Boldness from the Lord….

I loved reading this verse this morning as I was getting ready. I have really been surrounded by the angels of the Lord through each step on this journey. The Lord has been so good to hold my hand and remind me that He has given me His angels to walk with me and deliver me. I just love that He reminded me again this morning what He has already done and continues to do. I am blessed to be free of fear and free of worry. He has called us to use our lives to be bold witnesses for Him and He has given us His boldness through His Spirit. Thank you Lord!

As I shared last time about the healing the Lord has done already and the surprise by the doctors, I just love knowing He is doing something because I physically can feel Him healing my head. I have never had this happen before, but as the Lord continues to remind me, “daughter I am here. You are surrounded by my angels and I am walking with you. Trust me and know that there’s a purpose in all of this!” So, I have to praise Him and say I wasn’t surprised nor do I spend time thinking about what’s going on with me. The Lord sends His healing hand to me and I smile and thank Him. I thank Him for the healing, but also for the reminder that He is here and that He is working in my life and in the lives of others. I am blessed to see Him do amazing things! He Has and Will do great things for us!

Our Valentine’s card from Nathan. So Sweet!

Goodness little Nathan. He has really started writing so much deeper and I love listening to him as he passionately plays the piano and wants to play tennis. It’s been so great to wake up in the morning and hearing him play the piano before he goes to school. He really loves music and singing. I’m excited to see how the Lord will choose to use him in the coming years.

Garrett has been busy working and finalizing maybe what he wants to do next year. University of Central Arkansas is his top choice and he has started finalizing what he needs to do to go there. He also got HIS BRACES OFF! He looks super cute and I can tell he took good care of his teeth the last couple years wearing those things. He has really enjoyed his time helping on Sunday morning at church and I think he enjoyed the opportunity to direct some of the filming on Sunday. It’s hard to see in this pic, but he’s third in there.

Scott has been busy doing some Razorback games and will do the basketball State Finals coming up. It gives him a chance to do some of what he used to, but not occupying his time with it all. We are really hoping that the basketball team goes to the state finals so he can call Bryant in the football championship and basketball this year. The other picture I put above this was a learning experience. We went out to dinner one night and were given the opportunity to visit for a VERY long time while we waited to get hungrier and more ready for our food. Bless the other people in there and just the staff. By the time a couple hours finished and Scott still didn’t have food, we were laughing and just trying to get out! Memory maker!

We are very busy starting soccer games and getting our team together. It’s been a joy but challenging as well. When I think about the fact that two years ago I had no thought about doing this and was good just thinking about watching Abbey and Ashton play high school and I would watch. But, the Lord had a different plan and I have enjoyed just the time I’ve had with the group and hopefully helping them improve on and off the field.

At the beginning of the year, one of the most fun things the parents get to do is to decorate the lockers in the locker room before the first game. The girls all love it and love to see what their families did. I’m not going to lie, it takes a LONG time to get these together and do it. But – it’s a blessing! We loved putting up a few notes from family too! Ashton said her favorite picture was one of Garrett hugging her when she was probably 11ish and we scrimmaged the boys team. She said it brought tears to her eyes. So sweet!

I have been so blessed …. and no that shin isn’t mine! It’s Abbey’s leg and as I always tell the girls I coach….. this is from her WEARING shinguards…so without them who knows what could’ve happened in practices!

There is a group from Stuttgart who are such a blessing to send sweet things to cancer patients. I’ve enjoyed my bath ball smells by my bathtub! Such a special little treat. One of the students in my class was sweet to make me tennis shoes with a “Film” theme. She drew film and old cameras on it. Thanks Katie!

As I look at these girls I see at least three hours a day, I’m reminded of my memories and experiences from when I was a student. The Falcon paper was from my college days. There I am number 4, playing in the Final Four Tourney. Having the memories, but so much more that I learned and the experiences developed me into the person that I have become. So many details I don’t remember about playing soccer, but the friendships and memories around the game that still run through my thoughts a bunch – are so fun!

As I am reading through the Bible, I am in Deuteronomy right now. Spending time reading about the law and the repercussions for choosing to do what you want without listening and following the Lord’s law is deep and hard to read sometimes. Yet, it makes me smile and say, “Thank you Jesus. Thank you for coming and seeing my guilt and taking my ugly sin and deciding that you would die for me, so that I could receive YOU!” I am just so often thankful for what the Lord has done. When you see students hurting, struggling, going their own way – my heart hurts and brings tears to my heart. It opens my mouth to let them know they are loved and to share my life with them. The Lord doesn’t desire for them to live hurt – he LOVES them. But, they don’t know. We encourage them to LIVE however they want, while they continue to be brought down by the devil and his lies. They will never experience peace or joy and they won’t know love, without Christ. Thank you Lord for providing everything we need so we are never left without you when we seek you! He is SO GOOD!

I have my blood work appointment Wednesday. Last time I was in there they were very happy with where my numbers were…. I am constantly reminded how the Lord watches and takes care of the small details for me. He has blessed me so much! I love this from Tozer below. If we were never challenged or life stayed the same, we would never take or find opportunities to grow and know the Lord more. What a blessing to have been called by Him and for Him to continue to call me and walk with me.

Live Like You Believe

“Do NOT FEAR…I will uphold you.” Isaiah 41:10

This won’t be long and really all I would need to say is….God is good and He knows. Today I had my MRI and bloodwork and then visit with my doctor.

They blessed me with what felt like a shorter MRI…wasn’t feeling cramped and tight like I usually do in such a small space. I sang in my mind and prayed. The Lord is so good to pass the time while I’m in there. Getting my blood work done I got to talk to a woman who was there for her first day back at work since having a baby. Was precious to hear about the joy and her experience.

When we finished there it was time to go up and see my doctor. Dr. Ong is a wonderful lady and even before she came in Lynn our nurse was such a blessing to us. Long and short of it is that God wants to remind these doctors that He’s got me and got this. Back when we started treatment the hope was to contain in the brain…not to see God heal. Well God is a healing God and He has the ability and desire to bring healing. My HOPE is in Him!

I love that my doctor was impressed and even the radiologist called my doctor and my doctor was worried it could be bad news she missed. That’s the only reason he calls she said. But, he was amazed at how good my scans looked. I’ve put a picture here below. The far right shows the one tumor in October and then December and now. Far left was today.

Some may be surprised or wonder how…. But GOD! He’s got this thing.

My other tumor is steady and not doing anything so they are happy with it. Course if the Lord desires to remove it….He can! Right now it is highlighting my radiation I had – so that’s the color- and so the tumor that I have, is different than before.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and for their continued desire to encourage me and to praise the Lord with me. The Lord has His story to tell through this and through my life. He desires to amaze others and who am I…..who am I, that I get to be a part of it. Wow!

‘”If you can?’ said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23

The Lord…He Is Mine

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

John 15:12

Let me just say how unworthy I am for the Lord to love me like He does. He has been so so good to me. He lifts me up and I just have tears in my eyes so much. Whether it’s singing, hearing His voice or reading His word. He is my rock, comforter, the One who holds me up and the One who never leaves me. He is … my everything.

Valentine’s Day is this week. So often we spend so much time focused on this one day and we live “better” that day, YET choose to live and love less the other days. What if we lived each day dedicated and desiring to LOVE others around us….EVERY moment of EVERY day, living like Jesus did? No matter what the other person has done to us, said about us or how they decide to be to us? How would that change us and maybe even them? Your faith would be strengthened, your joy would be complete and God’s love would be lived out through your life.

It’s been a busy busy month for me. Coming back from Christmas break…it’s soccer in full gear going 100 miles an hour. But, I love it. I think about the time and energy that coaches in my past gave me in order to develop the player I became and to motivate me to keep going and making sure I improved. I am so thankful for them. They make me want to be a better coach and make me want to continue to develop the girls. I have a very strong senior class that has been such a help to me. They are always there to hold me up and to make sure I have everything I need. I am blessed by them. With all of the treatments, I confess, eeeekkkkk….. my memory isn’t as good as it used to be – but, I’m thankful because it’s getting better, I can tell. The seniors have helped me and continue to want to improve, which makes me push forward to focus on their goals. I am so thankful they want to work and come every practice working hard. I need that… and the rest of the team does too.

Our team got to watch one of our players sign a letter of intent to Ouachita Baptist University to play soccer. We are excited to see Maddie play there and it was fun to celebrate her opportunities. My assistant coach, Jessica Brown has been very helpful to me as I try to set up things everyday, and I’m thankful I’m not alone.

I have been so blessed by so many people at school. My sweet sophomore neighbor Austin, grabbed me mozzarella sticks for part of my lunch the other day. Since I can’t drive and I’m so busy heading from class to the fieldhouse, I never get to go get anything. He was so sweet and I am thankful that he asked me and even bought them. Good parents teaching him!

Went great with my soup!

The Lord has blessed me by other ministries who continue to pray for me and mail me sweet things. So many places to get involved in to make someones day and to encourage them as they battle. If you’ve ever wondered if you should get involved and if you could do anything, YES you can! You doing things brings joy to others and if will encourage you too. My friend Robyn sent me this Warrior necklace I wear everyday now. Her words were so encouraging and reminded me of the work the Lord is doing. He has been SOOOO good to me!

Every day I see a bunch of students in the hallway and some of them don’t have me, but the Lord knows who I need to see and when I need to see them. He has given me opportunities to grow with students, to teach them Truth and to share and show love to them. I have always thought I loved others…. but going through what I have gone through has grown my heart and opened my eyes to finally see others with a full heart of Christ and it has been an amazing time.

Yes I coach soccer, but the other athletes at school have allowed me the opportunity to give them game pump ups or to encourage them in the hallway, class or field house. I’m their adopted coach and sometimes adopted mom. And I love it. They bless me with smiles, hugs and they listen to what I say and usually laugh or give me a fist bump. I love interacting with students… they keep me going and keep me focused.

Today was a super exciting day! My assistant coach in club, Louis texted me and my friend this morning as we were sitting in church, to tell us he was getting baptized at church! I was super excited. The girls, Nathan and I ran over there with Addi and Nikki and got to celebrate with him and his family! Wow what a blessing. Also got to see Alonso, we coached against each other when the girls were little, he was back in town from Costa Rica. His family told me they pray for me every night. Humbled. Humbled. Lord 🙂 He has given me prayer warriors around the world.

My family has done so much to encourage and continue to move forward one day at a time. I love the times we’ve been able to have the opportunities to just love one another. The Lord has blessed us with cool nights for fires, rainy days to relax and sunshine to be outside. I am thankful for that. Nathan is busy as he has started piano and still loves playing tennis. He loves to come and hangout with the soccer girls while he waits for me. We only have 11 more practices until the soccer season begins. WOW! Time has flown by. Garrett is going to decide his college by the end of this month and I know he’s ready to get started on all he needs to do. YES my hair is growing back!

The Lord has given me His Word everyday and He speaks to me deeper and more than I have experienced before. He lifts me up and by His power and presence the devil stays away from me. The Lord gives me the energy I need, the ability to do what I’ve been called to do and the mind I need to depend on Him but, to complete what He’s called me to do. Wednesday of this week I go in for an MRI to check out how my brain is clearing up. I trust in my Savior and I know there’s nothing on earth that He doesn’t have complete control over. He has given me His peace and continues to move me forward. Everyday I have tears of joy as the Lord continues to grow me and tell me to stand and share what He is doing.

We all go through difficult times and we are called to take the road the Father has promised with His blessings. I loved reading and studying about the early church. To be reminded today that we are called to BE DEVOTED to God’s Word, studying and worshipping with others, celebrating and taking communion to remind us of who loves us and what He has done and to be faithful in prayer – to have a relationship with our Father. Everyday we wake up and before we walk out the door, let’s pray to be devoted to these things. It’s not something we do once a week, it’s a daily, hourly and sometimes more! But, it’s not a task…it’s something Acts tells us God’s people enjoyed. The deeper we devote ourselves, the more we get to enjoy and experience Him like never before. And nothing else…NOTHING else can compare.

Ashton made this for me a while back. I put it above my bathtub. The only way we are told we CAN love, is because God showed His love first. Thank you Jesus for choosing to sacrifice yourself for us, so that we might experience you like never before. To be able to talk to you and be with you. Thank you for taking me by the hand and reminding me that you will never leave me and your love IS here in me through your Holy Spirit so that I might share and show you to those around me. Use me…use me to bring you praise and glory!


It’s January…Soccer Soccer

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. ” Romans 1:20

The Lord is telling us, showing us “I’m HERE – Look HERE – don’t miss me!”

Isn’t God good? To see His design and how He can move color and light is amazing. I have really learned to love and experience God’s creation more and more every year. We have the opportunity to just thank Him and worship Him in these moments. What a blessing!!! Can we really look at this sunset and not wonder – who made it, how did He do it and what does He want from my life? So often we are running around so much, that we miss the BIG signs that God is here with us.

I’ve been crazy busy and I’ll admit a bit tired (I’m living life around here!) but, God has been good to keep my focused and give me the opportunity to spend with Him and worship Him. I am thankful…so thankful for these moments.

I had to pretty much finish training these girls this season. We were supposed to play in a college showcase and that got rained out. All of them will play for their High School teams and so we are unable to do both at the same time. These ladies and their families have been a blessing to me and I am honored to have them play for me and to know they have prayed for me and with me. Can’t always experience that in school ball as much, but when it’s club…there’s no line and I love it! Love you girls!

Abbey and Ashton have enjoyed time with their friends. We’ve gone to a few basketball games this year which has been fun. It’s been different not having the girls play, but also so much more relaxing…I guess for me I have kids on all these teams so I’m into every game I go to anymore. Too many kids that don’t have parents there that I know or they are in my class and some call me “mom” but, I am blessed to get to watch them play.

I have to admit, I love seeing the girls talk and share time together. They have such a good “twin” relationship and for that I’m thankful. They don’t have to be around each other, but they get along fine and as far as I know have never been in a “fight.” So thankful for that.

Nathan has been busy. He is loving music right now. He’s been to two piano lessons which he loves. We had to do lessons on Wednesdays which stinks, but we are hoping that we can change it in fall. He likes to practice and he loves to sing. So we shall see what the Lord is leading him to.

I put a bunch of pics below. Just great blessings the last couple weeks. Was blessed to get some more oils to help me in my treatment. Very thankful and I smell good! My high school soccer girls are working hard and desire to get better. I am blessed to be helped by them in so many ways. We got SNOW! I love just sitting and watching the snow come down. It was so nice to just sit and watch it come down hard and heavy. It didn’t leave any on the ground, but it was beautiful.

Scott and I went out to dinner with the Funks (our friends) and while we were there we got to see Alan and Pam (some friends from our old church) and then we got to see some other friends Angie and Scott before we walked out the door. So great! We ended up having to get a new washer and dryer after we had water all over the place. But what a blessing to get some and I love watching them do their work! Thank you Lord. The last picture….I know I look crazy as a fireman. But I loved and was blessed to go to Rick’s retirement party. Thank you for your service all these years.

I was sent this card and necklace from my friend Robyn. What a great reminder for me everyday that we are in a battle. An enemy that desires to kill, steal and destroy and I am thankful everyday for the army of angels that surround me and my Savior who stands in front of me and besides me to help me with all of my needs.

Thank you everyone for the prayers. I know the Lord is hearing them and giving me the energy and ability to do what He’s called me to do. I am thankful. I am blessed and I know that God is working and moving through this. I finished my 6th treatment so I am thankful for that. Praying for the Lord to provide my every need and for Him to live in and through me every day. He has a plan and will use THIS situation to bring glory to Himself and tell others, “listen up! Look at Me, Find Me.” I desire to be like that sunset and I know that He will show up and out BIG! Thank you FATHER!

Be Blessed! #hopewarrior

Christmas Time … is Here

This year was the year for Winter Kamp with my side of the family. It meant heading north to Minnesota to see my parents, 5 siblings and their spouses and then the 14 other grandkids. There really is no place like home.

Making the drive up to MN, there’s always two things you are watching: for the snow and the temp drop. We saw no snow in Missouri and really didn’t see any in Iowa on the way up. We had to get into MN to be able to see a bit of snow. This snow slopes I’m showing is a place you can go and ski/snowboard. I always went there at least once a year. Lot’s of fun. While we were heading up to Mn there wasn’t a bunch of snow in the forecast, so I was a little bummed. There wasn’t much snow on the ground either. But, the Lord brought us some snow while we were there and it was coming down hard. Lot’s of fun to see.
For Christmas Eve services we went to my parents church. Had a great time in worship and a huge blessing to see my best friend from high school, Stephanie Erickson(Foster). I haven’t seen her for years so seeing her was a special gift to me. She and I would spend hours laughing and training and playing soccer together. Thanks Steph for waiting for me so we could get a hug in!
I couldn’t believe how much time Nathan spent outside in the little bit of snow we had the first day. He was outside forever. The girls were the ones pulling the cousins around in the snow. They claimed their running counted as team running…LOL! Goodness the little cousins loved having older cousins to pull them around.
After being outside for a long time, it was time to come in and cuddle with the kids and help out with inside games. Garrett led the 1000 piece puzzle making. He (and some helpers) finished it in 3-4 hours. That’s the picture of us putting last piece in. We enjoyed learning some new games with the aunts and uncles. There are so many cool games out there and unfortunately we don’t play them enough. Too much going on that we don’t carve it in to do it. Going to try to do better.
One of the days we went on a sleigh ride with a couple of horses back in the woods. It was so pretty with snow all over the trees. Not going to lie, it was cold. But, with blankets and coats…. you just get used to it and it’s not bad. Scott even survived. Loved watching the kids running down the hills with the snow everywhere and just enjoying watching their little cousins enjoying the moments.
We had fun at the Mall of America. However, it was very busy. So even if you want to eat at 1:45pm for lunch, there’s going to be a wait. We went to the Aquarium there and grabbed a couple cousins and my brother to go through it. Had a good time. It’s amazing to me how much they add on to the mall as time goes on. That thing was built when I was in high school. Pretty and fun at Christmas, as long as you aren’t in a hurry.
It was a huge blessing to have two of my brothers living closer to my parents now. They were able to host a lot of what we did to give my parents a break. Plus gave us a place to stay. The kids were loud. Not going to pretend they weren’t! It was a race all the time around the houses. Garrett found that the kids loved him a bunch! He’s really great with kids and loved the hugs and chases, ha! Ashton and Abbey were always carrying a kid around and playing with the kids. They enjoyed their baby time and babysitting so my siblings and our spouses could go to dinner. Nathan grew up this time. He did a better job being the “older” person instead of wanting to be the youngest! With 18 cousins, so far, and 14 of them are under 7….it’s a crazy time!
Abbey made those verses for each of my siblings. Did I mention that I have twin nieces now? What a sweet blessing for my sister to share with me. Such sweet girls. I pray….I pray that my nieces and nephews will love Jesus as much as I have been able to. When I was giving my little nieces and nephews a hug before we left…. I almost just broke down. We have no guarantee for tomorrow no matter what we are going through. But, I never spent a lot of time thinking about “my end”, until now with my diagnosis. I don’t think about it a lot, but it occurred to me, that I may never see my little nieces and nephews grow up. But, with cancer or not, that is that case for all of us. Each day, each hug, each smile, each moment is a gift and could be the last one. How would you want that to be? How would you want to be remembered? Life is short. It is. We spend too much time complaining and looking at how “bad” things are when we should be thankful and living the blessed life we’ve been given. I pray you take time to really live this way….You will be blessed. After all of this… we said goodbye to my family and headed home…..
When we got home we went to Stuttgart to visit and have Christmas with Scott’s parents. And we got to see our only living grandparent for Scott and I – Nanny. She loves Jesus so much. I am thankful for that. I feel so blessed that she prays for me and has all of the people she knows praying for me. She’s never thinking about herself at 97. Thankful she will be spending eternity with me. That sunset….was so beautiful and such a blessing. It was a picture of joy, hope and love just all wrapped up. When we left, Nathan, Scott and I went to the house to celebrate New Year’s Eve and the older teens went to have fun with friends.
It was nice getting back to town and back to some routine. Saw some of my girls a couple times at the school. Getting ourselves ready for the soccer season. We start100% when we get back Monday! Please pray against injury for these girls and for the girls to develop as hard as they work.
I”m reading through the Bible with some ladies. I’m using a different Bible this year and using a couple of books to help me think through some things. As I was reading about Noah today, I was really reminded about how so often, we allow what’s going on around us direct us and lead us to places that we don’t need to be. Noah walked with God. No matter what was going on around him, he chose to follow the Lord. Even when he was told to build the ark, which took 120 years, he did everything God commanded of him. I’m sure his neighbors wondered and laughed at what he was doing, yet that didn’t keep him from following what God had told him. As the world around him chose to live a different way, he chose to follow what God said, no matter what happened around him. How often do we give in to others or our circumstances instead of fully relying on and depending on the Lord? Our natural self, will do what we want and what is “good for us”. And we will miss out on what the Lord has set up for us. Don’t allow your circumstances to bring you away from the Lord. Trust Him and Follow Him each and every day. Many Blessings to all of you…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Prayer Requests:

  • That I may feel prepared and ready to really get going on soccer and school stuff on Monday. I feel more behind this year.
  • Pray that my energy level is high and my focus remains where the Lord has me
  • For the Lord to continue healing my body and killing the cancer cells
  • For us to help Garrett in his final college decisions and helping the girls as they choose where they may want to go and where they would want to play soccer.

I am With You Nicole…Do NOT Fear!

“Count it all joy, my brothers (and sisters), when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James 1:2-3

Wow Lord, Wow!!! What a day and crazy couple weeks. Just a quick update here at the beginning of this. Today I had my doctor appointment which started at 7:00am. Now, I was thankful to be able to done and leaving by 11:30am, but I’ve never had a dr appt that early before! Scott drove me and I got my blood draw and then waited on my MRI. Here’s what I realized: don’t drink coffee before you have to get your MRI. I didn’t have to use the bathroom in the middle of it, but I was ready to get up and move around not lay still!

Anyway, being in those machines is unexplainable if you’ve never been in there. You have to decide early that you are doing it and that you can do it….I remind the Lord to hold my hand and help me relax and think of things to think about. When they have your head locked in and you are about 4-5 inches from the top of the cylinder as you lay down, you gotta not be claustrophobic. I’m usually ok, but with a body ready to move today, I admit it was more a struggle today. But, the Lord is so good. We prayed for people, sang songs in my head, ran through Bible verses and thought about things. It’s hard to stay too focused because of the loud booms and noises that go on. After a while they come on over the loud speaker to tell me they are going to send the chemicals into my veins to be able to see what’s happening. You feel a cold drain run up your arm and into your shoulder and then it runs into the rest of your body. They continue to take loud images and then stop everything and pull you out. They told me I was in there for 40 minutes. Longest time….long time.

I am thankful that I didn’t have to push the emergency button to get out and that the Lord gave me what I needed to handle where I was at. When we finished we went up to meet with the nurse and doctor. I was told that my platelet counts were good but my white blood cell count was low but not low enough for them to change plans. As we looked at the two tumor areas…one of the areas was smaller than before (unexpected) and neither area showed activity, which is good. Dr. Ong was pleased with where we are and also told me she and her husband pray for her patients overnight by name. Isn’t that a blessing?! I also got to see one of my soccer player’s grandmas (Mammi), because she works at UAMS. Kate Duncan she was a sweet blessing today to me!

We also had a special special visit from Betty Phillips, from south Arkansas. She came to see me in the waiting room and bring dinner for tonight! All while taking her husband in for a doctor appt. We know her son and family. Listen, when people live in a belief that God doesn’t exist or there’s no way to believe it. I’ve believed, I’ve had faith, I’ve known…. but God has been so good to remind me that He is here and He is lifting me up and holding me. He has filled me with His Hope – which is real and lasts and pulls you through difficulties. I don’t know what He is doing in and through this, but I’ve seen Him do too much that He brings me to tears almost everyday. The calls, text messages, conversations, cards, letters….God touches people and to see Him do it, well it’s AMAZING.

Chemo pills will resume tomorrow night and go for 5 nights. Please pray that I don’t have issues, since it’s Christmas and we are traveling. I also have been told I need to gain about 5 -1o pounds. I feel like I eat all the time already! May have to eat popcorn again every night!

It’s been a good couple of weeks. The kids have enjoyed a lot of the ugly sweater themed things. Sort of funny… Girls have had parties with friends and we will do a party with the high school team tomorrow.

Girls have enjoyed club soccer and with a bit of a break and the start of high school…it’s new things going on. I am very blessed to have such great ladies to train and to be an influence over. Tuesday I got to stop a fight in the Parking lot, while loving on a girl that hit a car. Didn’t know any of the teens, but God is so good to just be given a chance to love on kids. Was very happy too. Also got to see one of my BSF gals – Mary Kate Arrington, who was brining me some veggies and a sweet HOPE ornament and beautiful cross – she got to relive high school life!

Nathan had his Christmas program and he enjoyed himself. He’s going to start piano after Christmas. He’s really enjoying singing and writing. He’s been writing a “novel” about the kids in his class and the made up stuff they do. I think he’s on chapter 8 or 9. Ha! He loves his teacher and looks forward to seeing what he gets to do each day.

Garrett had his last Christmas Band Concert last night. So amazing to see and hear how much better these kids have become over the years. Loved their sweaters and songs. Garrett found out he had gotten a 33 on his last ACT so he is pretty set for college. He was very happy and I know he trusted the Lord to lead him through it.

We are getting ready to leave for Minnesota for part of the Christmas break. We are ready to be cold…maybe not…. but see snow!!!!! We will get to see the 14 cousins who are all under 7! Our kids will be busy…and aunt and uncle will be too!


Good sleep

Time to work on some exercises I need to be doing for my hip

To gain some weight

For the Lord to continue to clear up my tumor and make them gone!

Thank you for the prayers and blessings!

He reminds me “Fear Not, Nicole, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, Nicole, you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Christmas Time…Be Ready to Share His Hope

“Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life.  And if someone asks about your Christian HOPE, always be ready to explain it.”

1 Peter 3:15

I’ve not written in a bit.  I could name a few reasons that seem “ok” reasons, but, honestly I’ve been busy with so much stuff.  Which is good but, also CRAZY!  I am thankful for the many ways the Lord has reminded me of His Hope and sent me others to LIVE His Hope and encourage me with it!

We are slowing down our club soccer stuff and transitioning slowly into high school soccer.  It’s so amazing to believe that after Christmas we go full out with high school expecting season to begin the end of February.  We will have games to play in the winter weekends for league and college showcases.  It’s amazing to think we are at the time where girls are deciding whether they really want to commit to soccer in college or whether playing now is all they really care about.  It’s a huge deal and takes time for players and parents…. and I guess coaches!   My high school girls joined me for a Thanksgiving party and we were able to do some shopping for kids in need and do a scavenger hunt at Walmart.  Thanks Walmart!  They were nice and gave us some coupons to help us out.

One of the exciting things that happened around here lately, was that our football team won state!  This was huge.  First time ever and obviously Garrett and the girls have friends that play so that makes the games even more thrilling.  Fun for me to look out there and know that I coached some of the boys in soccer and then they chose football.  It’s been great getting to know these guys again and also to get to know new players that I didn’t know last year.  The guys had some good leaders and I enjoyed player game day chats and doing what I can to pour into their lives with their classmates.    

One of the many blessings I thank God for is that students tell me prayer requests they have and really get deep when they have things they need to talk about.  They want to hear what I have to say and I am a counselor that has been given a classroom….at least that’s how it feels most days!  But I am thankful that the Lord has given me an opportunity to minister to so many students.  There are so many that are hurting and dealing with so much that it’s heartbreaking.  This picture below is from our pep rally before one of the last football games.  Garrett is in the back somewhere with the band.

Scott has been busy last weekend and will be this weekend doing the TV broadcast of the football finals.  He’s enjoyed it and was a treat to have our own school in the finals.  It’s been a while since he has done TV football play by play but, he was born to do it easily so it sounded great.

One of the things we have enjoyed the past couple weeks is our fire pit.  I loved being able to sit outside with Scott and the kids that were around and just enjoy the outside.  The weather is definitely cooling down around here and making it feel like winter is close.  Living without much hair has made the cold, feel colder!  I’m always in a hat keeping this head warm.

We are still being blessed by people who come by here to drop off a meal or  text me to just remind me that I am being prayed for.  I am so thankful for that.  People have asked how I am doing and I feel good…different but good.  I do what I can to take some oils, take naps in my car and eat healthy.  I can tell there’s something going on in my body, but it changes so hard to pinpoint exact things.  And before all of this, my body was pretty strong and didn’t change too much!  It could  be age now too…right?????!!!!!!! I will be heading to the doctors office in a week to check my blood counts…which have been good so far.  The following week I get another MRI and have a dr appt.  

When we go to Minnesota, we will see my 14 nieces and nephews.  Hard to believe there are so many! We will see my newest ones – the baby twin girls. All my nieces and nephews are under the age of 7.  So amazing!

Prayer Requests:

Good blood counts the next couple of weeks

Great looks on the MRI that continues to show tumors dead and I’m praying they are gone

Prayers for feeling good during Christmas break as we had to Minnesota to see all of my family.  I’ll be taking chemo pills and I am just really praying for good rest while we are gone.  

Prayers to know when I should go see someone and ask questions and not just ignore things

BLESSINGS and Take time to really praise and glorify the Lord as we get ready to celebrate His birth and coming to save us!  As I mentioned before with my students, we are given opportunities to share the message of Christ…but there’s no easier and better time then at Christmas.  God promised to send His son to bring salvation and to save His people from eternal separation from Him.  He simply asks us to TRUST Him and put our Faith in Him and all that He has said.  May Christmas be about Christ for us!

“Remember your promise to me; it is why only HOPE.  Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles.  The proud hold me in utter contempt, but I do not turn away from your instructions.  I meditate on your age-old regulations; O Lord, they comfort me.”  Psalm 119:49-52

Living in the rays of sunshine…

Wayzata High School…..where I graduated from.  So great to see and hear from my high school coach, Tony Pesznecker.  They play the state tourney in the Vikings home facility.  Was always so much fun.  They got second in state this year.  My freshmen year in high school was his first year to coach a high school program and the school had won hardly any games the years before.  He took our team to getting second in state his first year.  He has always helped girls improve and made soccer a passion for me.  I would love to be half the coach he was for me.  It would be interesting to know how many of his players ended up playing in college. I am now starting to have players who want to play in college and I need to help them succeed in their goals, as much as I can.  But, more so to love others and be respectable players who work hard.  Coach Tony was one of my rays of sunshine growing up and helped me believe that I could play, improve and go to college to play soccer.  I will forever be grateful for his sunshine he shared with me every time we were together


In the last week a lot has happened…I enjoy going back to look at the Homecoming pics and feeling good.  I am very thankful for how I’m feeling right now.

We are still being blessed by wonderful people who bring us food or make sure this crazy brain lady has food for all of us – through the blessing of others.  It is such a blessing that we don’t deserve, but so many of you are using the opportunity to be Christ to our family and we see Him in you.  Thank you.   Try this bbq if you haven’t yet…it’s good stuff!


I am very thankful for the memories that are just being poured on as we see people and I watch those around me, like my kids, doing different things.  Time is flying by.  We were very blessed to be able to have a very busy, cold and wet weekend last week!  It was fun to go to the Pep Rally for football, watch Garrett play and see one of my teacher friends wearing my shirt at the rally.  EVERYTIME….EVERYTIME I see someone wearing my shirt or bracelets, I smile and I know it’s a way for the Lord to remind me and tell me, “I’m here.  I’m doing something.  Be still and smile.  I am with you.”  He has reminded me so many times.  I pray the message of the shirt that HE is HOPE and when we have Him, we are a WARRIOR no matter what we face or what’s going on.



But, we got to celebrate before all of that even started.  It was Garrett’s 18th birthday and Scott and Nathan stayed home to celebrate with him and his friends.  The girls missed it because of a soccer tourney.  Abbey and Ashton  left early with another soccer family but still sent us a picture while they ate David’s Burgers on there way to St. Louis.  We were going there for a soccer College Identification camp.


I didn’t leave with the girls because I wanted to stay and celebrate Senior Night with Garrett at the football game.  Cannot believe it.  I love that he will still hug me in public and doesn’t care what people say or do.  He is so hungry to follow the Lord and to lead others and follow older people who are willing to invest in him.  Can he really be a senior????

Dad and Garrett

Parents with Senior

I was also blessed that night after I said Goodbye to Garrett so we could leave for St. Louis, to see Brandy Hansberry.  She and I worked together for years when I was in student ministry and she was at the same church doing Children’s Ministry.  We haven’t seen each other for years and I was hoping to see her because her son plays football for the team we were paying, but as I walked out the gate I was sad that we wouldn’t see each other… until… there she was!  What a blessing.


My mother-in-law, Ann drove us halfway and then on to St. Louis.  The Lord blessed us with good traffic and getting to the games plenty early.  We had some crazy weather for a couple days.  It was a blessing to see the girls play.  Before the first game even started… I heard a voice that happened to be my cousin Tim yelling for “Nicole Peterson….”  Ha!  What a sweet little gift to see my two cousin’s families at my game.  It was cool, but best game weather wise.  Abbey is heading and Ashton is going to shoot and score in that picture.



Was Excited to see a bunch of my shirts again.  Don’t always get to see my extended family.  So it was a huge blessing to have them come up for the game and lunch.  They live in Peoria, IL so not too terrible from St. Louis, but still a drive for them.  Very thankful for the hugs and encouragement.

On our way home we got to see Scott’s side of the family about halfway home.  Thankful that Bonnie, Ron, Karen and Frank were able to come and visit us at…wait for it….McDonalds! When you hit small towns and want to be near the interstate…your choices are limited.  So good to see them there. And….the shirts!0

I have been blessed with so many things.  So many special people who continue to care for me and encourage me as I battle.  I’ve got friends and family who do research on what I should eat and what will help me.  And listen…. I’ll try anything.  It’s been fun.  Carrots are supposed to be healthier for cancer so I have been blessed by Nikki Funk who picks up drinks for me while gone or Trish Humphry who makes me drinks so have to give me energy.  Couldn’t do all I’m doing without the extra vitamins.


“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord HIMSELF, is the Rock (sunlight) eternal.” Isaiah 26:3-4


As we drove this weekend, we went from battling rain, foggy skies and then the rays of sun getting a chance to burst through the clouds. When I think about these pictures and all that we saw and went through,  weather wise…. it reminded me of our lives…. and the joyous life we get to live when we choose to live with Christ in the center.

There are so many times we would love to just sit in the sun and everything is perfect, just the way we want it.  Temp isn’t too high, no chance for rain and the sun just baking on us as a gift.  But, we don’t live that way.

I can remember before my diagnosis, I would’ve been considered a healthy person, with nothing at all to go to doctor for.  I’d go to the doctor for check-ups or for the flu and it was the only thing going on with me.  I was healthy.  The sun was out and I was living life volunteering and “doing” for others…. and I loved it.  And then one day the rain and storms came in…. the deal is I can either choose to live in the storms or I can choose to pass through the storms while focused on the sun (Son) and living with Him.

Picture from our drive

There are days I admit I’m in the fog.  While in the fog I talk to the Lord and really pour my heart to him.  As I do that, He begins to lift the fog so I can see the road he has for me a head.  I can’t see the end.  I don’t know how or where He will take me.  But, I can choose.  I can choose to allow Him to lead me and to care for me or I can focus on the storms and get to where I feel lost in the fog.  God is too good for that.  He has been good to bring me students to share Jesus with, His love and His Truth and they ask me and want to know.  Listen these kids know I’m not living in the perfect sunshine… according to the world… but, they don’t see me living in the fog and stuck living in the storms, no matter what I have going on.  They see me trusting and living and most want to know HOW.  It’s the Lord.  Everyday the Lord gives me a ray of sunshine to smile about and be amazed by.  Don’t let complete sunshine keep you from chasing after the Lord and don’t let heavy storms keep you from chasing after the Lord.  Life without the Lord isn’t the same as life with Him.  He makes a difference…. He is life.

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 

2 Corinthians 4:8-9


Continue to pray that tumors are destroyed and not active in their desire to grow and move in my brain.

Pray that I will have continued and extended strength as I continue on my chemo until June.  

Pray for me to have more opportunities to share Jesus with others

Thank you #hopewarrior


Blessings and Prayers in my Story

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.  Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south…..Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”  Psalm 107:1-3, 8&9


These two guys are fun to be around.  Steve Sullivan came to Bryant High School to do a story on the big football game Friday night, as Bryant is taking on North Little Rock.  It’s been a while since I’ve seen Sully and it’s always so great.  He has a great personality and loves to smile and laugh.  Course Scott and him worked together so we got to know each other well and he even let me hug him, LOL.  Coach James has been a blessing to get to know and to share our dreams for BHS and what we would love to see happen and how we could make it happen.  I am so thankful for the sweet surprises the Lord offers me to remind me that the Lord brings what we need when we need it.  There’s no need to panic or be worried about what to come.  We are called to TRUST and give THANKS – and tell our stories to those around us.  Then they will have a chance to give THANKS too for all the Lord has done in their lives!  What a great day!

Even though we get great days, the week is always crazy?  Right?  Those of you with teens know how crazy life gets!  Obviously the craziness usually revolves around the kids and what they have going on.  Scott is still busy with Razorback games so we don’t get to see him or hangout with him as much as we would like on the weekends.  But, we have been blessed to have Scott’s mom and dad here helping us out and making sure we get everyone where they need to be.

Last week I showed you guys the pictures of HomeComing Week.  It was craziness.  Garrett was tired being involved in a lot of it and the girls were busy enjoying it. But, hanging out with friends during it is always fun.  The girls loved having their friends over to our house and getting pedicures in the morning.  Course Garrett waits until right before it’s time to leave before he’s dressed and ready!


As Scott had to go to the Razorback game, the rest of us drove around town to take pictures and to eat dinner.  The girls have a great group of friends and some of them had dates and some of them didn’t.  But, they are all good friends.

Nathan sort of had fun.  He loved talking to the other moms around and was really happy that we were catching a quick bite with a few of the moms while we waited to pick the girls up after they ate.  Garrett was hanging out with his friends and he got home really late.  But, his friends are all solid and have a great time when they hangout together.

Nathan had the opportunity on Friday to carry the “game” ball out for the high school game.  It was pouring – pouring outside.  Everyone was super wet.  Nathan ended up really enjoying it after he was not excited about it for a couple weeks.  He did really great and I was proud that he was asking questions so he would do it right.   Don’t know if it could’ve been wrong!

We’ve started selling these signs to help raise some money for the high school team.  The girls are enjoying the fact that they have a bit more free time when they only have soccer to focus on.  It’s amazing though, I have no idea how we did it last year!

I always love seeing the girls wearing their Hope Warrior shirts.  Sometimes it’s practice, sometimes to school or just around.   It makes me smile and helps me focus more.

The girls are super excited to get their letterman jackets!  I’m thankful because I guess the girl’s team hasn’t gotten them lately.  That makes me a bit sad.  Hoping they fit great and they have pride wearing them.  I also got more bracelets!  So excited.  I’m praying people will be excited to wear them and remember that they are representing the Lord and me as we wear them.  It’s a great way to remember that people are praying for me and focused on helping me feel great!

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,

whose confidence is in him.

They will be like a tree planted by the water

that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when heat comes;

its leaves are always green.

It has no worries in a year of drought

and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:7-8 

I wrote at the top of this Blessings and Prayers.  I am thankful…. so thankful for all of the Blessings that I have been given from the Lord and from others around me.  People who send me text messages, cards and more.  I know how busy you are and every little thing has blessed me a lot.  There are so many days where I have to remind myself that I’m “sickish” and that the Lord has picked my life to say something-I do not need to live wondering or down about it.  Yes, I would rather just not have dr appts and remembering medication – when I sometimes forget and everything.  Life was so easy just coaching and running myself and being with people I love.  But, the Lord isn’t surprised by what I’m going through and He also has control of it.  I just need to trust him and remember, that He is loving and He chose this suffering for me right now.  No suffering I will ever endure will ever be close to what Jesus went through to go on the cross for me.  And I am so thankful that He did that for me so I can be with Him one day.

As I begin to get ready for school each day and I spend time in the Word and in prayer, I’m always a bit sad.  Sad, because the amount of time I would like to spend, and the focus is less than what it was this summer.  Obviously!  I had more time and minutes to do what I wanted and where the Lord led me.  Right now I’m really praying that I will spend time asking the Lord to help me see more time to spend together so that I will not lose my focus or drive on the Lord.  He desires for me to spend time with Him and growing to TRUST and LOVE him more and more.  I cannot let my circumstances dictate how I feel or how I live.  But, I know I need the Lord to guide me and show me, so that I will never depend on myself going forward.

Please continue to pray these things for me.  I truly want to be a follower of Christ that does and lives how he has said.  I do not want anything around me to hinder the message of the gospel.  There are people who  need Jesus and I want them to see Him through me.  If what I do is honoring to the Lord, then let it encourage others – let the Lord be known!

Pray that my MRI I am having tomorrow (Thursday) shows the cancer clearing up and almost gone and that the chemo pill I’m taking will be ok on my stomach and my energy.  I am finally feeling more energetic and of course there’s a million things I want to be doing and not having the energy is hard for me.

Pray for continual opportunities to share Jesus with others.  He has been so good to allow me to testify and love others.  He has been so good to me.

Blessings! #hopewarrior