Last Week of Summer

“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” 

Psalm 34:1


Last week of Summer!!!!  This has been a crazy week.  I finished treatment late last week… slowed down for the weekend…not really.  We decided to get some more stuff organized and put together before school started. It’s been crazy around here.  But it’s been a blessed week.

As a teacher, we have these professional development days that we go to before school starts.  We started ours on Monday with our open house.  I was very thankful to have Tami and Madison Draper and Garrett up there helping put my room together.  They did a great job putting up new things on the walls. I have a lot more parents and students come up and some old students came up to say hi.

So on Tuesday we got together with the whole district and got to work together and listen together…and sweat together 🙂  But it was so great to see so many people come up and introduce themselves to me and tell me they were reading this and praying.  What a sweet blessings.  I got to eat lunch with the ladies on my floor and share our time together.

Wednesday was early and we went to my church to hear from our Super Intendant Karen Walters and then they brought in Kevin Brown who was a great speaker and has a

great heart.38732207_2063530783679288_3941755305905356800_n



We enjoyed our time…except maybe getting out of the parking lot. Craziness!




Thursday was our last day and we were able to meet together play a fun game and get together with our little group to share struggles and goals we have for the year.  I love the ladies and Gent I work by.  We all teach different things but, they have always been super encouraging and helpful since I’m the Newby!


When I wasn’t at school I was blessed by so many things this week.

We were blessed by so many visitors and great things this week.

I loved that I got to run my first soccer practice, yeah!!!! Cannot believe it’s time!  I love the girls I get to train and just love their personalities and hearts.  unnamed-4They have been so wonderful and just love me so well.  When I got off the exit, it was so crazy to think for the rest of the summer I turned right at this light for treatment and as I sat here waiting for the light to turn green, I was turning the opposite way again and heading to soccer practice.  It was such a great feeling knowing that now I wouldn’t turn right every day, I would get to turn left and train my girls.  Love them!

I also got to spend the week seeing so many faces!  What a blessing it is to have people stop by the house and bring us food and spend time with us.  As usual the people that signed up are wonderful and have been so great to stop and spend time just sharing life with us.  We are so thankful for them!

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Scott and Ann have been keeping up with my juicing which has been so great.  I think it has given me energy and kept me going pretty well.  I am thankful for all of the carrots and other veggies we get to drink!


It’s been fun watching the kids together this summer hanging out.  I am thankful for all of the games they play and laughing they do.  Sometimes they have to remember how to do it!  Also thankful for some home remodeling we’ve been able to start.  We were planning to get things updated when summer started and then we got a pause…. so now our sweet neighbor Phillip Rye is helping us get some projects done around here.

I’m going to have a new deck for Bible study.  This one has worn down and needed to be replaced.  So I’m excited for future quiet times with the Lord!


I also got a ton of pics from people who were wearing their HOPE WARRIOR shirts.  What a blessing!  I have a great extended family who loves to support and cheer each other on whatever we are dealing with!  I am very thankful that they took these photos.


My uncle Dick and Aunt Helene with my cousin Mike and Angie and their kids. 


My parents and my brothers Andrew and Mike and their wives Meg and Steph and all their kids
My Aunt Becky and Uncle Ron with their oldest son Tyler and wife Mackenzie with their kids!

Thank you everyone for spreading the Word of Hope around us with the shirts.  It does make me smile when I see people wearing them.  The Lord continues to amaze me!

Some ways to pray for me this first week of school:

  • Of course lots of energy!  Great sleep this week
  • For us to get out of the house on time in the mornings!
  • For the week to run smoothly at school for me as I start my second year.  For me to be able to be focused on what I am doing
  • For us to hear from the doctors about scheduling my scans
  • Continued prayers for taste and sensation in my throat to go away

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