The Journey Begins The Lord is my light and my salvation – there is no need to fear.


“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him” Psalm 28:7


I’ve written a few things here and some how the words have disappeared.  So I’m going to keep this short so I know whether this is working.  I’ve decided to start a blog to just keep me focused on what I need to focus on during this time and to share with others my heart.  If no one else reads this, it’s ok.  Lord, use my experience to make me more like you and to encourage others to seek you and serve you every day we are blessed to live here.  I’ve been given the cancer diagnosis and I am going to be in a battle for as long as the Lord desires.  I trust in a Savior that changes people and he has done things to make me weep.  He knows I need him more than ever and I am going to fall deeper and deeper in love with him in each moment and during this battle.

I plan to use this to encourage others and to share my heart.  Hopefully I figured out how to publish this, so if this works I’ll write more tomorrow.

23 thoughts on “The Journey Begins The Lord is my light and my salvation – there is no need to fear.”

  1. Love your heart dear sister and the encouragement you bring. I know your words will help many including me!

  2. Nicole
    God is an awesome healer and a great journey companion! During my weakest days, He has provided me shelter, strength and a calmness that surpasses anything I have experienced before. Putting my faith and trust that He will always remain beside me wherever my journey leads, gives me such peace. Your faith and strength have always been such an example for me, and I thank you for sharing so much of your heart. Sharing your journey will inspire many.

    As far as the disappearing blog….many sites I visited also did this. Besides causing a lot of frustration, it also resulted in shorter and shorter responses with fewer thoughts! When my response went from a paragraph to a few words with a promise of more, my solution was to type offline and copy it to the blog site.

    May God’s comfort, strength and peace surround you and your family on each step of yet another walk of faith.

    Carol Mathews

  3. I love you, Nicole. Thanks be to God for the blood of Jesus that has bought your peace with the all-knowing, all-powerful, loving and wise Creator who knit you together and holds you together. Father God, bring expectation of your good work to be done. Thank you that you are always good and always trustworthy and always working in ways that are beyond our full and immediate comprehension. Thank you that nothing is wasted in the lives of your children, but that it is all redeemed for your purposes: the good of your people and the glory of your Son. We put our trust in You, the only one worthy.

    Walking with you in prayer, Nicole.

  4. Beautiful Nicole! You have so many who love you and are more than ready to walk through this with you❤️

  5. Praying for you Nicole. May you continue to draw near to God and cling to Him. May He fill you with His peace.

  6. Your strength and trust in God has already been an encouragement to me. I will continue to pray for you every time I think of you, which is very often daily. Stay strong sweet lady. You have so many loving and supporting you!!!

    Cassandra Chagnon

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