Share HOPE … People need it

Let the Lord use you where you are and do it today!  Don’t be like our friend Felix we will read about in Acts… be Paul and know that even in your darkest dungeon, pick up your needle and sew one stitch at a time.  We have the HOPE the world needs. You will be amazed at what the Lord is able to do in and through you – you won’t believe it. #hopewarrior

Going to write just a quicker blog today.  So many wonderful things going on today that I just know I need to give God the Glory!  So many amazing stories where I have heard about people persevering during difficult trials and seeing God just do amazing things.  I have also been so touched by so many of you who are struggling or love someone dearly who is struggling.  I am blessed by each prayer request and I consider it a privilege to bring your burdens before the Lord.  My time on the table goes so quickly because I am worshiping and praying for each request that I have been given.  My angels got the treatment and I am just blessed, blessed, blessed to spend time in prayer.

Was very blessed (how many times can I say this word?) this morning by my neighbor Gala Tallent who picked me up and took me to treatment so Scott could start his day in Little Rock for work.  Just as the Lord likes to do, He had my machine down so that we were going to be running late…and we got to meet our new sister and friend Dorthy Rogers, who is a caregiver of her husband who was in there before getting treatment.  We had the opportunity to visit for close to an hour and just share stories, challenges and our HOPE in the Lord.

It was so amazing to be with Gala today.  Listen, this lady is a warrior beyond warrior for the Lord.  Course if you know her, or have met her, her testimony of walking with the Lord is just so amazing and I love to hear about how the Lord walked with her in difficult times and then used her for so many things.  Gala spends almost all of her free time ministering to homeless camps and keeping up with individuals battling big things.  To hear how the Lord has used her and her friends is just an amazing confirmation to the Lord’s hand and desire to use us to minister to people most people don’t give a thought to.  I completely forgot to take any pics today with her because we were just so engaged in what we were talking about… but here she is with her husband Tommy ministering to others. (I stole this off her page lol) . Also pray for her Monday, she is having a procedure and I know she doesn’t want to be down from her ministry very long.  Thank you.


We were visited by Scott’s cousins Marcy and Shelly.  They stopped by for a couple of hours to check in on me and Ann, and we got visit about what is going on in their lives.  It’s so great to be able to just visit and share time with so many loving people.  We were given a wonderful dinner from the Cicero Family as well!


It has been a very cool and pleasant night tonight.  That I’m sitting outside on my deck and it feels perfect.  Love these little surprises that we get every once in a while.  Nathan was sweet to offer to walk with me around the block.  I think he enjoys “babysitting” me.

Girls got to get out on the field a bit thanks to coach Luis.  They love seeing their teammates and touching a ball.



As I sit every morning and study the Word… I am just so humbled and blessed to be with the Lord.  These two verses of Psalms 4 are truly, truly how I feel, walk and want to live.  I have joy, I am filled with peace and I feel safe in the Father’s arms.  I love that it says “let your face smile on us, Lord…”  His face is the only thing I see in treatment and it makes ME smile….and I smiled bigger today knowing He was smiling on me 🙂

In studying Acts 24 today and following Paul as he is heading closer and closer to Rome, I am continually comforted and confident as I see how much the Lord took care of Paul and gave him opportunities to tell others about what Jesus had done for them on the cross.  His journey has made me a stronger warrior and given me continual hope that I am very thankful for.

So if you remember, Paul was moved at night and protected from those that wanted to kill him.  They had to wait 5 days for the high priest to show up with all of his people and begin the trial.  They tried to present an argument that was full of lies and deception to convince Felix, the governor that this guy Paul should be dealt with harshly.

Felix allowed Paul to speak ….. after speaking against everything the high priest had said, he said this….

 14“But I admit that I follow the Way, which they call a cult. I worship the God of our ancestors, and I firmly believe the Jewish law and everything written in the prophets. 15 I have the same hope in God that these men have, that he will raise both the righteous and the unrighteous. 16 Because of this, I always try to maintain a clear conscience before God and all people.

Paul confirmed that he believed in the Old Testament law the same as his accusers and then went on to explain further why he was on trial.  Paul was bold, truthful and ready to stand before the people who wanted him dead and before the governor who had all authority to punish him.  Ahhhh Felix……

22 At that point Felix, who was quite familiar with the Way, adjourned the hearing and said, “Wait until Lysias, the garrison commander, arrives. Then I will decide the case.” 23 He ordered an officer[d] to keep Paul in custody but to give him some freedom and allow his friends to visit him and take care of his needs.

I think at this point, something about Paul intriqued Felix.  He basically pushed the religious leaders aside and decided there was something about this guy Paul that he wanted to know more about.  And we see this in the following verses….

24 A few days later Felix came back with his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish. Sending for Paul, they listened as he told them about faith in Christ Jesus. 25 As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the coming day of judgment, Felix became frightened. “Go away for now,” he replied. “When it is more convenient, I’ll call for you again.” 26 He also hoped that Paul would bribe him, so he sent for him quite often and talked with him.

Felix is so interested in what Paul is all about that he brings his Jewish wife to hear what Paul has to say.  Paul was bold, holding nothing back and giving Felix and his wife everything they needed to be able to know Jesus and make a decision about Him.  But in verse 26 we see his heart.  He was hoping for money from Paul.  “Hey Paul, give me some money and I’ll let you go…. you keep talking about Jesus….it’s interesting.  I like what you have to say….I’ve given you some freedoms…your friends get to visit and hang out with you…life could be worse.  Hmmmm Jesus.  Interesting.  Not ready to make a decision about this yet….keep talking…. what I have to change the way I live?  What my life and focus would be different?  Hmmmmm  

27 After two years went by in this way, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. And because Felix wanted to gain favor with the Jewish people, he left Paul in prison.

After two years of investment by Paul, Felix chose power and prestige over a saving faith in Christ.  I bet that broke Paul’s heart.  To think about all the conversations, probably some laughter, maybe even meals together and in the end Felix walked away from knowing the Lord.  But, that’s how it is with the Lord.  He never will force himself on anyone, it is an individual choice that each person must make for themselves.  The decision is costly.  Saving faith on earth may cost you friends, jobs, prestige or other popular things.  But, that same faith will give you an eternal home with Jesus himself.  Felix walked away from this.  He chose earthly glory and power and walked away from the Truth and would spend eternity away from Jesus separated from Him in constant torture.  

This is a hard truth for many of us. To know that we may invest years into a person and they choose their own way… is heart breaking to think about.  But, in the end we are not responsible to make choices for people, only to be faithful to share and pray.  The Lord desires for EVERY PERSON to come to the knowledge of the Truth.  (1 Timothy 2:4)

Have you ever known someone who chose this road and walked away from the Truth? I know talking to my sweet neighbor Gala today as we shared stories about the Lord she had a story to tell me about a young man she dearly loves that she has shared Jesus with many times, but isn’t willing to cross the line and choose Jesus over the life he is currently living.  We are praying for him…will you join us? 

Listen faith is a choice we make.  I don’t know all of the answers and I never will…until that day I see Jesus face to face and I just run and embrace Him.  But, I have made a choice in my life…I made it long ago.  Nothing in this life will EVER be before Jesus.  He called me long ago and I knew it.  I trust Him EVEN WHEN I am in this right now.  Paul trusted Him while he sat in prison and used that “hard” time to minister to others and tell others about Jesus.

What is the Lord doing in your life right now that you can use to tell others about Jesus? We have been given the HOPE that the world needs.  Ask Him to build you up and step forward in faith, trusting that He will use you in a mighty way.  Let the face of the Lord SMILE on you today and every day as you share and show the Love of Christ to those who need it!

A couple of awesome things:

The HOPE WARRIOR SHIRTS are ready to order!  So excited to get these out!

These shirts have been designed to show our dear friend, Nicole Inman, our support for her and her message. See below for shirt design. The shirt design can be on four types of shirts. Comfort Color T-shirt Comfort Color Tank Gildan Soft Style T-shirt Gildan Tank Each shirt is $15.00 if ordering 2XL…

ALSO super blessed by this song my brotherMike sent me today.  Could be my theme song.  Turn it up and enjoy it!



  • Kids leave tomorrow for church camp, pray for deep times with the Lord 
  • Pray for sweet moments with my friend Kate and I this weekend
  • Pray that my leg cramps continue to stay away at night
  • For the swelling to continue to subside in my face
  • For all of the poison to leave my body and for my stomach lining to be protected and not give me issues … found out could be the feelings I’ve been having.  
  • Pray for me to get good rest every night and not be restless 

Thank you so much warriors!  You all are encouraging me forward each step of the day!


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