me?” Instead asking —Lord, “Use me”–help me boldly trust you and your direction to encourage others around me even if I am in this storm.

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our suffering, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”  Romans 5: 3-5

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. ” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

A little update on Nicole’s kids:

Garrett: He just graduated! Can you believe it?!! He came to visit my family this past May. He lives in an apartment, works a his church, and trusting God for his next direction. We had a great time exploring our farm together. (HE is single!!) No really. I give him a hard time about finding a girlfriend. He is a great kid that loves the lord and I love talking with him. HE is so knowledgeable about worldview and a hard working kid. He is such a sweet young man!

Abbey and Ashton: They just finished their sophomore year of college. They continue to play soccer and are both working at a preschool church program this summer. They both love kids! Abbey recently became engaged to a wonderful young man, Spencer. Abbey and Spencer came to visit me during their spring break. It was a joy for me to meet Spencer. Nicole would be so thrilled to have Spencer a part of her family. He loves the lord and is passionate about sharing the gospel to college students. I am looking forward to watching Abbey and Spencer serve the Lord together! Ashton is doing well and has the same boyfriend. I am looking forward to them visiting soon!

Nathan: My little buddy is growing up!! He continues to love piano and cook. He was able to come on his spring break too with Abbey and Spencer. We made macaroons together and did many art projects (which he loves). One of my favorite parts of our visit was celebrating Nicole’s birthday. We went around the room and said what she taught us and memories.

How can I pray for you? Please send me a message. I would love to pray with you and for you!

Our Family at the cabin, when we were young. There are two siblings to Nicole that have not been born yet.