“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
So I’ve had a few days to begin to see doctors and to begin to live this life battling cancer and it’s affects. My life has been one of ease really. No doctor appointments and no struggles. A few years ago I started swelling up from ibuprofen and so I had to quit taking that. I’ve never struggled with my health and I have honestly probably taken it for granted. Who has time to deal with health issues anyway? It’s amazing how much can change in just a couple weeks.
One of the blessings of this cancer right now is the steroid they have given me. So, I’ve always been a pretty busy person getting stuff done and moving…now that’s been kicked up a bit. I’m constantly looking for things to do and keeping busy, doing something. I’m hoping before they take me off of it I’ve gone through every corner of my house! I need to! So much to do and I guess the blessing right now is that I have the time to get some stuff done.
One of the things I’ve never liked doing is going to the doctor. Never had a reason to go really and I’ve been very thankful that it hasn’t been needed. The last couple days my days have been focused on doctor appointments and beginning the process of setting up my treatment. It’s hard to sit and listen to the doctor talk to you about how you have cancer and what will need to happen to help you fight this thing. It doesn’t matter that they are pulling staples out of your head and you are obviously the one they are talking about, when in reality you don’t feel like it could be you. I look at the other people in the waiting room and my heart breaks for them because they are sick…and then you remember that you are technically sick too. Honestly, I just want to get the blood drawn get done and get to living – coaching again. Who has time for this?
Here’s the deal. I firmly believe this. The Lord has brought me to this point for a reason. The more I have poured over scripture, he keeps speaking to me and asking me to trust him. No matter what the doctors tell me or the treatment plan or whatever, the Lord is saying, “do you trust me?” I always thought I did. But my faith hasn’t been tested or put out there like it is now. He is asking me to follow him and to walk in the way he is leading me. Does that mean it’s all been easy? No. Does that mean I would want to go back to my life I was living 2 weeks ago, yes. But, he knows me better than I know myself and He has designed an opportunity for me to know him in a greater way and to really determine if my faith is genuine.
My faith is tested when I hear the doctors talking about my treatment. My faith is tested when the scans really do show what people tell me they show. My faith is tested when my head is sore from the incision. My faith is tested when I look at my family and I have to think, will I see them here in 10 years. But, the Lord has given me his peace. He desires for me to keep my eyes fixed on him and his Truth and to live each day to love others and point them to the cross. I can’t explain how he has done this in my life, but he has. I choose Jesus above all else and trust that He will lead me where he desires to use me. Today I choose to walk where he calls me and to rely completely on him for every moment of every day.
Please continue to pray for me to have opportunities to encourage and share my story with others. I would like this cancer to not only change me, but to change anyone who will take the time to allow Jesus to speak to them through me.
Many prayers for you as you journey through the unknown…but as you so eloquently write, you are not alone. You are comforted by His presence. I will follow you and your faith has already touched my heart. Rebecca Ward
Thank you Rebecca! It’s not me, it’s the Lord! Your prayers are most needed by me. Thank you